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My Massassi, my warriors, together we shall destroy the Republic and rule the galaxy.
—Naga Sadow
The Massassi were the warrior caste of the Sith race that were later enslaved by the Dark Jedi and used as basic infantry in their wars against the Republic.
They look ugly, they smell bad, and they can rip you apart in seconds.
—Djinn Altiss on Massassi
The Massassi were used by the Sith lords Naga Sadow and Exar Kun in the old days of the Republic and they were believed to be wiped out. However, shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Massassi troops were used by Darth Sharka on Butar in an attempt to kill Jedi Masters Dooku, Djinn Altis and Deva Padj. When the Temple collapsed after Sharka's death, the majority of Massassi were killed. A few months later, Sharka's apprentice Darth Merik led the remaining Massassi in an attack on the Secret Temple on Ossus. Many Massassi were killed and the rest fled when Merik was cut down. Darth Frar'get was believed to be of this species.