Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Legio 0
Military of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Structural history
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Strategy and tactics
Infantry tactics
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Under different political systems
Royal Morsian Army · Morsian army of the Dictatorship
Morsian army of the First Republic · Imperial Morsian Army (Canon · Legends)
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

This is a list of Morsian wars and battles fought outside of civil wars. These were fought by all the different Morsian states across its history, organized by date. If no date was given, the approximate date is instead given. For rebellions and civil wars, see the List of Morsian civil wars and rebellions.

pre-16,800 BBY[]

16,400s BBY[]

  • Morsian-Giovan'ii War (c.16,440 BBY)

16,100s BBY[]

  • Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War (16,133 - 16,128 BBY)
    • 16,132 - First Battle of Acdubros - A naval assault and landing performed on the Sicc'oraxian port city of Acdubros. A lengthy battle was fought both on land and sea around the city but ultimately resulted in the Morsians capturing it.
    • 16,132/131 - Second Battle of Acdubros - A Sicc'oraxian counter attack on the city to push the Morsians out, resulting in naval blockade and heavy sieging, but was ultimately broken.
    • 16,131 - First Battle of Pedeticum - A Morsian assault on the capital of Sicc'oraxian Pedetes, Acdubros. The Morsians were ultimately unable to capture the city, but continued to lay siege while taking over the surrounding land.
    • 16,130 - Second Battle of Pedeticum - The second attempt by the Morsians to take the capital which was ultimately successful after a lengthy siege and several assault attempts.
    • 16,128 - Battle of Sicc'orandunum - The Morsians lay siege to the Sicc'orax capital Sicc'orandunum, war ends before completed.
  • First Morsian-Sparti War (16,127 - 16,126 BBY)
    • Siege of Malum 16,127/126 - Forces of the Kingdiomi Di Sparti lay siege to the city of Malum, which is ultimately broken.

16,000s BBY[]

  • Morsian conquest of Pedetes (16,092 - 16,090 BBY)
  • Second Morsian-Sparti War (16,085 - 16,075 BBY)
  • Third Morsian-Sicc'orax War (16,072 - 16,070 BBY)
    • 16,071 - Battle of Sicc'orandunum - The Morsians finally capture the capital of the Sicc'orax.
  • Morsian-Xikk'lac War (16,064 - 16,061 BBY)
  • Morsian conquest of Virconis (16,059 - 16,055 BBY)
  • Myapian Wars (16,042 - 14,020 BBY)

15,700s BBY[]

  • Second Myapian Wars (15,710 - 16,690 BBY)

15,600s BBY[]

  • Third Morsian-Sparti War (15,680 - 15,670 BBY)

Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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3,900s BBY[]

000s BBY[]

000s ABY[]
