Star Wars Fanon

Strange creatures, I must say. They fly one ship across the whole galaxy and feel at home wherever they get. They supposedly experiment on others. We've got to be careful. They'll get anywhere… they know the hyperspace routes better than purrgils.
Hoe Telage on Melechists, 22 BBY

Melechists were an ancient species of space-farers characterized by a high percentage of Force-sensitiveness, which they utilized as a channel of communication via telepathy.

Melechists were shorter than an average human. Their gray bodies featured a sizable head with large black eyes but without a protruding nose or prominent earlobes. They lived in isolation and led a nomadic lifestyle on board of a [[starwars:Okręt flagowy Melechistów|]]. Since they did not enjoy long life expectancy and did not produce offspring until late old age, they relied on a selected representative of the long-lived species of Insectoidans to serve as a repository of knowledge and hold sway over the whole crew.

The existence of Melechists was shrouded in mystery. They were notorious for abducting other species in order to experiment on them. At the same time, they criticized the Jedi Order for having captured some of their Force-sensitive fellows. Driven by hatred towards the Order, Melechists allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. By the orders of Count Dooku himself, they abducted the woodcutter Drzewiecki to task him with organizing a woodcutting expedition to Kashmarr'k aimed at gathering resources for the CIS.


The Force hath many names. Some call it a tool of power. Others… a tool of speech.
—The Mother on the use of the Force by Melechists

Representatives of the humanoid species of Melechists measured no more than 150 centimeters. They were slender and had gray skin, long arms, and relatively short legs. They were distinguished by characteristic black eyes, which took up a large area of ​​the face. Their rounded heads were narrow at the bottom and wide at the top. They had no noses or auricles but simple holes instead.

Melechists lived an average of 20 years. They were hermaphrodites, meaning there was no division into sexes, so individuals could reproduce on their own. Representatives of this species reached maturity relatively late in life. Their offspring, however, did not need care and could develop without parental care.

Melechists had a high degree of Force-sensitivity . They used it as a tool for telepathic communication, and thus did not use their mouths to speak. They hated Jedi, whom they accused of kidnapping children to place within their order's structures.
