Finally, an officer who wasn't promoted just to fill the power vacuum from the defections.
—Darth Azard referring to Malcor
Malcor Ashen was an Imperial Army officer in the Fel Empire, and later Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. Eventually he reached the rank of Grand General, several years before Darth Krayt's defeat by the Empire-in-exile. Shortly after the defeat, he defected to the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. Malcor was a descendent of Tal Ashen, an Army general who was defended the Imperial Palace during the Liberation of Coruscant. Malcor was loyal to however held the throne, which was why he served the Empire of the Sith.
Credited with being a good officer by his Sith commanders, it did not take Malcor very long to climb up the chain of command. It was accelerated following mass defections of officers to Fel, though many Sith still promoted him for being a good tactician. Along with those traits, Malcor was also known to be a reasonably good shot with a blaster and knew several melee combat techniques. He had minor training in piloting walkers, though more often served as an AT-AT commander than pilot.
Early life[]
Malcor was born on Bastion in 110 ABY, to Colonel Keslan Ashen of the Imperial Remnant and Raisa Ashen. He was raised as a loyal citizen of the Fel Empire by his father, and never saw much of his mother. Malcor took pride in being an Imperial, and was taught military discipline by his father from an early age. From his father's teachings and playing strategy hologames, Malcor gained an advanced understanding of army tactics. Keslan also trained him in martial arts, and blaster marksmanship.
Joining the Empire[]
When the Imperial-Sith War broke out in 127 ABY, his father was sent to the front. Malcor was worried, and his fears proved correct. Several months into the war, Keslan was killed in action against a Galactic Alliance Army unit, though the battle was ultimately an Imperial victory. It enraged him, and prompted Malcor to enlist in the Army. He joined and was sent to train at the Bastion Military Academy as an officer, due his father's rank.
At the Academy, Malcor preformed well. He excelled in tactics, but also preformed well in combat training. Him and the other cadets received training in piloting All Terrain Armored Transports. He also took part in leadership training. Malcor eventually graduated at the top of his class, as a captain.
First operations[]
In the beginning of the Imperial-Sith War, Malcor was at the Academy. He graduated in time for the final year of the War. Not much was known of his service during the early months, other than that he took part in the Battle of Valrar, on the jungle planet of Valrar. In the battle there, he practically won the it, according to a superior.
Major battle[]
We must take this planet.
—Malcor on Reytha
During the final hours of the conflict, Malcor was deployed to the agriworld of Reytha in the Expansion Region, under Admiral Zyad. Locating a Galactic Alliance shipyard in the Montrosa Islands, Malcor led a squadron of AT-ATs as the ground forces commander. They were dropped off near the shipyard along the coast.
As the stormtrooper infantry fought the Alliance troopers at the base, Malcor and his walkers took a bit to reach it. The walkers fired at it's fortifications, cannons, and administrative centers. They destroyed the command tower, killing the commanding officer of the Alliance forces there. The rest of the garrison was wiped out.
Among other things, Malcor ordered the troops to spare the destroyers being built at the shipyards for use by the aquatic Imperial Navy.
After reporting back aboard the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Judicator, Zyad informed the officers of Darth Krayt's coup on Coruscant. They then reported there to get their new orders as part of his new Galactic Empire.
Malcor was sent to Coruscant, with the rest of the task force. On the way there, he had an internal conflict about which side to support: Krayt or Fel. Malcor thought of how the Sith betrayed and lied, but also thought of how small Fel's loyalist force was, and decided to serving the throne. He talked with a Navy commander named Zarin Namada as well, who was having the same thoughts and conflict.
Upon reporting to Coruscant, he was sent to the Imperial Palace. There, he met with Darth Kressh, a female Sith hybrid. Hearing of his tactical skills, she wanted him to lead a force of troops to a Jedi stronghold on the planet of Ord Mirit. Though he was modest, the Sith ended up ordering him to carry out the assignment.
Aboard the Star Destroyer Adjucator, Malcor talked to Zarin, who was going to be promoted to captain and take command of the vessel from the retiring Captain Vyrkar. He also met with Imperial Intelligence colonel Evax Zynthar. They talked about his tactical skills and their selection for the mission.
He attended the briefing later, along with other officers. It briefly described how the assault was going to take place, and what units were taking part. Afterwards, Malcor reported to the hangar.
Another Assault[]
He was assigned to lead the walkers in the Battle of Ord Mirit, commanding from a modified command AT-AT, the Thunderer One. Dropped off by landing barges on the outskirts of the Alpha Base, the Alliance garrison, he proceeded to advance with stormtroopers and Sith Imperial walkers. Around that time, Malcor ordered the to destroy the defensive batteries directly ahead of them, so they could move forward without much hassle.
Halfway into the battle, the infantry leader, General Himron, was killed in his Chariot LAV command vehicle when it was destroyed. Shortly afterwards, Malcor's walker was taken down by concentrated cannon fire. Jumping back into the walker's neck, he was able to avoid being crushed as the cockpit hit the ground. Malcor's pilot and gunner were killed. Surviving, he made it out and was picked up by a Sith Imperial walker.
From it, Malcor continued leading the assault. Having two AT-ATs and several smaller walkers concentrate their fire on the central tower, he took out their leadership. The Jedi leader escaped, though. Most Alliance troops were either dead or had fed, ending the battle in a victory.
Malcor was generally friendly, and made friends with several other military officers. He was reasonably skilled in marksmanship and melee combat, but primarily, his skills were in tactics and leadership, as his superiors reported. A Sith was impressed with his tactical ability. Following the coup on Coruscant, he had an inner conflict about which side he should serve, Fel or Krayt, and ended up deciding Krayt.
- Star Wars: Insurrection (First appearance)