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There is no death, there is the Force.
—The Jedi Code
This is a partial list of ordinary beings (not Jedi or clone) who entered Anakin's Country, and very brief descriptions of who and what they were. They lived on any world they wished and often travelled to others to visit each other.
- Cormen A'Lanti-HoloNet Entertainment analyst, defended the Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Gial Ackbar-renowned Admiral of the Rebel Alliance Fleet
- Padme Amidala-queen and senator of the pre-Empire Naboo
- Raymus Antilles-captain of the Tantive IV
- Wedge Antilles-ace X-wing pilot and war hero of the Rebellion's Rogue Squadron
- Garm Bel Iblis-former senator, Alliance founder and New Republic leader
- Jar Jar Binks-clumsy representative of the Gungans in the Senate
- Lux Bonteri-former Separatist citizen turned independent rebel, liked Ahsoka Tano
- Mina Bonteri-senator in the Separatist Congress, Lux's mother
- Lando Calrissian-card player, gambler, scoundrel and Rebel
- Chewbacca-legendary Wookiee warrior and pilot
- Riyo Chuchi-Pantoran senator
- Natasi Daala-Imperial admiral and Galactic Alliance Chief-of-State
- Jace Dallin-brave captain in the Republic Navy
- Biggs Darklighter-X-wing pilot in Red Squadron
- Gavin Darklighter-Rogue Leader, ace pilot in Rogue Squadron
- Kornell "Uli" Divini-Republic, Imperial and Rebel surgeon, loved Barriss Offee
- Jan Dodonna-Republic, Imperial, Rebel and New Republic general
- Garven Dreis-Red Leader in Red Squadron
- Isila Drutch-retired female stormtrooper
- Juno Eclipse-Imperial captain, lover of Starkiller, defected to the Rebellion, brought the Mon Calamari into the Alliance
- Jagged Fel-ace pilot and head of state of the Imperial Remnant during the Legacy era
- Roan Fel-emperor of the New Galactic Empire
- Soontir Fel-baron and legendary Imperial TIE pilot
- Davin Felth-stormtrooper spy for the Rebellion
- Grievous-Supreme Commander of the CIS's droid armies
- Shea Hublin-the "Rebel Destroyer", renowned ace Imperial V-wing pilot and war hero
- Dice Ibegon-Force-sensitive alien Rebel
- Armand Isard-director of Imperial Intelligence
- Ysanne Isard-Armand Isard's "Iceheart" daughter
- Oron Jaeger-leader of the 501st Legion in the Fel Empire
- Dexter Jettster-owner of Dex's Diner
- Satine Kryze-pacifist duchess of Mandalore
- Beru Whitesun Lars-moisture farmer, Luke Skywalker's aunt
- Cliegg Lars-Owen Lars' father and Shmi Skywalker's husband
- Owen Lars-moisture farmer, Luke Skywalker's uncle
- Lawquane family-human/Twi'lek farming family of clone deserter Cut Lawquane
- Tolk le Trene-Republic nurse, lover of Jos Vondar
- Erv Lekauf-lieutenant in the Imperial Army, admired Darth Vader
- Jori Lekauf-Erv's grandson, Galactic Alliance Guard member
- Crix Madine-former Imperial turned general of the Alliance Army
- Mon Mothma-former senator of Chandrila and Chief-of-State of the Rebel Alliance
- Lenang O'Pali-author of Mitth'raw'nuruodo Reconsidered:A Patroit's Perspective, considered Grand Admiral Thrawn a hero for preparing for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
- Bail Organa-senator and viceroy of Alderaan and founder of the Rebel Alliance
- Gilad Pellaeon-legendary navy officer of the Republic, Empire, Imperial Remnant and Galactic Alliance who dedicated his life to the military and to making the galaxy a little better place than it was when he was born
- Firmus Piett-captain, later admiral, of Darth Vader's Death Squadron
- Carlist Rieekan-Alderaanian general of the Republic, Rebellion, New Republic and Galactic Alliance
- Hurst Romodi-commander in the Grand Army of the Republic and general in the Imperial Army
- Terrinald Screed-Militarist, Judicial Department officer, and admiral in the Imperial Navy
- Lak Sivrak-Rebel and lover of Dice Ibegon
- Den Skeenah-Republic senator who supported the rights of clone troops
- Clan Skirata-biological and adopted Mandalorian family of Kal Skirata
- Shmi Lars Skywalker-mother of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker
- Han Solo-husband of Leia Organa, scoundrel and Rebel hero
- Gar Stazi-admiral of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet
- Tarfful-Wookiee warrior and chieftain of Kachirho
- Hume Tarl-stormtrooper who survived the Ewok assault at the Battle of Endor
- Teebo-Ewok warrior and friend of Wicket
- Osvald Teshik-Imperial Grand Admiral executed for war crimes by the Rebellion
- Thrawn-legendary Grand Admiral who sought to bring order and military might to the galaxy to protect it from outside invaders
- Trench-legendary Separatist admiral and fleet commander
- Sheeka Tull-freedom fighter, lover and redeemer of ARC trooper Jangotat
- Jos Vondar-Republic surgeon and lover of Tolk le Trene
- Wicket W. Warrick-brave and humble Ewok warrior
- Zan Yant-Republic surgeon and best friend of Jos Vondar
- Wullf Yularen-Republic admiral and Imperial Security Bureau colonel
- Zsinj-Imperial warlord