"Just hurry up. All of you. I have nothing anymore." - 228 buying enough time to let his teammates escape the doomed Dandoran facility. (src)
Dalen Cravvix, later known in the Galactic Empire as MC-228, was a human male Stormtrooper within the ranks of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps who joined in 10 BBY after the death of his wife and child at the hands of a group of Rebellion soldiers.
At some point between 10 BBY and 0 BBY, 228 joined the 71st Mobile Reconnaissance Unit as a Stormtrooper. He was known to his teammates as someone who never talked and never did much. This led to rumors of what happened to him and why he acted like he did.
228 met his end approximately three standard weeks after the Battle of Yavin, during the Outbreak on Dandoran, in which an Imperial science experiment had gone horribly wrong. 228 died honorably, however, and saved his teammates in the process.
Early life[]
Dalen Cravvix, a human male, was born on the planet of Devaron in 39 BBY, 20 years before the end of the Clone Wars and the start of the Galactic Empire. His parents were taken from him at a young age, being put on a freighter by alien slavers. Soon afterwards, Cravvix joined an underground fight club where he earned credits for beating both human and alien combatants.
Meeting his wife[]
One evening, in 12 BBY, after returning from yet another fight, Cravvix was taking his usual route through a spaceport that led to his makeshift home that he had lived in since his parents were sold off. As he was walking, he noticed a beautiful young woman, Lana Niver, attempting to pick up her luggage from the ship she had just exited. Cravvix ran over to help her, and the two began their relationship.
Attacked by rebels[]
Two years into their marriage, in 10 BBY, the couple was at their homestead, which they had purchased two years prior, and the two also had their only child when they got the house. However, the crop season that year had been bad, and they were low on food. But, late one day, a group of Rebel insurgents had come to their house, and asked Dalen for crops. Dalen refused, and the soldiers raised their blasters slightly. At this point, Lana had come out of the house holding the baby, with a blaster pistol. Dalen refused again, but the soldiers pushed him down and shot Lana and the baby, who herself shot one of the soldiers in the shoulder. This killed Lana, which had prompted Dalen to shoot the insurgents. Shortly after this, Dalen joined the Stormtrooper Corps and had his beard shaved and his unkempt hair neatened, and Dalen was given the operating number of MC-228. At some point after this, 228 joined the 71st Mobile Reconnaissance Unit.
Galactic Civil War[]
Battle of Tatooine[]
One day after the Battle of Scarif, Rebellion forces had been sighted by the Empire on the planet of Tatooine smuggling resources. 228, along with all of his other teammates, were sent down to scout the area. Rebels were sighted, but 228 didn't participate in any battling until more Imperials were sent down and more Rebels revealed themselves. During the ensuing ground battle, 228 separated from one of his fellow squadmates and killed a Rebel soldier violently, in reprisal for what they had done to his wife so long ago. In the immediate aftermath of the battle, 228 returned to the ship he was stationed on, the Sentinel, and returned to his quarters, ranting to himself about Lana's untimely death.
Skirmish at Jabba's Palace[]
A few hours later, 228 and the rest of his unit headed to Jabba the Hutt's palace to clear the place out before Rebel soldiers arrived. The team succeeded, and the small battle began. Around the midway point of the battle, 228 saved his commanding trooper, TK-117, from a Rebel that held his finger away from the trigger for too long. 117 thanked him, and 228 ran off.
Liberation of Bespin[]
Shortly after this, the Rebels escaped and headed to Bespin. 228 participated in this battle, helping to keep the Rebels away from the tibanna gas generators.