Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

But . . . everything was done so . . . perfectly.
—Grand Admiral Sevir's last words

Marino Sevir was an engineer in the Imperial Navy of the Sith Empire who became one of the eleven Grand Admirals appointed by the Sith Emperor in 3,659 BBY, and was the designer of the Devastator-class dreadnaught. Originally a high ranking engineer working in the shipyards of Dromund Kaas, he came to the attention of the Dark Council when designing a powerful new warship. Sevir named it the Devastator. It was equipped with a powerful beam weapon that enabled it to fry everything on the surface of planets. The Sith Emperor promoted him to Grand Admiral for it. As a result, after it eradicated all life on Beldaron, an Outer Rim world, a Jedi Knight named Saato Antayen infiltrated the ship. She sabotaged the ship's critical systems, and caused it to explode, killing the Grand Admiral.


Marino Sevir was a Human male who served as an officer in the Imperial Navy of the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. While Sevir was a good commander, he was primarily a scientist and an engineer. Over time, he rose to the rank of admiral in the armada, due to his achievements in developing fixes to technical problems on warships, as well as his command skills. During the war against the Galactic Republic, Sevir even drafted designs for a potential replacement to the famous Harrower-class dreadnought. That was the reason that the Sith Emperor himself selected Sevir to be one of eleven officers that were promoted to the new rank of Grand Admiral, during a ceremony on Dromund Kaas in 3,659 BBY. Being one of the Navy's few officers who took part in designing new ships, the promotion was expected. As a Grand Admiral, Sevir continued designing new weaponry while patrolling Imperial space. He saw little action for the duration of the Great Galactic War. During the Cold War, Grand Admiral Sevir's efforts were noticed by the Dark Council. To change the tide of the conflict in their favor, they had him to put one of his designs into reality. The large Devastator-class dreadnaught was constructed, the Devastator.

The new warship was commanded by Captain Malkova, who was an efficient and professional officer, and the ground forces aboard were under command of the old General Fendon Teska. Sevir enjoyed their company as he worked on the project. The most notable feature of the Devastator was the large superlaser built on the bow of the ship. Sevir used it to destroy a Republic world called Beldaron, which was sparsely populated, and had a Republic garrison. The Republic, learning of this, knew it could not allow such a weapon to be further developed by the Empire. Jedi Knight Saato Antayen was sent to disrupt their research. She landed in a hangar of the ship in a captured Imperial interceptor, and was disguised as a Sith Lord sent to inspect the Grand Admiral's project. Sevir fell for it, and gave her a tour of the ship. She then commanded him to leave her, and after the confused Grand Admiral left, Antayen began to sabotage the main reactor. She also slew the engineers managing it, and then ran away. The reactor could only function for a bit longer before it would completely break apart and destroy the Devastator. After seeing what she did, Sevir realized his mistake and ordered all troops to hunt her down. At the same time, he had no intention of abandoning his doomed warship, knowing that he would probably be executed for his failure anyways.

She fought her way through several platoons of Imperial soldiers and destroyed various automated defenses. Antayen eventually reached the hangar, where she got into her interceptor and left the ship. Sevir ordered all available pilots to pursue her as the Devastator began exploding. A malfunctioning computer council exploded on the bridge, killing a number of crew, including Captain Malkova. Shortly afterwards, the rest of the ship exploded, taking the Grand Admiral with it. Antayen was pursued by dozens of fighters, and after shooting down several of them, she escaped into hyperspace. After Sevir's death, the project was dropped by the Empire, due to lack of funds and also because the Dark Council was worried of a such a thing occuring again.

Personality and traits[]

Get all troopers aboard the ship to look for the Jedi! She is going down with us!
—Marino Sevir issuing orders

Marino Sevir was considered to be a brilliant engineer and scientist, designing a number of ships. As a naval officer, he mostly worked on designs of warships and starfighters for the Imperial Navy. Many of his designs were considered to be ahead of the Republic Navy's vessels, and the Sith noted his accomplishments. One of the few of his works that was actually constructed and used by the Navy was the Devastator dreadnought, aboard which he later met his demise. While working aboard it, he befriended Captain Malkova and General Teska, who were part of his command staff. Sevir was also considered to be a competent military officer, and oversaw security patrols of Imperial space. As a Grand Admiral, he continued his design work. When a Jedi infiltrated the Devastator disguised as a Sith Lord, he fell for the ruse initially. Sevir realized the trick later, but by then it was too late. Due to her sabotage of the reactor core of the vessel, Sevir ordered all troops to hunt her down, and was determined to kill her for what she did. Sevir was unable to accomplish that, however.

He had fair skin, black hair and eyes, and wore a standard grey and black Imperial officer uniform.

Behind the scenes[]

The character was somewhat based on the canonical Imperial Grand Admiral Martio Batch, in the way that both of them were engineers and designed technology for their governments.


Grand Admirals of the Sith Empire
Vesek MakravenRymar HaddonYasorion ElakatiMikul Gargus
Agapos TakanTyrak CorginValion MadrekHarridax Kirill
Rilan ZatchNiral DesannMarino Sevir