The Mallorian (plural Mallorians) species, sometimes having referred to themselves in third person as (a) Mallor, are a unique Human sub-species that have evolved from being genetically enhanced by the Rakata in their distant history on the planet Xeroz.
Biology and physiology[]
Mallorians are similar to humans in almost all biological and physiologic ways, unlike Humans however they have a natural affinity for the Dark side of the Force and the capacity - even when lacking Force-sensitivity - to be able to absorb Force energy and therefore neutralize its effectiveness to some degree, this was all due to a certain event within the last Ten Thousand years.
Mallorians uniquely did not store energy reserves in the form of fat nor did they retain any baby fat, the baby fat only existing in the pre-teenage ages however being burned off in puberty with a massive growth spurt and filling out of the different proportions of their body, because of the lack of fat buildup it was far more common to see Mallorians gain quite a bit of muscle mass to compensate and it was theorized that reserve strength was stored as pure physical force in their muscles rather than fat tissue.
After finishing puberty, Mallorians began to age slower and some of the rarest non-Force-sensitive Mallorians living twice as long lifespans as normal humans, although these rare cases were few and far between with each lifespan often varying per person.
Physical diversity[]
Mallorians have a descended skin pigmentation that changes through genetics and was a trait they inherited from genetic experiments connected to the Omega Gene, despite this Mallorians are never pale and never Dark skinned (i.e. like the Korunnai), their common skin color varied between a light brown to an olive color and a russet tan with some rarely - as seen usually in the Kairos family - having an exotic dark bronze color.
Mallorians are commonly light or dark haired, having shades of Blond, Brown, Dark Brown or Black hair. Although, there have been a very few majority with crimson hair or light brown hair. Their eye color had always been dark or unique in color, e.g. Dark Brown, Brown and exotic shades of blue.
Life cycle[]
Mallorians are traditionally human and therefore reproduce as Humans should, however Mallorians have a far longer lifespan average than normal Humans, and are far more likely to die in combat during the civil war than actually be killed by age. Mallorians are less likely to catch illnesses or diseases either, due to their strong Immune Systems and fit body upkeep. They are genetically healthier due to their near "genetic perfection", coupled with being the only known species to have the Omega Gene.
Rakatan Start[]
The Mallorian culture and genome actually started back in 25,200 BBY when a Rakatan Predor by the name of Sfeteris announced himself as self-proclaimed Over-Predor of the collapsing Infinite Empire, abandoning Lehon and remains of his collapsing civilization, he caused an Exodus that ended up with thousands of Human Slaves and hundreds of Rakata migrating to the large planet Xeroz which lacked any sentient species of its own.
The Rakata attempted to instill that there was still a great Infinite Empire beyond the boundaries of Xeroz and used it to keep their slaves in line, the Rakata used the discovered Omega Gene coupled with other genetic modifying machines in an attempt to create a species powerful in the Dark side, that could be used to reboot the Rakata's own failing Force-sensitivity.
For the next thousand years, the experiments gradually changed the Humans on the planet, and the Rakata continued to recruit Force Hounds from the Force-sensitive members of the genetically-enhanced Human species.
Coming of Triam Kairos[]
In 24,500 BBY, the Legions of Lettow fell apart and very few Dark Jedi survivors escaped the First Great Schism unharmed, once such survivor was a Dark Jedi Sorcerer named Triam Kairos.
Triam fled from the destruction of the Legion at the Battle of Lettow and led into the Unknown Regions of Space in hopes of being forgotten, there he found the planet Xeroz, where he was welcomed by a Mallorian Seer that had foreseen Triam's arrival and the evolution of their society.
Triam was worshiped as a savior and a God by the Mallorian people, and started the Great Revolution War, a bloody conflict that saw the death of every last member of the Rakata species upon Xeroz. Triam then used his Sith Sorcery and the Mallorian faith in him to build his own little Kingdom, binding the Force-sensitivity of the people in a virus-like Spell that would ingrain loyalty to Triam's bloodline, before going on to have many children with the local Chieftains' Daughters before his death.
The Great Divergence[]
By 7000 BBY, the bloodlines of Triam Kairos had been so weakened by incest that they too lost their Force-sensitivity as the Spell began to infect them too due to a weakening immunity but there were however some uncommon rare cases of Force-sensitivity appearing, despite this the Kairos family and its branch families had become the rulers of Xeroz with each generation that passed strengthening the Mallorian love and adoration towards the family whom reciprocated for their people.
However during the next hundred Wars, the Jedi and Mallorians both faced their greatest trials, while the Jedi were invested in a conflict known as the Hundred-Year Darkness the Mallorians were beset by a Civil War.
The Ruling Archistratege of Xeroz died and with his death, his eldest son should have taken reign as Archistratege, he was however murdered by his youngest son who noticing the refusal for the branch families to follow him kept the Kairos name and fled with his loyal relatives and allies.
All together there had been Seven Great families descended from Triam Kairos, with the Kairos family having wounded itself and fled into hiding, the next largest family were entitled to take the position as Archistratege, except there were two Great families to challenge each other for that position: the Acerbus family and the Candidus family.
Unable to settle the matter peacefully, the Candidus family and two other Great families fled south of the equator and intended to return to a time of prosperity before the recent chaos, the Acerbus family meanwhile refused to work with the Candidus family and instead remained in the North where they concentrated on becoming Military dictators alongside the remaining two Great families.
With the Great Divergence Xeroz became divided between North: the Verat, and South: the Umino, while the Kairos family hide in secrecy to regain their strength. And a prophecy long foretold, began to occur.
The Great War[]
Three Thousand and a half years later, Xeroz was visited by members of the Sith Empire and came to meet members of the Kairos family, at the time the new head of the family was Ezekiel Kairos supported by his warlike elder brother Mikhail Kairos.
With support from the Empire they managed to manipulate the Verat into joining them to conquer all of Xeroz, which they succeeded five years after the beginning of the great conflict. Ten years tyrannically ruling Xeroz, caused those that they had conquered to rebel against them, and the support of the Verat to fall from them.
With aid of the Galactic Republic, the Sith were forced from Xeroz and Ezekiel died in the final climatic battle, however Ezekiel's offspring was believed to have survived along with his family and long-term allies which had gone to ground once more. Ezekiel's defeat was foretold and it paved the way for the completion of the Mallorian Prophecy, the Verat also had gained more faith in the Kairos family and continued to support their claim in secret.
Foretold Time[]
It was foretold that Verat and Umino would be reunified into one people: the Mallor, two brothers would unify the two sub-cultures until the Mallorians would be one people again and a new supreme leader chosen to lead them, the promised fell upon Xeroz during the fall of the Galactic Civil War.