Star Wars Fanon

Master of the Acolytes was a title of the overseer of Count Dooku's contingent of Dark Acolytes. Initially, this title was held by Dooku himself, however after the former Jedi Master Sora Bulq became one of his many turncoat agents, Bulq was given this title and with it the task of directing the Dark Acolytes and their auxiliary forces. Thus, Bulq continued to be referred to as "Master Bulq". As the Dark Acolytes were disbanded at the end of the Clone Wars (many surviving Acolytes went on to serve the Galactic Empire as part of the Inquisitorius or other Force agencies), so too was the title Master of the Acolytes abolished.

Years later during the existence of the Empire Reborn, Lord Desann, a Dark Jedi who ruled over the Reborn, self-proclaimed the title Master of the Acolytes to denote his leadership among his many Dark Side followers.
