Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Mali Darakhan, nicknamed "Darakhan the Liberator" on Milagro, was a male Human Jedi Master from Corellia who served as a Jedi General during the New Sith Wars. He was one of the most famous Jedi of his time, and his exploits were well-known among the Jedi Initiates at the Jedi Temple and among his fellow Corellians. He was a close friend and frequent collaborator of fellow Jedi Knight Tirien Kal-Di, and the master of Aldayr Nikodon.

In response to mounting political tensions between Corellia and the Republic, Mali became the first Lord Protector of Corellia and the first Grand Master of the Corellian Jedi in centuries.


Early Service[]

Mali was born in Doaba Guerfel; his mother worked as a tour guide. After his recruitment by the Jedi and completion of the Jedi Initiate Trials, Mali was apprenticed to Corellian Jedi Knight Ainar Zylorus; when Ainar became a Jedi Master, Mali was among those who received one of his Jedi Credits. As a Knight, Mali took fellow Corellian Aldayr Nikodon as his Padawan. At some point prior to 1,389 BBY he saved the admiral of the Republic's Third Fleet from a poisoning attempt by the Sith. In 1,389 he participated in the Battle of Ord Mantell, which was successful in repelling an attack by Valin Aresh and his Dark Vanguard. For his skill in leading the Republic forces, Mali was made a Jedi General.


Later in 1,389 BBY, the Republic was under siege in the Battle of Taanab. Shortly after the Battle of Gizer, Mali and Aldayr fought Darth Alecto and two dark side adepts on Corsin; Mali's duel with Alecto was inconclusive, and she managed to escape after sabotaging a HoloNet relay. The Jedi Council was hesitant to dispatch more Jedi to Taanab; eight had already died in the battle, and Council Master Elata Cazars and famed Jedi Knight Tirien Kal-Di were already there. However, after an hour of arguing, Mali finally convinced the Council to send him as well, and he went to Taanab with a flotilla for Hammerhead-class cruisers, a ground complement, and Aldayr.

On Taanab, Mali joined forces with Tirien and met Tirien's Padawan, Narasi Rican. Narasi began to gravitate toward Mali in combat; Mali was concerned about Tirien's reaction, but he found the Pantoran indifferent. After a brief segue in which Mali and Aldayr killed a Sithspawn ravaging an outlying village, Mali spoke with Master Cazars and learned that Tirien and Narasi were experiencing a great deal of turmoil in their relationship. Mali counseled Narasi on her situation, suggesting that, contrary to her beliefs, Tirien did care about her, because he had saved her life rather than fight Darth Alecto on Gizer Battlestation, a choice Mali might not have made.

Mali and Aldayr received reports of Sith raiders in the Jedi chapter house in Pandath, but arrived too late, finding Saotu and Finja dead. The two fought that night and into the following day, eventually reuniting with Tirien and Narasi. On report that Darth Vandak and Darth Alecto were en route to Pandath's shield generators, Mali and Tirien went to stop them while leaving their apprentices to hold a critical junction. While they were en route, Narasi called for aid; she and Aldayr were under attack by three Sith. Tirien and Mali briefly debated who should go where, but ultimately Tirien went to their aid while Mali proceeded. He dueled Alecto and Vandak together, suffering a light chest wound from Vandak but holding them off until they retreated on Darth Hokhtan's orders.

In the aftermath of the battle, when the Sith fleet retreated, Mali and Aldayr (who had lost an arm to Ondar Vargh) remained on Taanab with See Klees to mop up the remaining Sith resistance.

Doing What Needs to be Done[]

Mali and Aldayr spent much of the next two years in the campaigns against Aresh, though on rare occasions they were able to return to the Jedi Temple. Aldayr had grown more quiet and serious since his injury, but though Mali was sad to see it, he accepted it as part of Aldayr's development. In 1,387 BBY they again got leave to Coruscant only to discover that Jedi Battlemaster Argus Z'dar had left the Temple unannounced. Around the same time, Corellian Jedi Master Tyson Dumiel called a conclave of Corellian Jedi, at which he intended to propose that the Corellian Jedi reform the Green Jedi of earlier millennia, defending Corellia rather than serving the Republic at large. Mali did not share the news with Aldayr, not wanting to poison his apprentice's pride in being a Corellian Jedi.

