Star Wars Fanon

Luke Skywalker was the son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala who helped defeat the Galactic Empire, found the New Republic and restore the Jedi Order. Born 19 BBY on the isolated swamp world of Dagobah, Luke was brought to Tatooine by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to be raised by his Uncle Owen Lars and his wife Beru to escape the notice of his father Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. In 0 BBY Luke’s mundane life would change forever when Sandpeople attacked the Lars farm, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead him to training as a Jedi under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi, meeting Han Solo and reuniting with his twin sister Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. Luke would go on to join the Rebel Alliance and was credited with the shot that destroyed the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

Luke would be given command of an elite starfighter squadron named Rogue Squadron, and participated in several important battles for the New republic. After a near-death experience and surviving an Imperial onslaught at Hoth, Luke temporarily left the Rebellion to continue his Jedi Training with the legendary Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah. Luke would abandon his training prematurely to save Han, Chewie and Leia from death on Bespin, and have a disastrous encounter with Darth Vader, costing the young Jedi his right-hand and his father’s lightsaber. One year later he would use his Jedi training to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, before learning of his relation to Vader and Leia.

During the Battle of Endor Luke fought against the temptation of joining the dark side and eventually convinced his father to return to the light. With Palpatine dead and the Empire fragmented, Luke helped the New Republic conquer the Core Worlds and for the better part of the next decade participated in the Sovereignty Wars earning greater distinction. With Coruscant securely under New Republic jurisdiction he founded the New Jedi Order at the ancient Jedi Temple, teaching force sensitives the ways of the Jedi.

8 ABY while in search of Jedi artifacts Luke met and fell in love with the Dathomiri witch Teneniel Djo, and would father a child with her, Tenel Ka. Four years later Luke married fellow Jedi Knight and former Imperial Hand Mara Jade. Jade would later give birth to a son, Ben. Luke would again play a pivotal role in saving the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War and restore an uneasy peace to the galaxy.


Early Life[]

Luke Skywalker was born on Dagobah shortly after the Great Jedi Purge began and the Galactic Empire was founded. After the birth of his twin sister, the fates of both infants were decided by Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, Alderaanian Viceroy Bail Organa and their mother Padme. Fearing the twins remaining with their mother would be too easy of a target, it was agreed to separate the three, Padme agreed to let Leia be adopted by Bail Organa and raised on Alderaan, she had hoped to send Luke to live with her parents on Naboo, but feared the Imperial presence there would place him and her parents in jeopardy requested for Obi-Wan to take Luke to Tatooine to be raised by Anakin’s half-brother Owen Lars and his wife Beru. Kenobi agreed and promised Padme to stay and keep a watchful eye on the boy as he grew and protect him from the dangers of the planet. Padme said goodbye to her babies and disappeared into the underground resistance against Imperial rule, providing crucial leadership and offering sanctuary for surviving Jedi.


Luke grew up a lonely child with only R2-D2 as a friend.

Growing up Skywalker didn’t know much about his parents, his Uncle Owen often became frustrated when Luke would ask about his father. Owen would tell Luke that Anakin got involved where he had no business and died in the Clone Wars, and his mother died during child birth. Owen and Beru noticed their nephew had a special gift and feared he could attract unwanted attention, kept him sheltered for much of his youth. Aside from the astromech droid R2-D2 Luke did not have any friends having little contact with anyone outside of the Lars family. At the age of 14 Luke met Biggs Darklighter a local youth his Uncle Owen hired as a farmhand and the two developed a fast friendship, with the encouragement of his Aunt Beru, Luke purchased a used T-16 Skyhopper from Anchorhead and raced Biggs and his friends through Beggars Canyon.

A natural pilot Luke earned the respect of his fellow racers and caught the eye of the beautiful Camie Sunber, enraging her brother and current champion Janek “Tank” and challenged to a race, if Luke won he would be allowed to pursue Camie, if he lost he would leave her alone. In a narrow and close race, nearly defeating his opponent Luke fell just short of victory. Camie refused to allow a race to decide her future and continued her advances toward Luke, eventually cornering and confessing her feelings for him. Tank caught them as the shared their first kiss and attacked Luke; the fight was broken up by Biggs and the local mechanic Fixer. Angry, Owen refused to let Luke go back to Anchorhead or Beggars Canyon, going so far as to sell his nephew’s T-16, and forbade him to see Camie again, so as to keep the peace.

