Star Wars Fanon

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Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraPost-Legacy era

You don't know what I faced. This creature, this thing... never before had I felt such anger. Such hatred. Such power. I cannot rest, even with the Empire gone, knowing that Magnus Vorrukur roams the galaxy freely.
Ardas Ben-Tyrosh to the Force Priestesses

Magnus Vorrukur, also known as the Supreme Emperor to the citizens of Fredonia was a Human male Sith Lord and Emperor of a secret empire beyond the Outer Rim in 145 ABY.

Magnus Vorrukur's origin was shrouded in mystery, and few people beside himself ever knew the details of his past. He was born at least decades before the rise of the Galactic Empire, and served as Emperor's Hand to Emperor Palpatine. Even after Palpatine's death, the mysterious dark sider remained loyal to his cause and was one of the many Imperial remnants who took up arms against the nascent New Republic. After the fall of Byss, Vorrukur wandered for twelve years in the Outer Rim, operating as a local warlord.

Vorrukur disappeared from galactic history up until 145 ABY, when a mysterious empire rose beyond the Outer Rim, made up of a group of Sith fanatics loyal to a being they called the "Supreme Emperor", later revealed to be the former Emperor's Hand himself.


Behind the scenes[]

Magnus Vorrukur is a character in the Star Wars Legends roleplay server Star Wars: Dawn of the Force, serving as the main antagonist in the narrative.
