Star Wars Fanon
We'll be the envy of the whole galaxy with this old starship!
Vintra Tagiĝo-Stelo after being given the starship by the Chiss Ascendancy

The Lucky Sparrow was a Dynamic-class freighter owned by the notorious scoundrel Vintra Tagiĝo-Stelo during the height of the Galactic Republic. Thousands of years prior to being acquired by Vintra, the starship's former crew found their way to the Unknown Regions of the galaxy and were captured by the Chiss Ascendancy and incarcerated on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, where the starship remained grounded for millennia.

Around 232 BBY, an unidentified light freighter crash landed on the planet, causing the death of 75% of its crew, with the only survivors being a female Arkanian Offshoot and a female Zabrak. The two young girls were trialed by a court and despite the Chiss population's demands for their arrest, were let go and given the ancient starship as a means for them to return to the known galaxy.

Even though the starship was ancient, it proved to be one of the fastest ships around, causing Vintra and her fellow crewmember, Ruri Kl'arion, to keep it as their personal starship, naming it the Lucky Sparrow. During the conflicts between the Jedi Order and the Nihil marauders along the frontier of the Outer Rim territories, the Lucky Sparrow saw much use by Vintra and her crew, as it participated in numerous smuggling operations and other jobs.

The Lucky Sparrow (Blue Ebon Hawk)


Star Wars: Offshoot Chronicles
