Star Wars Fanon

The Merraxen were an ancient race of peoples whom originally inhabited Korriban, however, later immigrated to Graef due to in fighting. This race thrived in the days prior to the Old Republic and continued to remain strong until the Great Galactic Civil War. The Merraxen had a natural connection with the Force and worshipped the dark side, which they dubbed Underlord. It was largely due to their Force-sensitivity that they became some of the greatest warriors of their time. In many ways, the Merraxen were ahead of their time, creating primitive lightsabers and building giant, Force driven spacecrafts. However, in the end it was this power that would destroy them from within. After a bloody civil war, the followers of the triumphant warlord traveled to Graef. There they set up a new empire. After which they joined the Royal Thrungeskian Commonwealth. Though they were able to establish themselves within the Commonwealth government, the Merraxen rapidly declined. By the time of the Clone Wars many had never heard of a mysterious race called Merraxen. During the Separatist Crisis as Merraxen-Human hybrid, named Aanor, attempted to revive his race by creating the Merraxen Redeemers. However, these new Merraxen were destroyed by the Empire.

Biology and appearance[]


A Merraxen in its true form, prior to the Dark Riegn.

The modern Merraxen were characterized by their dark, seemingly empty faces which was a side effect of their deep connection to the dark side of Force. Likewise the rest of their body seemed void and unnatural. It is unknown if they were truely phantom-like beings or if they simply took on that appearance. Before X'rime discovered the dark side, however, Merraxen were much more Human-like. Though translusant, they still pocessed many humanoid characteristics. These features included mouths, eyes and other normal attributes. It was only after the discovery of the Force that their features began to change. Though at first the changes were quite small the mutations became much more significant after X'rime ordered the genocide of all non-Force-sensitives.


Early Days[]

Little is known about the merraxen in their early days, or even how they came to inhabit Korriban. It is known that they came from another galaxy, many thousands of years before the rise of the Republic. When they first arrived on the planet they built large underground cities below the world's surface. These city-states were ruled by tryantal warlords. One warlord, named X'rime, became very powerful about four thousand years before the formation of the Republic. He conquered most of his rivals and began stomping out lesser tribes. However, he would make a far greater contrabution to his people's history. Two hundred years after his bloody rise to power X'rime discovered a complex energy field which gave him seemly super natureal powers. He dubbed this energy the Underlord and demanded that all of his people worship it. X'rime began noticing that certain of his underlings possessed the ability to use the powers of the Underlord, while as others seemed unable to do so. The warlord declare these people to be unholy and bemanded their execution. By the time the Infinite Empire rose to power only Force-sensitive Merraxen were left. The result was entire species of dark Jedi. Even after X'rime's death the arts of the dark side were taught.

Dark Reign[]

The Dark Reign began a long tradition of dark side users amongst the merraxen. Many powerful merraxem were born, and enlisted in the army before they could even walk. This resulted in a powerful fighting force.

Merraxen-Sith War[]

Start of the War[]

As the merraxens' power began to build they felt the urge to expand their border. The current merraxen Master, Hydroth, ordered his army to attack the neighboring Sith and take their land.


Setra, a human slave-warrior during the Merraxen-Sith War.

This became harder after the Sith'ari united the Sith nations, in a similar manner as the merraxen united. Now the two most powerful alliances on Korriban were eager to eliminate the other. Thinking it would be an easy victory, Master Hydroth sent an army of slave-warriors to a nearby Sith village with orders to destroy the town and kill everyone.

Revenge of the Sith[]

To utter shock and horror of Hydroth, the Sith won the battle and defeated the merraxen army. Not only that, but the Sith were had crossed the border and were attacking the outlying merraxen villages.


Nihusar in full elite battle armor.

Outraged by his defeat, Hydroth ordered his most elite warrriors to stop of the Sith army. Therefore the elite, under the command of Warlord Nihusar, marched to meet the Sith forces. This time the merraxen elite did their job well. The merraxen ambushed them by the side of a mountain and ruthlessly attacked them. The Sith fled as the dark warriors eliminated the wounded.

Civil War[]

Nihusar was convenced that the Sith were defeated. Therefore, rather then following up on his victory, he planned a surprising move, and launched a coup on Master Hydroth. Soon other warlords joined Nihusar, while others stayed loyal to Hydroth. The Sith took advantage of the civil war and invaded the merraxen's land. The merraxen were to weak and devided to stop them. Hydroth agreed to surrender to the Sith if they agreed to kill Nihusar and let him live. The Sith'ari agreed and the Sith and loyalists began a campain against the rebels, resulting in Nihusar's defeat and execution.

Days in Slavery[]


A Sith taskmaster.

After the Merraxen-Sith War the merraxen were enslaved and at the mercy of the Sith. However, the merraxen were not broken easy. They refused to do manuel labor and they remained on their own land. The merraxen tried several times to liberate themselves. All the rebellions ended the same way: in the merraxen's defeat. In those days, Hydroth freed and married a human slave-warrior named Setra. This was act long forbidden by merraxen law. Due to this, a group of outraged merraxen assassins killed Hydroth as he slept. But even they could not stop the will of the Force. For Setra, as Hydroth's queen, became the new master of the merraxen people.

