Clan Verda's Insignia
The Mandalorian Shadow was a YT-1300 light freighter owned by Mandalorian Clan Verda from the Great Jedi Purge to the Second Galactic Civil War. It was painted gray with matte black stripes. It also had a cloaking device. The Mandalorian Clan Verda modified the Mandalorian Shadow by adding sleeping chambers, a shower, and a HoloNet terminal. They were able to fit sleeping chambers for all 6 members. But originally owned by Clay Kenney before he established Mandalorian Clan Verda. The ship could contain up to six droids, nine people, and had a modest cargo hold capable of carrying very few items, such as armor and weapons.
The starship Dha Verda (the shadow, translated from Mando'ade to basic) was much like the Millennium Falcon in appearance. The main difference between Dha Verda and its much more famous smuggling cousin was the model; the Falcon was a YT-1300/freight model; whereas Dha Verda was a YT-1300/passenger. It wasn't used as a smuggling ship, but as a clan transport.