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This list of redeemed clones is a list of clones who were redeemed of their engineered conditioning that Palpatine and the Kaminoan cloners gave them. It was a list of all the clones who are talked about in the book Redemption: Even Clones Can Receive It. They are classified by the six chapters in the book, and some clones appear in more than one chapter.
Redeemed clones[]
Chapter 1: Independent thought[]
Chapter 2: Sympathy and compassion[]
Chapter 3: No greater love than this[]
Chapter 4: The reality of humanity[]
- Bly
- Boil
- Boss
- Cody
- Cut Lawquane
- Cutup
- Droidbait
- Echo
- Fives
- Fixer
- Gree
- Hardcase
- Hevy
- Jangotat
- Jesse
- Kix
- Ponds
- Rex
- Scorch
- Sev
- Tup
- Waxer
Chapter 5: Setting up their own lives[]
- A'den Skirata
- Atin Skirata
- Corr Skirata
- Cov
- Cut Lawquane
- Darman Skirata
- Dev
- Fi Skirata
- Jaing Skirata
- Jind
- Kom'rk Skirata
- Levet
- Maze
- Mereel Skirata
- Niner Skirata
- Ordo Skirata
- Prudii Skirata
- Spar
- Sull
- Yover