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Marthrull the Invisible or Marthrull Strayfiend was a male Human and eventual crime lord. He started a criminal organization via the Holonet about five years before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy.
Born on a relatively obscure world near Bastion called Wrydrock, he was the son of an Imperial officer and his mother was the daughter of a minor member of Palpatine's court. He had a twin brother named Mathius Strayfiend who was his partner in crime.
Early life[]
His father was an officer stationed on the first Death Star and was killed in the explosion at the Battle of Yavin two days before Marthrull and Mathius turned one year old. Their mother was named Maritta and she worked long hours as an administrative assistant in a Banking Clan owned ore processing facility.
Although Maritta was the daughter of a minor yet wealthy official in Emperor Palpatine's court named Ostik Stathu, she estranged herself from her parents because she blamed the Empire for the death of her husband and was aware through her husband that the Empire destroyed Alderaan. With little money and unable to care for her sons, she sent them to live with their uncle Tull Strayfiend, a small time Smuggler and the brother of their father.
Tull was the pilot of the freighter Hyperius and often took the boys on his travels around the galaxy during which he taught them how to use a blaster as well as slicing and repair skills. Still, they spent several months out of the year on Wrydrock because Tull did not want to bring them on some of his more dangerous assignments. During these times Marthull began to love his homeworld and lament lack of interest from the wider galaxy even as nearby Bastion grew in importance to the Empire.
Criminal origins[]
In 13 ABY Marthrull and Mathius were on Wrydrock while Tull was away smuggling an artifact for the Empire Reborn. They began running with a gang called the Droideka Killers, rapidly gaining favor with the gang's Neimoidian boss, an old Separatist veteran named Lokoth Nozabuiba. He often employed them to reprogram droids stolen from the Imperial Remnant and to run holonet scams. During this time they became expert slicers and were soon commanding operations all over the galaxy from their computers at home and aboard the Hyperius.
Unfortunately, their successes brought more attention to Nozabuiba than the criminal knew how to handle and soon he was wanted by the Empire, the New Republic, and numerous criminal agencies. Finally, in 17 ABY the Bounty hunter Boba Fett arrived on Wrydrock and captured the Neimoidian, eliminating enough Droideka Killers to dissolve the gang in the process, thus fulfilling two contracts at once.
Marthrull and Mathias survived the destruction because they were smuggling with their uncle in the Kanz sector. They returned to the gang's base and were only able to recover a stolen Imperial assassin droid named S7-1Y. The droid had exclusively seen Martrhull and Mathias since its last memory wipe because they were assigned to reprogram it to be loyal to the Droideka Killers. Consequently, it recognized them as its masters but for the time being the eighteen year old twins neglected to tell their uncle of the droid's assassin capabilities and S7-1Y became a fourth crew member of the Hyperius.
The Itching Empire[]
For the next three years the boys and their uncle Tull spent all of their time smuggling for the Hutt Cartels and the Black Sun, returning to Wrydock only for the mother's funeral in 19 ABY. Then, in the beginning of 20 ABY their uncle Tull was double-crossed and killed by Yethra the Hutt and the Hyperius was impounded and scuttled, leaving the boys stranded with S7-1Y on the planet Boonta. Using their slicing skills they managed to make enough money to buy passage home.
Upon arrival they moved in to the apartment of a Rodian former Droideka Killer named Rozule Escobb. There they began plotting their revenge on Yethra, looking to financially ruin him before they would send S7-1Y in to kill him. Their plotting led to amassing funds to themselves and soon they started gaining allies, forming a group that by the end of the year was called the Itching Empire and numbered in the thousands. Marthrull and Mathius kept their identity a secret from most of the organization and they created an inner circle composed of themselves, Rozule, S7-1Y, a former Imperial officer named Vinder Wek who had served with their father, a Dresselian named Heek, and a Corellain and former pirate named Wester Nortaak.
Their first major victory occurred in 22 ABY when they pushed Yethra's operations off of the world of Jocade. Discovering the planet to be extremely pleasant they spent the next two years turning it into a resort world with the help of investors from the Banking Clan and Star Tours Inc.
