Star Wars Fanon

We will return Mandalore to the old ways, of the True Mandalorians.
—A Mandalorian legionnaire

The Mandalorian Legion was a military unit of Mandalorians serving the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, led by Scarn Helisk, who held the rank of Grand Admiral in the Separatist military.


The Mandalorian Legion was formed by Scarn Helisk with the intent of overthrowing the New Mandalorians and replacing their government with a new regime. They closely followed the ways of Resol'nare, the Six Actions, which served as the tenets of Mandalorian life. The Legion was primarily a military organization and was officially a military unit of the Confederate armed forces, composed of both Mandalorian natives and volunteers from other worlds who supported the cause of the Mandalorians. They supported Helisk's claim to be the new Manda'lor, the sole ruler of Mandalore. Because of this, the Legion highly opposed the Death Watch, which it viewed to be not much more than criminals and thugs. The Legion's leadership argued with Dooku over the Confederacy's initial support behind the Death Watch movement, but they were ultimately overruled.

Being Mandalorians, members of the Legion (known as legionnaires) were all capable soldiers, having combat experience of fighting in the Clone Wars.


Behind the scenes[]