Eventually Luke discovered Fixer and Camie married, Biggs and Janek enrolled in the Imperial Academy and the Tusken Raiders now had an encampment in Beggars Canyon.

Destiny Intervenes[]

Becoming resigned to fact he would live his whole life as a farmer on Tatooine, Luke was asked to take Artoo and repair the vaporators on the south range by midday. With their work nearing completion Artoo frantically alerted Luke to several creatures approaching from the west, but it was too late, the Sandpeople ambushed Skywalker and Artoo and only the timely intervention of old Ben Kenobi prevented Luke from being captured or killed.

Fearing for his family, Luke and Ben sped to the Lars farm, they were too late, Owen and Beru had been brutally murdered. Skywalker and Kenobi left for the sanctuary of Mos Eisley. Finally after a lifetime of wonder, Luke had his questions about his father answered he fought for the old Republic as his uncle had suggested, and was a Jedi Knight, betrayed and murdered by a friend named Darth Vader. Kenobi gave Skywalker a gift from the past, his father’s lightsaber. With nothing to remain on Tatooine for, Skywalker accepted Kenobi’s offer to learn about the force and become a Jedi Knight. The two traveled to Chalmun’s Cantina to obtain passage off planet, before securing a deal with Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca. Rescue on the Death Star: Once on Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon, Kenobi began Skywalker's instruction in the ways of the Force, much to the mocking of Solo. This teaching, however, was soon interrupted by their arrival in the Alderaan system and their discovery of the planet was now under Imperial occupation. They then spotted a patrolling TIE Fighter, and, upon following it, found that it was approaching what appeared to be a small moon. To their horror, however, it turned out to be the Death Star. Caught by the Death Star's tractor beam, they were brought aboard the massive space station.

Once on board, Kenobi separated from Skywalker, Solo, Chewbacca, and the droids to deactivate the tractor beam. However, when R2-D2 discovered that Leia Organa was being held captive, Skywalker insisted on rescuing her. With Solo and Chewbacca's help, the trio made it into the detention area in the guise of Imperial stormtroopers escorting a Wookiee prisoner. They were able to rescue Organa but had to jump into the garbage chute in order to escape the pursuing Imperial forces. Later, Skywalker and Organa were separated from Solo and Chewbacca, but after swinging across a deep shaft, they were to meet back up with their companions in the hangar bay.

Eventually, the group escaped the Death Star, but only after Kenobi sacrificed himself in a duel with Darth Vader. They traveled to the hidden Rebel base on Yavin 4, even though the Death Star was tracking them. It was then that Solo received his reward for rescuing Organa and prepared to leave the group. Skywalker attempted to persuade him to stay and help them against the Empire but Solo refused, deeply disappointing him.

Rebel Hero[]

At the secret Rebel base on Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker officially joined the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. With a recommendation from Princess Leia, Luke was allowed to showcase his piloting skills in a flight simulator impressing General Dodonna and Commander Willard. Garvein Dreis, the leader of Red Squadron was informed about the phenomenal young pilot, and recruited him to join the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Command, giving Skywalker the rank of First Lieutenant.

Luke reunited with Biggs Darklighter in an unlikely encounter, Biggs informed Luke he defected to the Alliance after refusing to accept Imperial doctrine. The two caught up on old times with Biggs expressing his sorrow for the loss of Owen and Beru. Shortly after the old friends would both participate in the Battle of Yavin. Luke witnessed the deaths of many comrades including Commander Dreis, taking it upon himself to lead the final assault on the Death Star. Under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s spirit, and the timely return of the Millenium Falcon, Luke fired the shot that destroyed the Empire’s superweapon, and gave the Rebellion its first major propaganda coup.

