Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order era

The craft of a lightsaber is a meditative exercise, not a profession. This war is destroying Jedi principles.
Mefikran Rokinat, upon obtaining materials for lightsabers

Mefikran Rokinat was born on Kashyyyk, in the year 64 BBY. He was a Trandoshan Jedi Master; his master was Mace Windu, his Padawan, Luminara Unduli. He was crushed under General Grievous's wheel bike during the First Separatist Battle of Kalee, and decided to look exactly like him. Mefikran died because of a malfunction in his then ancient machinery in 14 ABY.


Early life (64 BBY48 BBY)[]

Youngling(64 BBY58 BBY)[]

Before he was one year old, Mefikran Rokinat was identified to be Force-sensitive, and was taken to the Jedi Temple for training. His Midi-chlorian count was 1,465 ppm (parts per million).

He originally used a yellow lightsaber, but quite early on, changed to blue. His training as a youngling was alike to any other; he trained in a group class under Yaddle. He was eventually taken as Mace Windu's fifth apprentice.

Padawan (58 BBY48 BBY)[]

Mefikran's Padawanship came upon a peaceful time. He had no missions, but instead worked very much in holograms, sparring duels, and simulations.

Jedi Knight (47 BBY32 BBY)[]

Mefikran's work as a Jedi Knight was trivial, only engaged in minor escort missions. In his most important mission, he met and quickly defeated a bounty hunter. Mefikran took on his Padawan, Luminara Unduli, in 36 BBY.


Mefikran as a Jedi Knight.

Jedi Master (before Galactic Civil War) (32 BBY24 BBY)[]

Mefikran became a Jedi Master once his Padawan had been recognized by the Jedi Council. He was almost sent to the Invasion of Naboo, but he himself protested, and Qui-Gon Jinn, with his apprentice, were sent instead. He killed three bounty hunters while training his apprentice, who killed one herself. In 25 BBY, Mefikran thought he sensed a dark presence while on Naboo.

Jedi Master (during Galactic Civil War) (24 BBY19 BBY)[]

Mefikran participated in several pivotal battles during the Republic's dying hours:

Battle of Koru Neimoidia[]

Mefikran participated in the battle of Koru Neimoidia by leading the fighter assault, in his unmarked V-wing. He was victorious.

First Separatist Battle of Kalee[]

Mefikran led the clone invasion of Kalee, but was crushed under the wheel bike of General Grievous in a pivotal battle, and, the clone army having lost his leadership, fell back in disarray. Luminara Unduli helped organize the evacuation, but could not retake the planet.

Second Separatist Battle of Kalee[]

After the defeat on Kalee, the rebuilt Mefikran reported to the Jedi Council, which tasked him with seizing the planet. He attacked again, encountering a C-B3 cortosis droid, and also General Grievous. His battle with Grievous ended in a stalemate, but the Kaleesh warlord inserted his MagnaGuards and made his escape. Mefikran then proceeded to seize the planet.

Jedi Purge (19 BBY)[]

Mefikran's Star Destroyer had its transmissions knocked out while making an asteroid run; Order 66 never reached his clones. After the purge was over, Mefikran went into hiding, while putting his clones in suspended animation; he chose the world of Huk.

Hiding (19 BBY0 ABY)[]

Mefikran hid on Huk for 19 years. During that time, he found and trained a Yam'rii native.

Rebellion (0 ABY14 ABY)[]

Mefikran watched the Rebellion destroy the Empire, but never revealed himself. In 12 ABY, Mefikran revealed himself and his apprentice and joined the New Jedi Order.

Death (14 ABY)[]

Mefikran died in a starfighter cockpit, when his internal systems malfunctioned. His dying action was to use the Force to direct his starfighter into a kamikaze run at the shield generator of the Star Destroyer from the Imperial Remnant that they were fighting.

Powers and abilities[]

Mefikran, as a cyborg, could split his arms in four, hang on to metal surfaces against gravity and use any of his joints in any direction (bend arms backwards, turn head completely around, etc.).

Style of lightsaber combat[]

Mefikran started out using the Soresu style (Form III). He also dabbled in Makashi (Form II). However, when he became a cyborg, he used a mix of Makashi and Ataru (Form IV), using the force to overcome his restriction of fluid movement due to his cyborg body.
