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Star Wars Fanon


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Rise of the Empire era

Mawyrrlac was a female Wookiee born on Kashyyyk in 186 BBY. Her father, Grobbow, was imprisoned when she was very young for participating in the Zon Kit Rebellion. She was married but her husband was killed by an assassin in 37 BBY. Eventually, she owed a life debt to Klippy Resh and became his smuggling partner until her death at the hands of Tull Strayfiend.


Chasing an assassin[]

In late 37 BBY a female Klytonian assassin arrived on Kashyyyk and killed several Wookiees, including Mawyrrlac's husband, her cousin, and her older brother. The assassin then fled to Hutt Space, where it received the protection of Oruba the Hutt. Leaving her children with her mother, Mawyrrlac and three other Wookiees decided to capture the assassin and bring her to justice. They pooled their resources and purchased an old YG-5000 light freighter and called it the Wookiee Judicial. They traveled to Alee, where the Klytonian was last seen. There, they encountered several Trandoshan and Orfite slavers, and an Orlak synker handler who was working with them. After a battle against the slavers, during which one of the Wookiees was wounded, they escaped to the Wookiee Judicial.

Setting off after the assassin again, they managed to find it and chase it into a scrap yard owned by an Abyssin named Buh-roko who was a veteran of the Oruba-Ubukko War on Ulrooine. The Abyssin, like most of the people in the village had been offered a reward if he would help the slavers catch the Wookiees. He stunned two of the Wookiees but Mawyrrlac reached him before he could shoot her and the remaining Wookiee and she killed him by tearing his arms off. The assassin escaped during the confusion.

Captured by slavers[]

A Kerestian working for the slavers approached the four Wookiees in early 36 BBY, telling them that he would lead them to the assassin they were chasing. He took them to the Yellow-Boy Cantina, which was owned by an Ugnauhgt named Genthier Beenth who, like Buh-roko, was veteran of the ear between Oruba and Ubukko. Out of earshot, he warned the Wookiees that the Kerestian was working for the slavers but the Kerestian was good on his promise because the Klytonian assassin was also present. As the assassin fled the cantina, Mawyrrlac chased after her. The Kerestian meanwhile turned on the remaining Wookiees and wounded all three of them with his darkstick but Genthier Beenth shot and killed the traitor.

Mawyrrlac caught up with the assassin and killed her, unaware of what had just transpired in the cantina. She returned to the Yellow-Boy and found Beenth singlehandedly holding off the slavers while her comrades lay wounded on the floor. The enraged Wookiee joined the fight but the slavers were too powerful and she and Beenth were overwhelmed. All four of the Wookiees and the Ugnauhgt were taken captive.

The year 36 BBY began while Mawyrrlac and the others were in captivity. For three months, they sat in the hold of a large Durotech XVX transport with hundreds of other slaves. The ship occasionally traveled, jumping to hyperspace and at nearly every stop new prisoners were added. The four Wookiees and Genthier Beenth managed to stay together. At Bhaal, an insignificant planet that had once tried to rival the nearby Lorrd, several captives were unloaded because an added shipment of Oxoorian slaves picked up on Ord Radama had overfilled the hold. Mawyrrlac, her three other Wookiee companions, and Beenth were among those to be left on Bhaal while the slave ship continued on to Lorrd. They were put in a cage with a human, a Jawa, two Twi'leks, and five Oxoorians. The Jawa was sold after a few hours to an Anzati.


A Wroonian with two Wookiees who were apparently slaves appeared and began to discuss business with the Trandoshan slavers. Mawyrrlac recognized one Wookiee as her father, Grobbow, and the other as Trykkow, her father’s exiled cousin. Because her father was supposed to be in prison and Trykkow was a bounty hunter who was known for accepting contracts to capture slavers, she knew that they were about to be rescued. Sure enough, the Wroonian suddenly blasted the Trandoshan he was conversing with. The two Wookiees overpowered and killed the other three taking their weapons. The Orlak synker handler happened to be with the four Trandoshans and he released his animals to attack the trio but the two Wookiees each grabbed one of the synkers and hurled them at their handler. The creatures tore apart their handler and then ran off into the city.

As the three rescuers opened the cage, King Ekhab Spaceport Authority arrived armed and with several slavers all of them shooting to kill. The freed slaves and their rescuers fled into the city toward the Hyperius, the ship Grobbow, Trykkow, and the Wroonian had arrived aboard. Grobbow was mortally wounded but he managed to reach the ship, along with Mawyrrlac, Trykkow, two of the other Wookiees, Genthier Beenth, the Wroonian, and two of the Oxoorians.

