Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon


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RM msgt

Rank insignia for Master Sergeant within the Republic Marines.

Master Sergeant was a mid-level non-commissioned officer rank that was used by large-scale military forces across the galaxy, most notably by the Galactic Republic's Army and Marine Corps and, later, the Imperial Army. The fifth such NCO rank and eighth overall in the enlisted chain of command, master sergeants typically served as staff aides to company- and battalion-level officers, the supervisors of garrison departments such as a base's motor pool, or as drill instructors for advanced individual training courses.

Within the Republic Army's rank structure, Master Sergeant was equal in rank to First Sergeant, above Sergeant First Class and below Sergeant Major; this continued to be the case within the Galactic Empire's military apparatus. Within the Marine Corps, Master Sergeant was above Gunnery Sergeant and below First Sergeant.

Known Master Sergeants[]


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