Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

This is the list for all the types of over 2 trillion (500 billion surveyed and 1.5 trillion unsurveyed) planets, 10 trillion (2.5 trillion surveyed and 7.5 trillion unsurveyed) moons, and countless asteroids (remains of destroyed planets) in the Star Wars galaxy (and an estimated 100 billion-10 trillion others in the universe), with canon, EU, non-canon, and fanon elements.

They are all spherical in shape and come in all sizes. Their information is also collected in separate The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons reference books and in-universe books (written by Dan Wallace, edited by Sue Rostoni and Steve Saffel, and illustrated by Brandon McKinney and Scott Kolins).

  • Terrestrial
    • Jungle
    • Swamp
    • Ice
    • Desert
    • Aquatic (Ocean)
    • Volcanic
    • Crystalline
    • Rocky
    • Forest
    • Temperate
    • Junk
    • Ecumenopolis
  • Gas Giant