Star Wars Fanon

A Human ace pilot from the planet Hevurion used the callsign "Manticore Eight" during their service to the starfighter corps of the First Order, which this individual flew for as a member of Manticore Squadron during their war against the Resistance. Assigned to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Ascendent and its adjoining fleet, following the Battle of Exegol and subsequent collapse of the First Order, the pilots of Manticore Squadron continued to operate under a significant remnant of their military that arose under the leadership of Grand Admiral Rayla Sloane, who charted plans for an exodus to Wild Space. Despite their previous conflict with the Resistance, however, the forces that Sloane commanded were brought into an unexpected alliance with the other side during their mutual effort to defend the common existence of sentient life from the threat of Control, arriving to fight alongside the Resistance in making a final stand against the rogue artificial intelligence in the Xahea system. During the conflict with the fleet of NCIA-93 type starships that had assimilated to Control, "Manticore Eight" and their fellow TIE pilots were deployed from the Ascendent to defend Commander Ciena Ree from attack during her effort to help guide the Adventurer into a temporal wormhole that would enable her to remove the computer data that Control required to achieve its sentience from the galactic timeframe. Although success in picking off numerous drone fighters, "Manticore Eight" was eventually killed when their starfighter was destroyed by the enemy.


Hailing from the Inner Rim planet Hevurion, during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the Human led a successful career as a pilot for the First Order starfighter corps, developing a significant kill count during starfighter conflict with enemies of the military junta. They were assigned to Manticore Squadron — a decorated fighter wing of elite pilots — under the callsign "Manticore Eight" before 36 ABY and assigned to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Ascendent, the flagship of Grand Admiral Rayla Sloane.
