Star Wars Fanon

Lott Dodd was the male Neimoidian senator of the Trade Federation, representing the trade conglomerate's interests in the Republic Senate. He later joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic after Palpatine forced the deal Dodd and the Trade Federation had made to come to an end and formed the Galactic Empire.

Naboo crisis[]

Dodd: “Gunray, I'm leaving you in charge of the blockade.
Gunray: “But why? The Galactic Republic will find out about this.
Dodd: “They will not. As long as I keep my mouth shut from the Senate. Queen Amidala must sign the treaty. Do not fail this Viceroy, or I shall replace you.
Gunray: “Yes, Senator Dodd. I understand
―Lott Dodd speaking with Gunray

Around 32 BBY, the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, and committed a blockage around the the planet, as a protest against the taxation of trade routes. Lott Dodd and the Neimoidans were instructed by Darth Sidious who committed the blockage. Senator Lott Dodd decided to keep this blockade under Nute Gunray's command while he continues to work in the Senate, keeping his mouth shut so he wouldn't be involve in the blockade.

During the Senate session, Senator Palpatine revealed the Federation's invasion of Naboo to his senatorial colleagues. Senator Lott Dodd told them that there was no proof and objected to Palpatine's insinuations and called for him to be silenced, but Valorum ignored him, ordering Dod and his delegation to retreat from the discussion. Lott Dodd was furious by Palpatine's actions until Queen Amidala chose to speak to the Senate. As she began to divulge information of the Federation's invasion, Senator Dodd again detached his platform from the wall of the chamber and rushed to cut off Amidala mid-sentence. He objected to the Queen's accusations and suggested that a commission be formed and sent to Naboo to determine if Amidala's claims were valid. Valorum initially overruled him, but Dodd pressed further, calling for an impartial observation in accordance with the rules for procedure. He decided to vote now, allowing Valorum to leave office as Chancellor.

When Naboo was taken back, Senator Lott Dodd banished Nute Gunray out of position.

Separatist crisis[]

On 24 BBY, during the beginning of the Separatist crisis. Dodd and the Trade Federation lobbied for the injunction to be removed, hoping to allow the scow to deposit its cargo and leave the system. During a Senate session, Dodd expressed his displeasure over the situation and even said that the centuries of dumping on the planetoid could have played a part in nurturing the lifeform.

Not long after the PDC3141-02 incident, Dodd was traveling along Skylane T-534D of the Fobosi District in an airspeeder when a malfunctioning Skyways Flyer automated pubtrans flitter, traveling down T-534D in the wrong direction, forced several commuters to be activated in order to collide with a water silo in their attempts to avoid the flitter. Dodd was injured in the accident, and he was hospitalized at the Fobosi District Medcenter.

Despite his injuries, Dodd continued to serve as the Federation's representative in the Senate. Some of Dodd's contacts were used by the Trandoshan Crovessk, chief executive officer of Revessa Global Shipping, in his appeal to the Senate requesting representation for Trandosha in the governing body. After a Republic courier ship was fired upon by droid starfighters in Andoan space, Senator Rasit Brun of Rintonne accused the Federation of supplying the Aqualish with military hardware. From his recuperative ward, Dodd responded to Brun's accusations during a Senate session, calling the Senator's insinuations outrageous. Dodd's statements caused the session to dissolve into a series of orderless arguing.

End of the Clone Wars[]

Senator Lott Dodd was absent during the Battle of Corusant. He continued working undercover by the Trade Federation until Palpatine announces the order of the Galactic Empire, and ending the Trade Federation forever. Senator Dodd immediately left the senate, and contacted Neimoidia to pronounce the end of the Trade Federation.

Battle of Kashyyyk[]

On 4 ABY, Lott Dodd brought about fifteen Lucrehulk-class battleships to aid the Rebel Alliance in order to restore the Republic. Preparing for battle, Lott Dodd activated the Vulture Droids and reprogrammed them to aid the Alliance to fight the Empire and destroy Death Star II.

When the battle began, Lott Dodd ordered the battleships to fire their guns and missiles at the star destroyers before they could attack. He was killed when Death Star II fired its laser at his battleship and destroyed it.