Mali took Aldayr to the Crescentia, attached to the Seventy-Second Republic Battle Group, which was engaged in fighting Zirist Lakalt; Z'dar had been a close friend of Karr Shadeez, who had fought Lakalt for much of his career, and Mali hoped he would find Z'dar with the Seventy-Second. He did not, but did reunite with Tirien and Narasi, confiding his concerns to Tirien and his suspicion that Lakalt would soon launch a do-or-die attack.

A week later, one of Mali's Republic Navy contacts sent him word of Lakalt's and Vedya Gasald's assault on Milagro, a world Rimward of Corellia on the Corellian Run. Fearing that Gasald would succeed and give weight to Master Dumiel's arguments, Mali attempted to convince the Crescentia 's praxeum council to authorize a mission to Milagro, with Tirien's grudging support. When that failed, Mali decided to go to Milagro anyway, and managed to convince Tirien to accompany him, along with Narasi, Slejux Nissatak, and Master Sil Kadych.

Mali found and inspired the Jedi to join the growing Milagro Resistance, but he and Tirien were at loggerheads often over the following weeks; Mali felt Tirien was too tentative, while Tirien believed Mali was trying to do too much and lacked any overall plan. Mali's relationship with Aldayr suffered during the mission; Kadych had seen Dumiel's plan in Mali's head, and while it contributed to his decision to join the mission, Kadych also mentioned how Mali had kept Aldayr in the dark. Mali was disturbed to discover that Darth Vandak was on Milagro; apart from Vandak's own combat prowess, an alliance between Gasald and one of Darth Saleej's Sith did not bode well either.

When Darth Vaszas threatened hostages with death-by-Anzat unless the Resistance laid down arms, the six Jedi finally united in a plan to infiltrate the Milagro government center, rescue the hostages, and kill Vaszas and Vandak. Mali, Aldayr, and Kadych fought their way to the legislative assembly room, where they found Vaszas, Darth Kra'all, and Darth Hokhtan. While Kadych engaged Hokhtan and Vaszas, Mali and Aldayr dueled Kra'all; the duel was inconclusive, but when Darth Vandak stabbed Kadych from behind, Mali Force pushed Kra'all across the room and engaged Vandak, sending Aldayr to get Tirien for backup.

Already tired from facing the tall, powerful Togorian Kra'all, Mali struggled to hold his own against Vandak, receiving a few light wounds. Tirien arrived similarly tired, and the two Jedi were battered by Vandak until a lucky strike by Tirien destroyed one of Vandak's proboscises. Driven into mad rage, Vandak sacrificed some of his control and Mali successfully cut off the other proboscis, as well as part of Vandak's ear. The Jedi removed Vandak from the fight by Force pushing him through a wall; Mali carried Kadych to the roof, where Narasi met them with the Second Chance. Though badly injured and suffering from smoke inhalation, Mali managed to call Vedya Gasald aboard the Kiss of Death, admitting he was leaving but taunting her—and thus taking blame for Vaszas's death off the Resistance while removing any accusation that they continued to harbor Jedi.

The Jedi convalesced aboard a Corellian destroyer at Corellia, and Mali expressed his gratitude to Nal and Kadelle Chun, who had helped the Jedi escape. He also made peace with Tirien, and the two Jedi entered a Concordance of Fealty. Mali's attempt to make peace with Aldayr was more awkward, but he apologized for keeping Aldayr in the dark, agreed to take him to the conclave, and promised to help Aldayr develop on his own path toward being a Knight.

After Milagro, Mali met with Corellian High Council Master Nawsa Arodion and reaffirmed his loyalty to the Republic. Like Nawsa, he spoke against Master Dumiel's plan of reviving the Corellian Jedi.


