Liuang was an ancient Rakata monarch and ruler of the Infinite Empire who established the second royal dynasty. According to the Rakatan King List, he overthrew the previous Over-Predor, Jal'urik, who was believed to have been a member of the Kwa species. He apparently had some ability as a general. During Liuang's reign of 120 years, the Rakata began developing space technology and ventured to other planets of the Lehon system, and began exploring other nearby systems. Thus he became the Over-Predor credited with truly beginning the Infinite Empire's galactic colonies. Because of his contributions to the Rakata he became known as "the supreme" in the King List.
He was also the first monarch who was referenced by other archeological sources besides the King List. Thus historians of the pre-Republic era regarded him as the first real monarch, while the ones before him were thought to have been mythological.