Star Wars Fanon


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There are some who never learn the noble art of pirating and there are some who are born with it in their blood. I am one of the latter and I will uphold my end of the bargain until I stab you in the back.
—Mera Dan

Mera Dan was a Weequay pirate who found himself in the service of the Disciples of Bane during the Bane Crisis. He served as their field commander, together with Darth Razor, until he defected and aided the Republic in the Battle of Eriadu where he was slain by the Sith Lord Darth Sisidou.


There was never a pirate who could determine right and wrong that stood against his principles and admitted his mistakes.
—Dooku at Mera's funeral

Mera's first known appearance was where he served as Gardulla the Hutt's lieutenant on Nal Hutta. However, during a sabacc game he was thrown to a krayt dragon and barely escaped alive.

He joined with Jabba during the trade war with Gardulla but was betrayed by the Hutt before he found himself in the service of Darth Galepius. He helped Galepius establish his base on Eriadu and the Xeros Asteroids during the early stages of the Bane Crisis.

However, things would change with the arrival of Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn. Mera intercepted them heading towards Xeros and imprisoned them in the asteroids where they were tortured by Galepius and his apprentices Sisidou and Verona.

Unable to stand the suffering, Mera left with his forces and prepared to leave for Wild Space. However, when an assassination on his life led by his second-in-command Palum failed, Mera turned his forces against Galepius and attacked his base in the Xeros asteroids.

After the battle, he united with Dooku and Qui-Gon against the Disciples of Bane and led a force to attack Galepius's base on Eriadu. Uniting with Eriaduian security, they led a combined army against Galepius's forces in the Battle of Eriadu.

Mera fought bravely and led the assault through the breach to attack the Disciples' army. In the fortress, he shot down Darth Merik who was attempting to kill Qui-Gon before he headed for the Sith's private hanger.

There he killed his rival Admiral Driez but was then stabbed from behind by Darth Sisidou. Mera died instantly but his sacrifice led to victory for the Republic forces and the destruction of the Disciples of Bane.