Mali and Tirien kept in contact by Jedi transceiver beacon in the months after Milagro, and Mali advised Tirien about navigating the expectations and accolades of civilians when Tirien returned to his native Pantora. At the same time, Mali devoted most of his own energy to fighting Valin Aresh's forces. At some point Mali had a brief relationship with Corellian Senator Jendaya Rose; they found it too difficult to remain together given the demands on their time and the very different natures of their service, but they parted amicably and remained friends.

When Supreme Chancellor Phnyong was assassinated on Anaxes and Tirien lost his connection to the Force, Mali returned to Coruscant to try to help, though Tirien's depression was so profound that Mali found talking to him painful. While he was on Coruscant, Jendaya Rose asked Mali to present the High Council with Corellia's request: that Master Arodion be elected Supreme Chancellor. Mali duly conveyed the message, though he found it distasteful.

Continuing to monitor intelligence for any word of Darth Alecto, who had gone missing, Mali was briefed on a Sith trap laid on Skorrupon. He did not spring the trap, but when Aldayr and Narasi disappeared with the Second Chance, Mali deduced they had gone into the trap without knowing what it was. He and Slejux went to their rescue, though Mali endured the awkwardness and difficulty of leaving Tirien behind; he feared his comrade would be a liability in battle, and Tirien did not take it well. Mali and Slejux were too late to save the Padawans, and when they tried to report to Tirien, they discovered his beacon signature had left Coruscant. Mali was also troubled by the interrogations of some of the Sith mercenaries they had captured, who claimed Aldayr had interrogated a mercenary by cutting off part of his arm to make him talk.

They chased the signature, but the beacon had been taken by Zarrke, a member of Alecto's Brotherhood of Shadows. The Brotherhood was seeking Alecto, and Zarrke inadvertently led Mali and Slejux to Vjun just in time to rescue Tirien, Aldayr, Narasi, and a number of slaves from the Palace of Happiness. Tirien and Mali made amends on Coruscant and returned each other's lightsabers, but Mali and Aldayr argued about Aldayr's poor choice in going along with Narasi's recklessness.

The Liberator[]

In 1,386 BBY, as Mali was leading forces against Aresh, Ainar called—Vedya Gasald had conquered Allanteen Six and seized its shipyards, and Corellia was weighing options. Mali journeyed to Corellia, where, with help from Ainar and Jendaya Rose, he sold Diktat Neran Daikros on a plan to liberate Milagro and so undercut Gasald's industrial, rendering her shipyards useless. Jendaya persuaded the Duros to contribute ships to the fleet Mali amassed; Mali himself received more contributions from the Republic (via Master Cazars) and the Tapani, thanks to the intervention of Raven Kaivalt by way of Tirien Kal-Di. Tirien and Narasi were headed for a Mission to Darkknell, and thus unable to join the liberation effort.

Mali managed to wrangle his subordinate commanders—Saikra Vaskolt, Essely Kalliot, Malran Sukaz, and Baron Obveluus Gonzed IV—into a fighting whole long enough to liberate Milagro. He personally joined the ground campaign that captured Rogeum and led an assault on the Milagro Government Center; after a chase to the roof, he dueled and killed Halicon Karzded, Gasald's chosen governor of Milagro. In the wake of the main victory, Mali and Aldayr led raids to root out the last Sith loyalists.

Though Mali had won his victory, peace proved harder. He successfully brought some Milagro Resistance leaders in from the cold, but others resisted the transitional government. Amidst fights for supplies from the Republic and Elata Cazar's persistent requests for ships back to the north front, Mali also had to deal with issues on Milagro including the brief escape of captured Sith Lord Kysl Ssron. After Ssron murdered several beings in his escape, Mali reluctantly bowed to the counsel of the Milagroans and his own Jedi subordinates, condemned Ssron to death, and executed him personally.

