Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Marius Zyndec was a male Human Jedi Knight who served as a Jedi Guardian during the New Sith Wars.


Eschewing the common focus on lightsaber mastery, he chose instead to become an exotic weapons specialist, mastering blaster weapons. He became one of the deadliest Jedi pistoleers of his generation and accumulated several distinguished and mission-critical kills as a sniper, though his lightsaber dueling skills were competent at best.

Marius joined the Eighth Republic Expeditionary Fleet under the command of Mali Darakhan, and served as a constant frontline presence. When not at war, he trained with Republic Marine Force Reconnaissance and Republic Special Forces sharpshooters to keep his skills from atrophying. Marius fought in the Battles of Phaeda and Cademimu V; in the latter, he dueled and killed Third Cresh, though he sustained several wounds in the process.

Powers and abilities[]

Marius had a natural gift for marksmanship, honed by thousands of hours of study, practice, and field application. He was able to rapidly calculate angles of fire in his head, and could ricochet blaster bolts off metal surfaces. He could wield any Republic-issue blaster as well as the best soldier, and was at least competent with every commonly-available ranged weapon.

Though he specialized in Form V's Shien variant, and his ability to calculate angles allowed him to reflect blaster bolts with uncanny precision, Marius's lightsaber dueling skills lagged far behind the Jedi Order's experts.

Appearance and personality[]

A brown-skinned Human, Marius kept his brown hair buzzed short, but grew a thick, wedge-shaped mustache. He dressed in combat fatigues as often as Jedi attire, and carried blaster pistols at all times. He tended to wear a pair of lighter, high-precision pistols—one in front of his left hip, and the other on a bandoleer behind his right kidney—with a heavy pistol at his left side. When he carried his Amban phase-pulse rifle, he slung it across his back. His seldom-used lightsaber had a blue blade.

Marius had an amiable nature, and he talked quickly and a lot, which tended to overwhelm new audiences and baffle other Jedi. He tended to spin his pistols on his fingers not only to maintain dexterity, but also as a form of Moving Meditation.

Behind the scenes[]

Parts of Marius's appearance and his gun-spinning tricks were inspired by Revolver Ocelot in the Metal Gear Solid series; his mustache is thereby a double homage to Lee van Cleef.

