Star Wars Fanon
Z-95 Headhunter

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Legacy era

Always make sure your target's dead before turning your back. [...] Good-bye, Mako.
—Chael, to Mako after shooting the latter[src]

Mako, was a male Chiss and younger brother of the criminal Nyssa. After the suicide of his sister vowed revenge on the Mandlorian Chael Ordo whom he thought was responsible. He dedicated ten years of his life to finding him and confronted the man on the planet known only as TS-019 after he caused the ship Ez'beth to crash there hoping for Ordo to be killed in the crash. When he realized he hadn't, Mako opted for more direct action and persuaded the Mandalorian to go with him under the illusion of searching for food, he lead him to a seemingly abandoned research facility, after heading inside, Mako stabbed Chael with small piece of shrapnel and left him for the awakened undead. Eventually, Chael caught up and confronted Mako, giving him a lesson in the making sure his enemy stay dead, Ordo shot the Chiss in both legs alerting the undead to his location and waited for them to start feeding before leaving him to his well-deserved end.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Mako first appeared in Star Wars fanon in the 2013 short story, Isolation by author A.J. Bryant and Sarah Chittenden.


Notes and references[]