Guerrilla and seditionist groups plagued the new government, headed by Zemma Rufos, and Mali tried to keep the peace without bringing the Republic Army in as an occupying force. As the Second Resistance coalesced, Mali tried more unorthodox tactics, including reuniting with Kadelle Chun to hire privateers and unleashing Essely Kalliot on neighboring Sith systems for raids against Gasald's shipping. Mali and Kadelle worked well as a team, and Mali gave Aldayr considerable responsibility to help him prepare for command.

Eventually, the need for ships in the north became an order instead of a request, and Mali sent Aldayr back too, advising the commanders to give Aldayr a command as well. His guidance paid off when Aldayr received his Corellian Bloodstripes. On Milagro, Mali struggled to find common ground with Khofin of Knylenn, who had been dispatched as the Republic's civilian administrator after Milagro voted to join the Republic. Mali's love of decisive action contrasted with Khofin's more deliberative, calculated bureaucracy.

Some four months after the initial assault, murders and maimings of Republic loyalists pushed Mali beyond endurance, and he declared martial law. As he prepared to transition command to Saikra Vaskolt and return to the Aresh front himself, he was awarded the Order of Narcyran's Valor and a number of other honors. However, the same day, he was stunned and horrified to learn from Elata that Aresh had ambushed and demolished a Republic battle group at Garqi, and that Aldayr's ship had gone down, with all personnel missing in action and presumed dead.

The War with Aresh[]

Mali returned to his command, devoting his fleet to opposing Aresh while he deployed Jedi spies and Republic Intelligence agents to search for Aldayr's whereabouts. When news came in about the Battle of Eriadu, Mali feared Tirien had been killed; he was relieved when Tirien contacted him, but surprised when Tirien seemed to consider an assassination mission against Gasald. Rather than talk him out of something Mali considered a reasonable plan, Mali instead urged Tirien to trust his instincts.

The two kept in touch over the following weeks as Tirien and Raven Kaivalt shaped their plan. Mali was unwilling to leave the north front to aid Tirien personally, but, at Kenza Rowkwani's suggestion, he sent Cynan Oraska's Republic Intelligence team instead. The spies obtained the access codes to the Kiss of Death, and the sabotage mission succeeded in destroying the ship, clearing the way for the subsequent Republic victory in the Battle of Allanteen. Mali was stunned when Tirien, who had nearly fallen to the dark side to defeat Gasald, took a Barash vow, but he accepted Tirien's decision—and his pledge to go to Mali's aid as soon as he returned. During the Festival of Life, after he reviewed data on the mission—and shortly after Tirien returned from his exile—Mali awarded the deceased spy Vesta the Cross of Glory.

Corps Day 1384 - Final

Mali meets with Narasi Rican and Gade Wiesht during Corps Day of 1,384 BBY

Adding Tirien to his inner circle of advisors, Mali began planning a major push against Aresh and the Supreme Modality, which would ultimately become Operation Liberator. At Tirien's request, he also began training Narasi in Form V, and arranged for her to receive infantry training as well; when she succeeded at the Battle of Phaeda, he gave her a brevet commission to ensign and installed her in command of a Republic Marines platoon. He and Tirien sometimes quibbled about the exact nature of her training, but Mali insisted his course was the best to help her overcome a traumatic vision she had received on Tython. Mali deployed both Tirien and Narasi (separately) at the Battle of Cademimu V, but used even that engagement to draw the Modality's attention before personally commanding the Battle of Agamar. Operation Liberator was a triumph for the Republic, but Mali had second thoughts, wondering if Aresh had endured the loss because he knew something the Jedi did not.

Gained and Lost[]

Mali holo council

Mali conducting a war council with Kenlennee Renleaux and Nura Haibrani

About two months after Operation Liberator, Aresh and his First Fleet attacked Agamar. Mali successfully defend Agamar from counterinvasion, but, when he and Narasi sensed Aldayr in an escape pod, passed up a possible chance to kill Aresh in order to rescue his Padawan. The First Fleet escaped, but the Jewel's support staff recovered Aldayr's escape pod.

