Star Wars Fanon

Mako was a male Karkarodon who served the Resistance. A former gladiator by the alias of "Jaws", Mako participated in events such as Gladiator Night, Outer Rim Carve-up, and the Stormblade Bloodfest; he made a reputation for himself due to his willingness to participate in death matches.


Early life[]

Mako was born on the planet Karkaris. His grandfather was one of the Karkarodon enforcers that served Riff Tamson in the battle against the Mon Cala monarchy during the Clone Wars.

Personality and traits[]

Mako was a surly individual who preferred to let others do the talking. His laconic nature, stature, and a rather violent and unsavory past as a gladiator caused others, even allies in the Resistance, to be fearful and distrustful of him. He was also known to be very blunt whether expressing his thoughts or his opinions, particularly about the odds of a battle. Mako didn't entirely mind the distance between himself and others, as he greatly preferred solitude.

Mako had what he described as a "warrior's mentality": conflict and struggle, whether personal or not, should be embraced and overcome. He lived for battle and craved the honor that could only be achieved through conflict with a worthy adversary. Mako's outlook and opinion sometimes caused conflicts with others, as he preferred force to diplomacy, and looked down upon what he considered to be cowardice. He had a reputation for brutality, viewing enemies as things to be destroyed, and worthwhile adversaries were considered worthy of a quick death. He was a ruthless combatant and held no pity in his heart. Still, despite his proclivity towards violence, Mako wasn't an unreasonable and senseless killer. The code of honor he adhered to compelled him to use his strength and warrior skills in the defense of others. He was also wise enough to temper his aggression.

Despite his reputation for brutality, Mako was in stark opposition to the First Order. He wholeheartedly believed in the cause of the Resistance and respected general Leia Organa in particular. While he believed in the aims of the New Republic, Mako nevertheless had a dim view towards it, and its leaders in particular, considering them to be cowards who refused to fight and protect themselves.

Mar Jakal, the senator representing Karkaris in the New Republic Senate, had a particularly negative opinion of Mako, as she considered him to be an "embarrassment to their people" due to his savagery.

Physical description[]

Being a Karkarodon, Mako differed greatly in appearance and physiology from the average humanoid. He was decidedly shark-like in appearance, sporting a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, and both hands and feet were webbed. Mako's skin was rough to the touch, and was silver-blue and white. His eyes were black.

Mako was quite tall in stature, standing much taller than others. He possessed a number of scars.

Skills and abilities[]

Mako was a fearsome combatant, being a seasoned mercenary and a gladiator for many years before that. He was especially proficient at close-quarters combat, using his size and strength, even his own teeth, to tear apart and brutalize enemies. Due to his species, Mako was even more of a force to be reckoned with in aquatic environments.


As a heavy gunner for the Resistance, Mako's main weapon of choice was a repeating blaster cannon. For close quarters combat, Mako also wielded a vibrocleaver. He wore a suit of heavy protective armor, customized to carry an additional supply of water when in arid environments.

Behind the scenes[]

Isurus is a genus of shark, more commonly called and known as mako sharks.