Rogue Squadron[]

Following the Battle of Yavin, Luke was promoted to Commander in the Starfighter Corps and formed the elite Rogue Squadron to cover the Alliance’s evacuation from Yavin. In following month’s Rogue Squadron would cut its teeth against the pirate organization BloodScar in Wild Space. Eager to serve the Rebel Alliance, Skywalker's early years were filled with adventures including fighting pirates, aiding in battle against Imperial forces and evading the clutches of Darth Vader and his agents. While on a scouting mission, Skywalker's vessel was caught in the hyperwash of a transdimensional comet, depositing him onto the barren ice world Hoth. Skywalker returned to the Alliance, informed his superiors of the isolated world, and the Rebel Alliance planned to evacuate their outposts on Yavin 4 and Thila to set up a base on Hoth.

Transferred to Hoth, Skywalker participated in regular patrols of the frozen perimeter. While reconnoitering the surroundings of Echo Base, Skywalker was attacked by a wampa. He regained consciousness in the creature's cave, severed its arm with his lightsaber, and escaped only to find that he was far from Echo Base. After a long walk in the icy wind, he collapsed from exhaustion. Near death, he had a vision of Kenobi, who told him to seek the teachings of Yoda in the Dagobah system, and was then rescued by Han Solo.

Skywalker recovered from his wounds, including a deeply gashed face and a crushed cheekbone, in a bacta tank, but did not have much time to recover; one of Vader's thousands of probe droids, launched across the galaxy in search of the Jedi and the new Alliance base, had reached Hoth and sent proof of Rebel activity to the Galactic Empire. In the ensuing battle, Skywalker led Rogue Squadron in an effort to counter the attack and buy time for the evacuation of Echo Base. Under his leadership, the speeders proved more effective in attacking the massive Imperial walkers than the Empire realized was possible. Furthermore, even after he was shot down, Skywalker demonstrated his formidable potential as a Jedi when he proceeded to single-handedly destroy a walker with spectacular effectiveness. As Imperial forces breached the defenses, the last Rebel transport departed and Skywalker fled the planet aboard his X-Wing.

Jedi Training[]

Skywalker then traveled to Dagobah, where he encountered Yoda. In their initial meeting, Skywalker was frustrated and confused about his surroundings and was thus rather short with the diminutive Yoda, who did not initially identify himself. Skywalker gained a new appreciation for the small creature upon learning his identity, though Yoda agreed to train Skywalker only at the insistence of Kenobi's spirit. Skywalker's training proved to be difficult, as his adventurous past had shaped his mind towards action and emotional instinct. When Yoda asked him to enter a cave in which he was supposed to find only what he took with him, he was challenged by a vision of himself wearing Darth Vader's armor. Shortly after, he had a vision of Han Solo and Leia Organa suffering at Cloud City on Bespin. Despite Yoda and Kenobi's warnings and disapproval, Skywalker rashly departed from Dagobah to rescue them.

Duel With Vader[]

Skywalker arrived at Cloud City and, with blaster drawn, moved in to rescue his friends. He was shot at by Boba Fett and ambushed by a group of stormtroopers and Imperial officers. He briefly spotted Leia being used as a human shield by a Imperial officer. As she was dragged away, Leia attempted to warn him that he was walking into a "trap". While attempting to pursue them, Skywalker's path was diverted to the carbon-freeze chamber where Darth Vader awaited him.

Skywalker engaged the Dark Lord in a fierce duel. Vader proved his superiority in his customized Form V swordplay, executing cho mai and Dun Möch. After severing Skywalker's hand from his body, Vader attempted to seduce the weakened Jedi to the dark side of the Force, offering Skywalker the chance to destroy the Emperor and "bring order to the galaxy." In his efforts to sway Skywalker from his defiant refusals, Vader then revealed his identity as Skywalker's father.

Faced with this shocking and horrifying claim and the even more fearsome temptation to join Vader, Skywalker found the moral courage to choose death instead by throwing himself down a long shaft. He was sucked through an opening portal at the bottom of the chamber, then through another one which led out of the floating city. Skywalker grabbed onto a weather vane, preventing a fall to his death. Weak and helpless, Skywalker reached out to Leia with the Force, and soon the Millennium Falcon, with Lando Calrissian, Leia, Chewbacca, and the droids onboard, arrived to rescue him. After reuniting with the Rebel fleet, Skywalker received his cybernetic hand aboard the Redemption.