Mali worked to return Aldayr to active service in the fleet, overjoyed to see his Padawan alive; he agreed in theory with Tirien's concerns about the obvious romantic attraction between Aldayr and Narasi, but did not consider it nearly as troubling, though he conceded to asking Nawsa Arodion to the fleet for an objective evaluation of his Padawan. Mere days later, however, he was crushed to discover Aldayr had seduced Narasi before defecting to the Modality.

Over the following months, Mali struggled with his grief and loss while strategizing against Aresh. While Tirien, Narasi, and Kenza hunted down Argus Z'dar and the Breld Syndicate in the wake of the destruction of Deep Storage Facility 214-Peth and Bogg 14, and Elata Cazars finally took Ord Trasi, Mali sought any information about Aresh's movement his various intelligence officers could find and strove in vain to find the perfect words that could bring Aldayr back to the light.

War Crime[]

Months after Aldayr's desertion, Mali assumed supreme command of Republic Forces Galactic North while Elata and her Padawan, Zaella Sabir, went on a mission. Weeks later, the Eighth Fleet received an Emergency Code Nine Thirteen from Zaella; she and Elata had located Aresh at a deep-space station, only for Elata to die fighting the Sith Lord so Zaella could escape. Mali was saddened at the loss of a mentor and leader, but appalled when Zaella's idle sketch of the "station" was identified as a Pius Dea cathedral ship. He and Tirien quickly deduced that Aresh's real target was not the ship itself, but the BoSS virus which had damaged its hyperdrive.

To avert a galactic-scale xenocide if Aresh recovered the virus, Zaella recommended destroying the ship with the nuclear bomb Tirien and Narasi had retrieved from Runganna the Hutt on Circumtore. Mali was uneasy at the suggestion of a blatant war crime, particularly in light of Z'dar's own recent use of nuclear weapons, but wrestled with the moral quandary, which only deepened when Tirien reported that BoSS believed the virus could be resurrected. Bolstered by Tirien's tacit assent, Mali ultimately opted to keep the option open. Relieving Narasi of both command and her brevet rank, lest she be caught up in the same war crime charges for failing to report or stop him, Mali led Tirien, Narasi, Kenza, and Zaella to the Valor, where he informed Admiral Bordoue of his plans, but stunned him before he could act, while Tirien and Narasi retrieved the bomb.

Intelligence from Nal and Kadelle Chun and their smuggler contacts led the Jedi to the Redeemer, where Mali opted to face Aresh himself, setting aside his desire to redeem Aldayr in order to serve the greater good. Tirien went with him, and fought Aresh's three First Rank Vanguardian bodyguards to allow Mali an opening to Aresh. Mali was on the back foot for most of that duel, and had barely eked out a stalemate when they both sensed Aldayr's death. Mali reached a place of emotionless acceptance, but Aresh was unbalanced by the losss; Mali disarmed him and, realizing Tirien was about to die, executed Aresh to distract the Vanguardians. He managed to kill them and flee with Tirien to the Second Chance, where he, Narasi, Kenza, and Zaella managed to keep Tirien alive long enough to return to the Coronet's Jewel.

After they convalesced, the team journeyed to Coruscant, where Mali was surprised and a little sickened to not only be pardoned for his actions, but receive the Chancellor's Service Medal and first-class Corellian Bloodstripes. He took some comfort from Jendaya Rose, Nawsa Arodion, and Ainar, but was most impacted by Sil Kadych's assurance that, in suffering, Jedi fulfilled their deepest calling by bearing the wounds the common beings of the galaxy could not. Mali attended Elata's memorial service in the Jedi Temple before returning to the Eighth Fleet.

Twisted Every Way[]

Mali threw himself into work, but was bedeviled by the Celanon Standoff. While he tasked his command staff to find a way to reach Vinsoth and Ciutric IV, Mali grappled with his grief over Aldayr's death. He struggled especially in Tirien's absence; Tirien had been tasked to assume Elata's negotiations with Muunilinst, and was thus often from the Coronet's Jewel over the following month with that and other diplomatic work. Mali was also conflicted over Narasi, whom he had come to consider a friend and mentee, but whom he now thought might have missed an opportunity to save Aldayr.

