Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Well, the governor told me, in the event of such a situation, to commence the self destruct of the space station. There is too much evidence here, and information contained in the files of the computers. It must be destroyed. Commence the detonation sequence, and get the hell out of here!
—Colonel Krayk's last words[src]

Melak Krayk was a male Human colonel of the Galactic Empire, who was under command of Governor Asclepaides of the Dominus system during the early Galactic Civil War. He was in overall command of the governor's private space station, and had doubled the security on it, taking no chances. The governor decided to plot to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and the colonel loyally followed him to the defection. However, an Emperor's Royal Guard named Selwyn Marhanen was sent by Emperor Palpatine to prevent it from occurring. Despite the colonel's best efforts, the guardsman infiltrated the station and killed the governor and the Rebel diplomats visiting him, by tricking him to board an explosives-rigged shuttle. Krayk ordered the bridge crew to destroy the station, which was the governor's order in such an event. However, shortly before the station exploded, Krayk shot himself with a blaster.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Colonel Krayk was known as a cautious individual, who did not take unnecessary risks, and tried to make every situation as secure and safe as possible. He also possessed strong loyalty to the governor, willing to betray the Empire and join the Alliance for him.[1]


