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I will remake you, so that when I look upon you it shall be as if looking at a mirror. Then I will kill you.

Mecupa was half Wookiee and half Bothan, giving him a frightening appearance. Reports say that early in his life he murdered a large percent of his own tribe on Kashyyyk. He killed Drazil Drewton, and after joining he Nockudumey Terrorists he led a conspiracy against Bodotor Thuvat which led to overthrowing him. Not long after, Mecupa himself was elected to be leader of the organization.


Early life[]

I killed your father.
—Mecupa to Tarisian Drewton.[src]

Born in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk,[1] Mecupa was half Wookiee and half Bothan, giving him a frightening appearance.[2] When Mecupa was still young, his father was entitled a mad claw and he and his family were exiled to the smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa.[1]

There, Mecupa's father became psychotic. He began drinking and gambling, leading to him abusing his son during his drunken rages. One such event was when he burned Mecupa's face, adding to his disturbing features and personality. Not long after, Mecupa killed his father in his own rage and escaped from Nar Shaddaa.[1]


Mecupa assassinating Drazil Drewton.

According to himself, Mecupa was the assassin who boarded the Legacy years later and killed Senator Drazil Drewton, along with the rest of the crew, in 32 BBY.[2] He left no survivors, except for Drewton's two sons, Tarisian and Raymus, who managed to escape via escape pod.[3]

Being the only one alive on the Legacy, Mecupa likely took control of the starship.[3]

Sometime around 22 BBY, Mecupa joined the Nockudumey Terrorists led by the Rodian Bodotor Thuvat and replaced Konot'tak Malus, who had died on Mithus.[4] He was present at a meeting at their base on Nar Shaddaa shortly after the start of the Clone Wars.[4]

Overthrowing Bodotor Thuvat[]

I certainly didn’t expect myself to be in this position a year ago, and I thank you all for electing me. I seek to bring about a change in the Nockudumey…a change for a purpose.

Early in the Clone Wars, Tarisian and Raymus Drewton, sons of Drazil Drewton who Mecupa had assassinated, were captured by the Nockudumey. Against Bodotor Thuvat's orders, he tortured Raymus. While Raymus believed the pain was pointless, Mecupa told him that he was helping to defeat Thuvat.[2]

Nockudumeyskirmish mecupa

Mecupa during the Nockudumey Skirmish.

Soon after, Mecupa was confronted by Bodotor, Dem Nozah, and Daklif Ordo. Bodotor was cleary not happy, and Daklif asked him he thought torture was a bit extreme. Mecupa replied saying that terrorists should be much more savage than he thought. While preparing to leave the room, his action was interrupted by Daklif, who pointed a blaster to Nozah's neck, saying he would be the first Nockudumey that he would kill. Mecupa merely punched the Mandalorian in the head, knocking him unconscious. Though clearly not meaning it, Bodotor told Mecupa that he would be rewarded for saving Nozah's life.[2]

Leaving Raymus, Mecupa next 'visited' his brother, Tarisian, and told him that he had killed his father.[2] Tarisian reacted in anger, and stabbed Mecupa near his left shoulder. Enraged, Mecupa threw him into a torture device and activated it. However, Tarisian quickly escaped, slammed Mecupa's head onto the electricity emitter, and nearly stabbed him in the head.[5]

The fight was interrupted by the entrace of Daklif Ordo, who told Mecupa that Thuvat would soon be making a speech.[5]

Mecupa, along with many of the Nockudumey terrorists, attended Bodotor Thuvat's speech as expected. Bodotor had long been suspicious of Mecupa, but he underestimated him. Unknown to him, Mecupa had recorded his conversation with Tarisian Drewton that revealed his true intentions, and told a CZ droid to reveal it to all the terrorists present.[5]

Mecupa elected

Mecupa upon being elected leader of the Nockudumey.

Acting on reflex, Thuvat blasted the droid while the conversation was playing. That itself was held against him; a battle started between terrorists for Bodotor and those who were against Bodotor. Daklif Ordo, along with the two Drewtons who he had freed, eventually joined the skirmish. While Mecupa approached Dem Nozah, he was stopped by Ordo, who blasted him in the shoulder, where he had previously been stabbed. Before Nozah and Ordo could do any more damage to him, blinded by pain, he lost control of his rage and threw both of them through the air.[5]

As Mecupa prepared to kill them, Bodotor Thuvat attempted to behead him with a vibroblade. Mecupa himself grabbed a similar weapon from a fallen enemy and parried Bodotor's blow, starting a duel. It was soon interrupted by the arrival of Republic gunships, bringing Jedi Knight Dular and several clone troopers with them.[5]

Though he was not yet officially their leader, Mecupa ordered all of the terrorists, excluding Thuvat, to retreat[5] to their base on Nar Shaddaa.[6] There, Mecupa was elected leader of the Nockudumey Terrorists.[6]

Personality and traits[]

He’s new here. And disturbingly proficient.
—Bodotor Thuvat[src]

The most notable of Mecupa's traits were aggression and apathy. He relied on his aggression and brute force in battles, not tactics,[5] and showed no signs of regret while torturing Raymus Drewton. Instead, he watched with apathy.[2] After being wounded, Mecupa unleashed his rage in a battle upon Dem Nozah and Daklif Ordo, throwing them both through the air before choking Ordo.[5]

Behind the scenes[]


Concept art of Chewbacca, which the figure used for Mecupa is based on.

Mecupa is partially inspired by Hanharr. In Star Wars: The Drewton Legacy, he is portrayed by a Hasbro figure based on Ralph McQuarrie concept art for Chewbacca.

Though Mecupa was not revealed to have killed Drazil Drewton until Chapter 18, it was filmed during production of the redo for Chapter 1, in which Drazil died (death not shown).

In The Drewton Legacy trailer, Mecupa spoke lines originally spoken by the Joker in The Dark Knight.


Notes and references[]
