Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

This is an incomplete list of individuals who held the title of Morsian consul following its formation at the beginning of the First Morsian Republic through to the age of the Morsian Empire. While the title changed and evolved over time, it remained a mostly constant symbol of power both within the Morsian Senate and the lands it held.


The title of Consul did not exist prior to the emergence of the First Morsian Republic in roughly 16,126 BBY, as up until that point there was a higher power in the form of either a king or dictator who controlled the Senate. When it took power for itself as the republic, a new office needed to be created, where a single individual led the Senate for two years before a new round of voting would either extend their term or replace them with someone else. It was not uncommon for the same senator to run as Consul for consecutive terms or be re-elected later on, as it mostly came down to their success, power and popularity both within the Senate and the wider populace.


Old Morsian terms[]

  • Absentis notitia = Missing information. The elected Consul for that term, or period of years, was either not known, yet to be discovered, or undocumented.
  • Mortuus officium = Died in office. The Consul of that term died while in office, be it from assassination, natural causes or in war.
  • Interofficium = Between office. For this term, or period of terms, there was no Consul elected. While there may have been several reasons, the most common one was due to a civil war being fought or the office being unreachable for whatever reason.


  • Assassinated
  • Natural causes
  • In battle

First Morsian Republic[]

Year Consul
16,126 BBY Scipio Farr'anax
16,124 BBY Scipio Farr'anax
16,122 BBY Plinnus Gar'rus
16,120 BBY - 16,046 BBY Absentis notitia
16,044 BBY Lucinius Cra'acius
16,042 BBY Lucinius Cra'acius
16,040 BBY Lucinius Cra'acius
16,038 BBY Tarquinus Albi'us
16,036 BBY Palatius Trabi'us
16,034 BBY Altius Car'io
16,032 BBY Sicero Bra'biar
16,030 BBY Albus Tra'biar
16,028 BBY Cicero Rabi'us
16,026 BBY Portius Grab'ii
16,024 BBY Galbus Yab'riar
16,022 BBY Honorius War'itiar
16,020 BBY Nero Bla'vius
16,018 BBY Hadrus Uvar'iarr
c.16,016 BBY - 16,007 BBY Interofficium

Second Morsian Republic[]

Year Consul
16,007 BBY Publius Dok'aar Fiblius Pyr'rus
16,005 BBY Portinus Fulv'arr Publius Dok'aar
16,003 BBY Scipius Brun'ius† (Mortuus officium) Brutus Mak'onus
16,002 BBY Pompinius Luc'ilus† (Mortuus officium) Brutus Mak'onus
16,001 BBY Patronius Zon'adar Tacitus Fib'rius† (Mortuus officium)
15,997 BBY Romulus Aed'uptus† (Mortuus officium) Interofficium