Liberation at last[]

Setra sensed that infighting was beginning to develop amongst the Sith lords. She cearfully planeted rumors that brought the civil war out in the open. Setra's plan worked well. The Sith had destroyed themselves. They therefore relocated to Ziost, leaving the merraxen to do as they pleased.

Coming of the Republic[]

As Setra brought a new era to the merraxen, strange new ships brough the Republic. Jedi, coming to recrute new members, arrived on Korriban. They ask if they could train some of their children in the ways of the Force. Setra saw his as a curse to the Underlord and ordered that the Jedi be arrested. The Jedi were disarmed and taken to a great put where ordered to turn to the Underlord and be killed. The Jedi refused to give in. Setra had the Jedi taken to cliff, bonded their hands and order the prophets to sacrafic them to the Underlord. Using the Force, the Jedi freed themselves and made their escape. They were able to make it to their ship, along with a baby merraxen, named Zuudome. Setra had her fighters follow the Jedi, but their search ended in failure.

Slave War[]

Setra was enraged by the Jedi's escape. She sent her fiendish trackers to hunt down the Knights. The trackers located them in the Republic and concluded that the Republic and the Jedi were allied. Setra rallied her army to attack the Republic. On their homeworld each and every soldior vowed to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Order. The war began when the merraxen made a quite invasion on Coruscant. The Republic was caught off guard by the surprise attack, and the skilled merraxen took the capital. Setra proclaimed the Republic a merraxen-owned territory and ordered the defeated Republic army on Alderaan to lay down their arms.


Blaster-armed merraxen as they battle over Coruscant.

The merraxen began shipping slaves back to their homeworld and executing the Republic leaders. Again they made the mistake of thinking they had already won. The Republic, though weakened, was far from destroyed. They rallied and prepared to retake Coruscant. Mean while, the merraxen were celebrating their victory and hardly ready for battle. When the attack came, the merraxen were defeated by the Republic and forced to flee back to Korriban. During the battle Setra had been killed by a Jedi master. Her second housband, Maz'dunna, took her place as master.

Raid on the Jedi Temple[]

The Slave War had nearlly crippled the merraxen. Their army was in splinteres and their people in ruin. In a final attempt to revieve the merraxen armed forces, Maz'dunna order a surprise attack on the Jedi Temple to capture younglings and train them as slave-warriors. Five merraxen warriors stuck into the Jedi Temple but the Jedi sensed their presence. The mission failed, with only five younglings taken into slavery.

Great Galactic Civil War[]


Grand Jedi Lord Zuudome as he was during the Great Galactic Civil War.

During the Great Galactic Civil War the merraxen sided with the Monarchy-Democratic Party. They attack outlining Republic outposts and sabatoged the Jedi. However, after Grey Jedi, Zuudome, killed the sister of Melli Elmu, she wanted to inact vengance of his entire race. She betrayed the merraxen and massacred them on Korriban. The survivors were scattered and defenseless.


Darth Nihilus[]

One of the best known merraxen was the Sith Lord, Darth Nihilus. He fought in the events following the Jedi Civil War. He nearly destroyed the Jedi Order, but was finally killed by the Jedi Exile.

Merraxen Redeemers[]


Aanor, leader of the Merraxen Redeemers

After the rise of the Empire, a Clone Wars veteran, and merraxen-human hybrid, named Aanor, set out to redeeme the merrexen. Taking with him a sample of merraxen blood, he captured the cloning factories on Kamino. With the blood sample, he cloned hundreds of merraxen. The Redeemers allied themselves with the Rebel Alliance, in an attempt to destroy Palpatine. This would be their undoing. The Redeemers were destroyed during the Battle of Hoth.

Force Union[]

During the conquests of Anakin Revus, then known as Darth Cruorsius, the Merraxen that had survived the Great Galactic Civil War had by now re-established themselves, and had built up a new civilization. When Anakin set out to recruit Force-sensitive races, the Merraxen joined him, becoming his most trusted allies. Many of their species' members became Sith in Cruorsius's new Force Academy. Anakin Revus himself was partly a Merraxen as he had been infused with Merraxen blood, increasing his already incredible power in the Force



A merraxen warrior.

Merraxen culture centered around the worship of the dark side and defeating its foes. Merraxen would ware masks to "trap in" in the dark side. Every merraxen was trained in the power of the dark side.



The merraxen had set up a cast system, as they believed that the Underlord predetermained their fates.


The master was the highest cast in merraxen culture. They were said to be desendents of the Underlord. If a master were to die then his, or her's, spouce would become the new master.


The prophets were powerful and religous merraxen who led in the worsphip of the Underlord. They were skilled in the powers of the dark side and aften went into battle.


Warlords ruled over an specific tribe or clan. Each warlord controled an army and had a temple on their land.


Perhaps the most respected cast, the warriors were brave and loyal. They would risk their lives at the commander's order and not think twice about it.

  • Main article: Elite

An elite during the Slave War.

Taken from infantcy, the elite could kill before they could walk. They wore full battle armor and were skilled in a verity of weapons.


Slave warriors were simply slaves trained in combat. They were extremely obident and cheap.


Behind the Scenes[]

  • The merraxen were created by Red Head Rider when he was still a novice fanonite.
  • The article was created to classify Darth Nihilus.
  • Red Head Rider is now going back to this article, in order to clean in up and expand upon it.
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