Lord Starkiller was a Human male Sith Lord, apprenticed to Emperor Palpatine.
Princess Leia's Bothan spies stole the plans and put the plans into the R2 Droid, on the Corellian Corvette killed most of the crew and captured Leia thinking he had the plans that Leia took, so after figuring out Leia didn't have the plans he had dispersed troops to Kashyyykk, Malestare and Tatooine, mainly well known rebel locations. He landed on Tatooine and went to the palace of Jabba the Hutt and told he was looking for two droids and the Empire would compensate for any information given, Jabba exclaimed there were far to many Droids on Tatooine for his spies to track and his droid said one of his spies has believed to spot such droids like that and Mos Eisley, Jabba got angry pushed the droid back and Lord Starkiller pulled out his saber and flipped a lever and Starkiller fell into the rancor pit. He fought the rancor and fought through his palace and even killed Boba Fett. He went to hangar bay 94 and even dueled and killed Obi-Wan Kenobi.