Star Wars Fanon

Menor Kaboko Su was the father of Lama Su.


Prime Minister[]

Menor was the prime minister when Lama Su was young, he worked for Orun Wa and was the second head of the goverment. When Lama Su was old enough he worked on cloning with Nala Se until Menor gave up the role of prime minister and Lama Su became prime minister, Menor took Lama's place in cloning with Se. When Ko Sai started the War of Kamino, Menor and Sai went in hiding with Taun We.

Kuma Nai[]

Lama Su's disappearance hurt Menor so hard that he left Kamino. Until Jedi Master Kina Ha captured him and brought him back to Kamino. Kuma Nai, a Kaminoan separatist, had noticed Kina's ship. Kina noticed her but it was too late, Nai had Lom Pyke launch a bomb and the ship was destroyed. Kina and Menor were presumbed dead until Ezra Bridger found them and added them to the Rebel's group..

Meeting With The Alliance and Death[]

The plan was simple, Kina would ask Lama Su to join along with the clones of Kamino, and Menor would go with Ezra, Sabine Wren, and Kanan Jarrus. Kina had the reply no from Su and Kanan threatened to kill him, Menor then stabbed Kanan with a lightning staff and paralyzed him. Sabine and Ezra threw Menor to Kina Ha who had no choice but to kill him. Su then fled in shock of Menor's death.
