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From 22 BBY onward, action figures were manufactured and played with by younglings for mock battles in wars involving the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the New Republic, and the Imperial Remnant. The action figures were a success, and greatly lightened the mood of children who grew up in the wars. However, the Yuuzhan Vong would not allow action figures of them to be made, so it was harder for children to play around with the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Action figures[]
Republic warriors[]
- ARC troopers
- Clone commandos
- Clone pilots
- Clone SCUBA troopers
- Clone troopers
- Jedi
- Republic Navy
Republic vehicles[]
- Acclamator-class assault ship
- All Terrain Attack Pod
- All Terrain Open Transport
- All Terrain Recon Transport
- All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
- ARC-170 starfighter
- BARC speeder
- Clone turbo tank
- Consular-class cruiser
- Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor
- Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor
- LAAT/i gunship
- Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery
- Swamp Speeder
- Theta-class T-2c shuttle
- TX-130S fighter tank
- Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport
- V-19 Torrent starfighter
- V-wing starfighter
- Venator-class Star Destroyer
- Victory-class Star Destroyer
Confederate warriors[]
- Aqua droids
- Battle droids
- Buzz droids
- Commando droids
- Crab droids
- Death Watch
- Droideka
- Lok Durd
- Gossam Commandos
- General Grievous
- Karkarodon soldiers
- Koorivar Fusiliers
- MagnaGuards
- Mandalorian Protectors
- Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion
- Nimbus commandos
- Nosaurian resistance
- Octuptarra droids
- Super battle droids
- Riff Tamson
- Admiral Trench
- Mar Tuuk
- Asajj Ventress
Confederate vehicles[]
- Armored Assault Tank
- Droid gunship
- Droid tread tank
- Droid tri-fighter
- Dwarf spider droid
- Geonosian starfighter
- Hailfire droid
- Homing spider droid
- Lucrehulk-class battleship
- Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship
- Multi-Troop Transport
- Munificent-class star frigate
- Providence-class carrier/destroyer
- Recusant-class light destroyer
- Tri-droid
- Vulture droid
Imperial warriors[]
- Black Squadron
- Blizzard Force
- Natasi Daala
- Death Squardon
- Grand Admirals
- Jedi
- Gilad Pellaeon
- Pirates
- Royal Naboo Security Forces
- Separatist holdouts
- Smugglers
- Stormtrooper Corps
- Wilhuff Tarkin
- Thrawn
- TIE pilots
Imperial vehicles[]
- 74-Z speeder bike
- All Terrain Armored Transport
- All Terrain Scout Transport
- Executor-class Star Dreadnought
- Imperial-class Star Destroyer
- Juggernaut
- Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
- Tector-class Star Destroyer
- TIE Advanced
- TIE bomber
- TIE fighter
- TIE interceptor
- TX-130T fighter tank
Rebel warriors[]
- C-3PO
- Lando Calrissian
- Uli Divini
- Jan Dodonna
- Davin Felth
- Crix Madine
- Mon Calamari
- Princess Leia Organa
- R2-D2
- Rebel pilots
- Rebel troopers
- Alliance Special Forces
- Heavy Weapons Specialists
- Infiltrators
- Pathfinders
- SpaceOps
- Urban Guerillas
- Wilderness Fighters
- Renegade Squadron
- Alliance Special Forces
- Carlist Rieekan
- Luke Skywalker
- Han Solo
- Wookiees