While the ship lifted off and escaped the B9367 system, Grobbow explained to Mawyrrlac that the Wroonian, Klippy Resh, had gone with Grobbow to rescue her, despite owing no allegiance to anyone. Therefore, she owed him a lifedebt and, because Trykkow had also accompanied him on her rescue, she must vouch for him that he was ready to come out of exile and return home. Grobbow then died in Mawyrrlac’s arms, a pleasant expression on his face from knowing his daughter was safe.

When they reached Kashyyyk, Mawyrrlac and the other newly freed Wookiees vouched on behalf of Trykkow, saying that the old exile had proven to be honorable and the bounty hunter was accepted back into his village. The two Oxoorians traveled to Nar Shaddaa to find employment and Genthier Beenth decided to journey to Bespin to begin a new life. While Klippy Resh took Beenth to Bespin, Mawyrrlac remained on Kashyyyk to catch up with her family. However, after two months Resh failed to return and she realized he was trying to avoid the lifedebt she owed him. Refusing to fail to accomplish her father’s dying wish, she and Trykkow left Kashyyyk in Trykkow's Pursuer-class enforcement ship, the Hurukrrryk, to find Resh.

Honoring her father[]

They traveled to Cloud City on Bespin and located Genthier Beenth who told them that Resh had taken a load of Tibanna gas to a nearby world and had not been seen on Bespin since. They followed his trail out of the Javin sector and all the way to Wroona, but they lost his trail there for several days. Then they traveled to Yag'Duhl because Trykkow suspected that Dur-Larn Sothic, an old Givin slicer who had escaped prison with Resh and Grobbow, might know where to locate the absentee Wroonian.

They failed to find the slicer but they did learn that a Wroonian pilot who fit Klippy Resh's description had also been searching for the Givin. A Guineo bounty hunter named Loy Z'Anoul overheard the two Wookiees asking about Gruzon Norm, the false identity of Dur-Larn Sothic. Z'Anoul had been hunting Klippy Resh, Grobbow, and Sothic since their escape from Desolation Alley and he assumed Trykkow was Grobbow. Once the two Wookiees learned that Resh had continued Coreward on the Rimma Trade Route, they returned to their ship. In the hanger, they were ambushed by Loy Z'Anoul and two human thugs but they killed the three attackers. The ensuing investigation delayed them another day but then the authorities concluded that the bounty hunter’s attack was a case of mistaken identity and the Wookiees were released.

Over the next few weeks, the trail left by Klippy Resh took them toward Coruscant. When they reached Weerden, they learned that they had missed him by only hours and that his next destination was Coruscant itself. They made their way to Resh's next stop and began to search for him. Locating the Hyperius, they decided to wait around and keep an eye on the freighter until Resh arrived. After a day, Resh arrived at his ship and Mawyrrlac demanded that he allow her to honor her lifedebt to him. Since Resh was in need of a new copilot, he agreed.

When 34 BBY began, Klippy had lost the motivation for respectable work and was smuggling again, Mawyrrlac acting as his copilot. They traveled with illegal cargo to multiple planets, mostly in the Outer Rim, such as Sarafur, Reus VIII, Zydomaar, Cessopyre, Ulrooine, and Tatooine. On one particular visit to Tatooine Klippy bet thousands of truguts on the Boonta Eve Classic podrace.

Battle for Naboo[]

In 32 BBY, Klippy and Mawyrrlac were hired to smuggle illegal cargo onto the planet Naboo. They managed to sneak past the blockade but were attacked by several Vulture droids and forced to crash-land in the swamp, several hundred kilometers from where they were supposed to deliver their cargo. While moving through the swamp toward their destination, they were ambushed by B1 battle droids and captured. Klippy and Mawyrrlac were sent to a different internment camps and the Wookiee immediately began planning her escape so that she could rescue Klippy. She befriended Onnok, a Ryn who had been arrested before the invasion for stealing and had been released by the Trade Federation only to displease Daultay Dofine and be sent to an internment camp very far away from Theed.

Mawyrrlac and Onnok plotted escape together, determining that there were only fourteen battle droids, four Neimoidians, and two droideka guarding the prison. However, beyond the walls there were many battle droids and AATs patrolling the swamp. They made their move at night, causing a disturbance that made six of the battle droids and one of the droideka come out warning the two to be quiet. Strategically putting themselves between the droideka and the battle droids, they acted like they were attacking and the confused droideka began shooting, mowing down the six battle droids while Onnok and Mawyrrlac took cover. The Ryn managed to obtain blasters from the destroyed droids for himself, the Wookiee, and a young human woman named Orám Janere and the three shot all of the remaining battle droids. But the two droideka pinned them inside an outbuilding. Onnok escaped to one of the compound's four turrets and killed the Neimoidian inside. Then he blasted the two droideka and the other occupied turret, as well as a large hole in the wall. Awakened by the fighting, the other two Neimoidians were now running for the two unoccupied turrets but they were gunned down by Janere before they could reach their destination.