A little over a month after the cathedral ship, Darth Alecto killed Nawsa Arodion on Denon. Mali returned to Corellia for her funeral, but found himself trying to keep the rest of the Corellian leaders from overreacting. Before he could make much headway, the High Council assigned him to minimize Conscription Act-related riots on Quellor, and floored him by promoting him to Jedi Master.

Tirien and Narasi joined Mali on Quellor, but tensions ran high among the three—aside from his reservations about Narasi, Mali had some frustration with Tirien for allying with Alecto on Malachor, reasoning that she could not have killed Arodion if Tirien had killed her. Mali also felt himself unworthy of his Jedi Mastery, not least because he felt he had been promoted for political reasons. When he realized the Flame of Retribution was active on Quellor, Mali assumed active supervision over apprehending them. He and Tirien worked on drafting a speech to the protestors, but came to an argument—and nearly to blows—over Mali's attitude toward Narasi. Their relationship soured further when the Judicials apprehended Mavin Rizzi; Mali perusaded Tirien to break her resistance to interrogation with a mind trick, but he wound up shattering her sanity.

The day of the speech, Yodess detonated a suicide bomb under Terrina Square, but Mali and Tirien managed to mitigate its effects on the surface, while Narasi killed Inido Hass to prevent a secondary attack. Mali was deeply hurt when Tirien decided to leave the Eighth Fleet, feeling he would struggle all the more without Tirien's help.

Lord Protector[]

Decision Point[]

Mali communicated with Tirien for advice in the following weeks, though their relationship remained strained. A month after the events on Quellor, Mali attended another meeting of Corellian leaders, at which Tyson Dumiel continued to push Corellian separatism and Eymus Dorr advocated a potential military response. Fed up, Mali castigated nearly the entire group for their hawkishness and stormed out, but he was surprised to be followed by every Jedi except Dumiel. When the group called him back in, he was stunned by their offer to succeed Dorr as Supreme Commander of the Corellian Defense Force and take over leadership of the Corellian Jedi.

After meditating on the question, Mali accepted in order to prevent war, but demanded that he also have control over CorSec and veto power over invocation of Contemplanys Hermi. After some debate, the group agreed and began drafting an amendment to the Constitution Act, though Jendaya warned Mali not to discuss with outsiders his mixed motives. The Corellian Council amended the Constitution Act, the populace overwhelmingly supported the move, and King Jedossen e Solo anointed Mali as the first Lord Protector of Corellia, but Mali blindsided Tirien by accepting the role and the two friends had a vicious falling out over the decision. Neither the Republic Military nor the Jedi High Council were thrilled either, though the Council appointed Mali Jedi Watchman of the Corellian sector in an attempt to provide public cover.

Early Lordship[]

Mali appointed Essely Kalliot his second-in-command at CDF, and when Jendaya secured the Coronet's Jewel for CDF service, Captain Londenau retired from the Republic Navy and accepted lateral appointment in the CDF; Mali promoted him to commodore. In his early months, Mali's personal popularity in the Corellian sector was rivaled only by Jendaya's.

Mali began mentoring Corsica Solo in leadership and the military and strategic concerns of the galaxy.

A Debt[]

Toward the end of 1,384 BBY, Nal and Kadelle Chun were apprehended by CorSec SID trying to run spice into Talus. To repay their help in the cathedral ship mission, Mali tried to get Darvin Rocco to dismiss the case; when that failed, he transferred the Chuns from the CorSec Preliminary Detention Facility to house arrest in the Green Jedi Enclave. Over the next months, Mali made many attempts to get the case dropped or the Chuns pardoned.