But like Nozabuiba before them, they had drawn attention to their operations. A Mandalorian bounty hunter named Ordarak Argoth managed to discover the identity of the mysterious "Marthull the Invisible" as Marthrull had been called since his first name was used to represent the orders of the Inner Circle. Argoth spent a month stalking him, managing to temporarily disable S7-1Y before attacking Marthrull. An Omwati mercenary by the name of Hira had been attempting to join the Inner Circle, however, and she had been following Argoth when she learned he may have discovered who Marthrull the Invisible could be. As Argoth attempted to interrogate Marthrull, Hira shot the Mandalorian in the back of his head with her custom sniper rifle. Over time, she earned Marthrull's trust and became the eighth member of the Itching Empire's inner circle.
23 ABY was a year the Itching Empire increased their ranks by invading the out of the way moon of Nosa Republica where the slave trade had become popular. Slaughtering hundreds of slavers and chasing away most of the buyers, the Itching Empire announced that all of the slaves were now emancipated in the name of the Empire. Most of the more skillful slaves were recruited into the Itching Empire. Narthrull took a particular interest in a male Aaroun slave from the Unknown Regions named Eayii who turned out to be quite Force-sensitive. Later, Marthrull brought him into the inner circle as its ninth member.
In that same year, he made his first investment attempt on the planet Erayyxa. With the help of the assassin droid 3X-AK2R and ex-Imperial officer Jaxe Minzo, he attempted to put Sarqi Polpotta back in power and establish a puppet government. However, Polpotta loudly breathed death threats against the New Republic and was quickly overthrown.
Following the recruitment of Eayii, Marthrull became obsessed with the potential for the gain in the Unknown Regions. He funded several expeditions into the territory and finally visited himself early in 24 ABY. During his trip he and his entourage were attacked by O'reenian raiders. Being technologically superior, they killed all of them except one whom they captured. This captured O'reenian was called Dignatis and he believed there was no point to returning to his homeworld in shame so he agreed to work for Marthrull, becoming the tenth member of the Itching Empire's inner circle.
Upon returning to known space Marthrull decided to invest in the Outer Rim world of Uldoc II. Knowing it was a world where life was cheap and the average bounty hunter worked for hundred credit kills, he only brought Eayii, Hira, and S7-1Y with him to scout out the world. He was surprised to see conditions as bad or worse than he had seen on Nal Hutta and, rapidly become a man after justice, immediately made plans to bring jobs and industry to the impoverished planet. Before leaving, he purchased a large tract of land to build a base and factories upon.
After several months the construction had progressed far enough that he was able to return and begin hiring. Walking into the slums he began recruit. Often times S7-1Y had to act as a translator because many in the slums did not know either basic or Bocce. At one point he came across a family of Vicon who had lost five of their six children. The youngest, an infant was the only survivor. Convincing the parents to work for him, he immediately had them transferred to the worker dorms near his new factories. The family's name was Breling and Eayii sensed that the mother and child were Force-sensitive.
Later Years[]
As time dragged on, he focused on humanitarian needs. Among the worlds he helped was Erayyxa, and it became a safeworld for the Itching Empire. He began to resent the Galactic Alliance and began causing trouble for them whenever the opportunity presented itself. Eayii had fallen to the Dark Side during the war and went into self-imposed exile where Marthrull could not find him. He began to involve himself in Imperial politics and turned over most of the Ithing Empire's work to his top advisers. He breifly retook the reigns of power in the Itching Empire in 33 ABY to wage a war against the Erxi'Tyu LoDaa, a group of Fiskerite slavers who had infiltrated the organization's operations along Slave Trade Route 25. In 37 ABY he married a Hapan woman named Farlissa Shianooma.
The rise of the Telosian Concordat in 87 ABY greatly concerned Marthrull. Its religious leaders reminded him of a warlord he had erroneously supported early in his career named Sarqi Polpotta. The Concordat quickly became tyrannical, realizing his worst fears and in 89 ABY he began a private war against it. His youngest son, Ulphen Strayfiend, led the war against the Concordat but the Itching Empire's resources were stretched during this time so the Telosians managed to solidify their power. Another major threat the Itching Empire's power was the Free Territorialist Guild of the Mid and Outer Rims, which rose to power in 108 ABY. Knowing that the Itching Empire needed his support, he prolonged his retirement to play an advisory role.
He died in 134 ABY, after his life extension technology failed.
Behind the scenes[]
A bored Star Wars fan was on Wookieepedia (big surprise) and he saw the April Fools Day banner that claimed they were merging with the Star Wars fanon wikia. Naturally, he immediately began writing his own fanon article.