The prisoners fled into the swamp but the droid reinforcements had already arrived and they began rounding up the escapees. Orám Janere was born and raised in the swamps, though, and she led Onnok and Mawyrrlac down a secret path and they escaped. After walking for several hours, they reached Janere’s village and discovered that the droid army had already been through and many of the residents had been taken captive. Orám's husband was among those taken but her sister in-law had managed to rescue her two-year old son, Kole. Mawyrrlac told her that she also needed to rescue someone, Klippy Resh, from the Trade Federation and she suggested that the two work together until they reached their goals. Onnok offered to help, proposing that they find the resistance movement he had heard rumors about.

With the Ryn's excellent finding skill, they were able to locate the Naboo resistance force and offer their support. Mawyrrlac found herself training the resistance in combat and how to shoot more accurately while Onnok was ordered to sneak into Theed and spy on Nute Gunray and the other Trade Federation leaders. Orám acted as a scout, observing and reporting the movements of the droid army, and Mawyrrlac went on reconnaissance with her. At one point, she heard rumors that another Wookiee, Rorworr, was fighting in the resistance and she hoped for a chance to meet him. Eventually, they located the internment camp where Orám's husband and fellow villagers were being held. They attacked the camp and freed the villagers, only to learn that Orám's husband had been killed while attempting to escape.

Later, Mawyrrlac learned that Klippy had been set free during the Liberation of slave camps along the Andrevea River and was now flying an N1 starfighter against the droid army. He managed to obtain the skills and shop of a mechanic working for Borvo the Hutt and had the Hyperius recovered and repaired. Then he found Mawyrrlac and told her they would escape Naboo but the Wookiee, with the help of Orám Janere, persuaded him to stay and assist the Naboo against the Trade Federation. With Orám Janere and Onnok as their gunners, Mawyrrlac and Klippy were once again flying the Hyperius, causing significant damage to the Trade Federation. When the Second Battle of Theed began, however, the Hyperius was too damaged from a previous mission to be of any use so Mawyrrlac, Klippy, Onnok, and Orám fought on the ground.

Working with Onnok[]

With the Naboo victory, Klippy decided to retire and help Orám and her village rebuild since he and the human woman were mutually attracted to one another. Mawyrrlac traveled home and visited her own family and Onnok tagged along. Once she had been home for about a month, he asked her to fly to Adim with him to establish a droid sales company. She agreed but when they arrived they were denied access to the planet by Drusk Gennon, a Folper bureaucrat who trusted neither Wookiees nor Ryn. They attempted to set up shop on Contruum but were unable to acquire the necessary permits. On the mining world of Jernimuld they were rejected by the local NTYM Business Establishment. Running low on credits, they decided they accepted a job to smuggle a cargo onto Ord Lithone. They began smuggling for Retsomm Bninthy, a Fiskerite criminal with a base on Rorgam.

In the Kal'Shebbol system they were attacked by local security forces. They were forced to fight to escape and destroyed two fighters, earning a bounty in that system. On Torize in 31 BBY they were attacked by a Lellish bounty hunter named Breygo Minllosh. They escaped but lost their cargo in the process, resulting in the criminal Nando Flink placing a second bounty on their heads. A wealthy Tocoyan named Neb Dulo contacted them about being transported off of Tocoya to Tatooine in 24 ABY. His only stipulation was that they avoid any Republic interference.

The search for Jeromb Strayfiend[]

They traveled to Budpock in 23 BBY where they encountered a woman named Sannie Strayfiend who was smuggling with Kailon Durgoss and the other two members of his crew, an Er’Kit and a Duros. She explained that her husband had been captured by pirates in the Perkell sector and she was trying to earn enough money to locate the pirates and free her husband. Because she knew Klippy Resh, the Wookiee and the Ryn decided to return to Naboo and convince Resh to join the hunt. He was more than happy and even recruited his former smuggling partner, a Derimzo named Vumrow Ozmole.

The smugglers formed a pact called the Stray Device, sharing information of value in the search and often working together on various jobs. During the Clone Wars, the members of the Stray Device attempted to remain neutral but they were forcibly recruited by the Separatists while on Veight Station in the Jjannex sector. They eventually betrayed none other than Count Dooku in order to go after the pirates holding Strayfiend, earning the ire of the Confederacy. In 19 BBY they caught up with the pirates who were holding Strayfiend on Tatooine, but Tull Strayfiend, Argun Obroggva, and two other CIS agents found the smugglers at the same time. Over the next few days, both Onnok and Mawyrrlac were isolated by the agents and murdered.
