I may lack your friends, ideological fervor, charisma or leadership abilities. But I have Palpatine's ear.
—Mas Amedda
Mas Amedda, a male Chagrian from Champala, was an exceptional political actor and respectable spokesman who served in many important roles throughout his career.
With the appearance of a well-dressed patriot of the Republic, Amedda first represented his home planet's needs in the Senate, and earned himself the seat of Vice-Chair; he was notably part of the Rim faction, that looked kindly on the private interests of the Commerce Guilds. Further, he used his influence and ties to discredit Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum with the help of Senator Orn Free, paving the way for Palpatine to ascend to that position instead.
Vice-Chair Amedda entered Palpatine's administration, and was privy to most of the Chancellor's plans - and the alter ego's darker secrets. The snake-tongued chameleon dreaded the extent of Palpatine's abilities, yet was wise or malleable enough to see the advantage of an alliance. Therefore he purposefully agreed, and actively conspired with Palpatine, supporting the Military Creation Act that culminated the Separatist Crisis. Amedda encouraged the corrupt bureaucracy that plagued the sickened Republic, and did all he could to slow the progress of the Delegation of 2,000 and Jedi High Council who tried to tamper with Palpatine's layed chessboard.
At the end of the Clone Wars, Mas Amedda was awarded unprecedent power as the titled Grand Vizier. The de-facto head of state, he managed the mundane political affairs and discussed business arrangements on a day-to-day basis; he also kept in touch with the Emperor's appointed apprentice and Supreme Fleet Commander, Darth Vader, and debriefed the local regional governors via holo-communiqués. Despite him boasting of having Palpatine's ear and confidence, Amedda was regarded as little more than the sycophant reclusive master.
After the Galactic Civil War, Lord Amedda lost all the amassed influence granted by his office in a single heartbeat with the unexpected demise of the Emperor aboard the 2nd Death Star. Afraid to face charges for his heinous crimes, Amedda cowardly offered to surrender to the New Republic, only to be refused. Forced by fear of death to obey the commands of Gallius Rax and rule on his behalf, Amedda was saved from his own palace-turned-prison by a group of child soldiers. Once Rax's Imperial Remnant was defeated on Jakku, the ex-Grand Vizier capitulated and signed the treaty to demilitarize the rest of the Empire. Under the supervision of the New Republic, Amedda stayed as provisional figurehead on the capital world of Coruscant, until he was eventually replaced by an official government, composed of similarly-minded Centrist dignitaries.