Could you imagine the implications of this? Any resource, however scarce, however expensive, suddenly becomes aplenty to anyone. For everyone. Whether for better or worse, if we even had one of these turbines, it could revolutionize life itself as we have know it for the past ten thousand generations.
—Dante Katarn

One of the many Matter Engines, utilized en mass by the Charon Dominion
A Matter Engine was a highly complex turbinic matter and energy containment and conversion matrix, utilized heavily by the Charon Dominion, which enabled them to produce virtually unlimited raw resources. The core component of the Matter Engines was protomatter, an exotic form of matter abundantly found only in the Otherspace galaxy.
Although a Charon construct, the Matter Engines were heavily based upon the technological principals of Kathol technology. Stable protomatter was contained within extremely potent space-distorting gravitational containment fields, which oscillated in rotating layers. Upon containment stability, the protomatter would be subjected to highly polarized electromagnetic pulsations, which converted the stable protomatter into its characteristically unique radiant energy. Upon the conversion from matter into energy, the oscillating graviton fields would compress and synchronize with the electromagnetic resonance, containing the released energy while maintaining the energy beyond the moment of conversion.
Once the protomatter was converted into energy, it was then able to be "structured" back into a designated form of matter. Through this process, the Charon were able to create virtually any resource necessary in a near-infinite capacity, due to the abundance and density of protomatter. Although the Charon were never observed utilizing antimatter, hypermatter, dark matter, or other forms of non-standard matter, it was believed that there were no true limitations on the forms of matter that the Matter Engines were capable of constructing.
To an unknown extent, Matter Engines were considered to have inherently been dangerously unstable and volatile. Due to the exotic and variable properties of protomatter, a containment collapse of protomatter polarized into an energized state was theorized to have several times the destructive capacity of antimatter.