While hosting the Chuns, Mali tried to make their confinement as pleasant as possible, and encouraged Corsica in her interest in the Chuns and their stories. He earned Boriga Dyden's ire when Corellia News Service ran a negative piece criticizing Corsica's association with the smugglers, but Jendaya—who had stayed neutral on the issue of the Chuns—excoriated CNS for the piece, providing Mali a venue to do likewise. As public tension between Mali and the Diktat increased, Mali stirred the pot by taking Kadelle as his date to the 1,383 BBY Crown Ball, but only when they returned to the Enclave and kissed did they both realize they had developed feelings for one another.

Mali tried to balance his affection for Kadelle and his debt of honor to the Chuns against his public responsibilities, though he and Kadelle grew closer. In the end, when the Chuns decided to accept a five-year plea deal rather than risk life sentences, Mali pledged to wait for Kadelle. However, Corsica Solo persuaded her uncle to personally hear and adjudicate the matter, and he elected to pardon the Chuns. Kadelle decided to remain on Corellia and build a crime-free life for herself; Mali and Jendaya got her a job as an ombudsman at a refugee processing center, and Mali returned the Rogue's Gambit and D-T0X to Nal, along with money for the confiscated spice which Jendaya had made by arranging its legal sale to a Republic pharmaceutical company.

Powers and Abilities[]

Many Jedi and more than a few Sith considered Mali a proficient duelist. He specialized in Form V, and survived two different duels with Darth Vandak, widely considered one of the deadliest swordsmen in the galaxy (although he was aided by Tirien Kal-Di in the second duel and freely admitted he would have died without help). He managed to kill First Grek and overcome Valin Aresh, who had previously killed Elata Cazars, though he nearly died numerous times in the latter duel. Raina Kaivalt, an expert in Makashi, believed Mali had become so formidable through a year of sparring against Tirien that few Makashi stylists could overcome him; she defeated him in a sparring match only by using the unfamiliar Shiakenaishi. Mali had a strong enough Force push that, combining his powers with Tirien's, the two Jedi were able to push Darth Vandak across a room and through a metal seal and the wall behind it.

Mali was promoted to Jedi General given his tactical skill and experience, and he had the ability to inspire confidence and loyalty in his soldiers. He had an innate Force sense for battle, able to perceive conflict and usually to intuit its progress. This talent allowed him to quickly gauge a situation and determine where his presence would be most effective.

Appearance and Personality[]

Mali had tan skin, sea green eyes, and brown hair he wore slightly long, though usually shorter than collar length. He often wore green Jedi robes as a sign of his Corellian heritage. As a Jedi Guardian, he carried a lightsaber with a blue blade except during his Concordance of Fealty with Tirien, when he switched to using the Pantoran Knight's curved-hilt green lightsaber.

Most Jedi considered Mali affable, brave, and a champion of doing the right thing. He made friends easily and, despite his own fame and battle prowess, did not hesitate to acknowledge the skills and achievements of other Jedi. Tirien Kal-Di was among his many friends, but Mali was also among Tirien's few, and the two Jedi, though very different, had great respect for each other. Mali had a genuine fondness for Aldayr and many others, but also had a Jedi commitment to accomplishment of the mission despite the cost, and was willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve the ultimate success of the Republic. Mali also became one of Narasi Rican's foremost teachers, as he helped her learn and refine both her Form V and her military command skills. Narasi killing Aldayr had a long-lasting effect on Mali and Narasi's relationship, and Mali's decision to accept the post of Lord Protector caused a months-long break in his relationship with Tirien.

Mali also remained close with Ainar Zylorus, his own former master, and Ainar became one of Mali's closest advisors as Lord Protector. In his role as Grand Master of the Green Jedi, Mali tried to inspire all his Knights, and also built up a friendship with his "sister" Daylin Iriesh, Ainar's first Padawan.

Mali was proud to be a Corellian and very fond of his homeworld, though less than thrilled about being caught between Corellia and the Republic politically. Which one he sided with varied based on the circumstances, and when he ultimately accepted appointment as Lord Protector, it was to protect both from each other.

