Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The artificial intelligence known as the MI5 AI security program was the newly installed security feature in the MI5 networks and databanks at Headquarters.

After the debacle at MI5 HQ with the Coruscant Bombings and the Draco Gant attack in 42 BBY, officials at MI5 had decided to install new security measures. Q'u Branch eventually came up with the MI5 AI security program.

A few weeks later, the MI5 AI had it's work cut out for it. The new AI program chased the XANA entity all across the networks, but was unable to stop it.

When the criminal organization SMERSH infiltrated and took control of MI5 Headquarters in 32 BBY, SMERSH operative Jasper Fondorball planted a virus in the network. The AI security program attempted to attack it, but the virus quickly destroyed the program.

Behind the Scenes[]

The MI5 AI was created by Dubya Scott.

