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Ha! "Best pazaak player this side of the Rim?" Pfah! Lorn's word is as good as his credit: useless.
Syala Vikin

Lorn Graven was a Pantoran gambler, smuggler, and thief. He had a minor reputation on the Outer Rim Territories as a card shark. Traveling the professional pazaak cicuit, Lorn traveled the breadth of the galaxy, and visited many worlds. While he claimed to be a freelancer for hire or merely a professional card player, Lorn was in fact an informant in the service of Lord Byrec. To this end, he was indirectly allied with the First Order in the war.

He relayed information on the goings-on within the criminal underworld. Lorn's actions and activities within Hutt Space and the Outer Rim enabled Ren to keep an eye on the Hutt Clan and the other disparate criminal factions in the regions. He was the owner of the yacht Smiling Fortune.


First Order-Resistance War[]

You failed to mention that you were using me to scope out Resistance and Republic weak points."
"Private captains like you are a valuable resource, free to go where you please and do whatever you wish. This makes you extremely useful. You needn't concern yourself with what I am planning. I haven't put you into any danger thus far. Continue to prove your worth and you'll be very rich, very much alive, and very free to do whatever you wish long before my plans go into motion.

—Lorn and Byrec

Outer Rim Campaigns[]

Push into Hutt Space[]

Most of the Hutt clans are probably sticking by their guns at this point. Why risk business taking a side when you can play both, right? They're planning on turtling up, letting both sides fight it out so they can watch and profit off of it. Goro's the one you want to talk to. That fat slug's been hungry for power, prestige, and position since... well, forever. A chance to grow his empire and be a major player? I'd wager he'd jump on that in a heartbeat.
—Lorn debriefing Ren on Goro the Hutt

Personality and traits[]

Small fish? Friend, I'm big enough fish to feel the tide and know what's comin'. I'm only preparing accordingly, of course.
—Lorn Graven

Physical description[]

As a Pantoran, Lorn had blue skin and yellow eyes. His hair was white in color.


The First Order[]

Vain. Materialistic. Sleazy. But reliable enough, in a way... so long as our credits continue to clear. Loyalty able to be bought is loyalty easily obtained."
"And easily lost. You really trust this one?"
"Of course not; I distrust them all equally. But not to worry. We'll be done with Lorn long before he's finished with us.

—Byrec Ren, discussing Lorn to Tasha Rure

Behind the Scenes[]
