Star Wars Fanon
Legio 0
Military of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Structural history
Rutilarian reforms · Farranaxian reforms · Reforms of 3,920 · Cracian reforms · Unit types and ranks · Equipment · Legions (Canon · Legends) · Navy (Canon · Legends)
Campaign history
Wars and battles (Canon · Legends) · Civil Wars and rebellions (Canon · Legends)
Strategy and tactics
Infantry tactics
Borders and fortifications
Castellum · Castra · Escensio · Finibus Galacticus (Finibus Septemtrionis Galacticus (Finibus Otega ad Qiilura · Finibus Thanium ad Ashicus · Finibus Meram ad Quelii · Finibus Kanz ad Raioballo) Finibus Coruscanticus · Finibus Teraab ad Trax · Finibus Meridionali Galacticus (Finibus Chommell ad Brema · Finibus Arkanis ad Cadavine · Finibus Lambda ad Bothanicus))
Under different political systems
Royal Morsian Army · Morsian army of the Dictatorship
Morsian army of the First Republic · Imperial Morsian Army (Canon · Legends)
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

This is a list of unit types and titles found in the Morsian Army at any point in its lifespan. The Morsian Army underwent many changes, improvements, and restructuring over its lifespan which resulted in new units and titles being created and/or subsequently dropped. The following is an incomplete list of all unit types that were found in the Morsian Army at one point in its existence.

  • Angelus Custos - The officer in command of a legion of Imperatoris Custodes.
  • Auxilia - Also known as an Auxiliary, they were soldiers originally employed from non-citizens or allied nations who served in the Morsian army. They later became soldiers who served secondary roles, such as garrisoning border forts.
  • Auxilia Publicae - A soldier of the Publicae Auxiliam, the police force of the Morsians.
  • Auxilia Saggitaria - An auxiliary soldier armed with a bow.
  • Ballistarius - An artillery soldier or operator.
  • Buccinator - A solder who carried the horn to perform battlefield signals and commands.
  • Centurion - An officer in command of a cohort of 100 legionaries.
  • Centurion Auxiliaris - A centurion in command of a cohort of auxilia.
  • Centurion Ballistarius - A centurion in command of one or more pieces of artillery.
  • Centurion Fabrum - A centurion in the Imperial Engineers.
  • Centurion Imperator Maxius - An officer in joint second in command in the legions of the Morsian Empire, commanding ten cohorts.
  • Centurion Maximus - A rank higher than centurion in the legions of the Morsian Empire, in command of five cohorts.
  • Centurion Nullam - The second in command of an artillery attachment.
  • Centurion Publicae - A shortened form of the name for an officer who command fifty Auxilia Publicae in the Publicae Auxiliam.
  • Cohortium Centurionem Publicae Partem - An officer of the Publicae Auxiliam who commanded fifty Auxilia Publicae.
  • Custos Quingentorum - A second in command of a legion of
  • Decurion - An officer in command of a squadron of mounted units. In the Morsian Empire, these were armored vehicles, though prior to the advent of machines they would have been cavalry.
  • Ducem Custodem - The Imperatoris Custodes equivalent of a centurion in command of a cohort of Imperatoris Custodes.
  • Ducis Invicta - An officer in command of all forces in a half of a planet's hemisphere.
  • Generalis - Literally meaning "General", they were an officer in command of one or more legions during a war.
  • Hastarii - Translating literally to "spearman", the Hastarii were introduced in the Farranaxian reforms as spearman copies of troops used by the Sicc'orax Republic and other tribes on Virconis. Singularly known as a Hastarius.
  • Hopliarii - Spearmen implemented in the legions during the Second Morsian-Sparti War with the Reforms of 3,920, they were an evolution of the Hastarii and a copy of Sparti Hoplitas, carrying a long spear and circular shield. Singularly known as a Hopliarius.
  • Imperator Praetorian - The praetorian equivalent of a centurion imperator maxius, they commanded ten cohorts of praetorians.
  • Imperatoris Custodes - Literally translated to "Emperor's Guardian", they were an elite soldier tasked with defending the Morsian Emperor with their life.
  • Imperium Fabrum - A solder of the Imperial Engineers.
  • Invicta Praetorian - The praetorian equivalent of a centurion maximus, they commanded five cohorts of praetorians.
  • Legati Planetarium - The officer in command of all military forces on a Morsian Protectorate Planet.
  • Legatus - Also known as a Legate, the Legatus was in overall command of a legion.
  • Legatus Expeditionem - Officer in command of a field army while on campaign in the galaxy. A replacement for the Generalis after the Morsian Empire became capable of fighting elsewhere in the galaxy.
  • Legatus Imperata Maximus - An officer commanding all forces in a province.
  • Legatus Imperator - The officer in charge of a legion of praetorians.
  • Legionarii - More commonly refered to as a Legionary, they were heavy infantry that formed the backbone of a Morsian legion. Singularly known as a Legionarius.
  • Legionarii Equites - Mounted soldiers that came to be during the late Morsian Military Dictatorship.
  • Luxarii - Light infantry created during the Rutilarian reforms that served in the Morsian army of the Dictatorship during the time of the Morsian Military Dictatorship. Singualarly known as a Luxarius.
  • Mediares - Medium infantry created during the Rutilarian reforms that served in the Morsian army of the Dictatorship during the time of the Morsian Military Dictatorship. Singularly known as a Mediarus.
  • Morsiana Custodia - Literally meaning "Morsian Guard", they were a soldier in the Morsian Guard.
  • Oppidum Custodibus - A soldier that formed the Town Watch, the basis for the Publicae Auxiliam.
  • Ordinis Centurion - An officer of the Publicae Auxiliam who commanded 100 Auxilia Publicae.
  • Patria Legatus - The officer in command of all forces of a country on a Morsian Protectorate Planet.
  • Praefectus Auxiliaris - The officer in command of a unit of Auxilia.
  • Praefectus Fabrum - An officer in command of the detachment of Imperial Engineers typically assigned to a legion.
  • Praefectus Tormenta - Officer in command of an artillery unit.
  • Praefectus Turmae - The officer in command of a mounted unit.
  • Praetorian - An elite soldier taken from the ranks of a legion and placed into a praetorian legion, generally better trained and battle hardened.
  • Praetorian Maximus - The praetorian equivalent of a centurion, they were officers in command of one cohort of praetorians.
  • Primis Centurion Auxiliaris - The second in command of an auxiliary unit.
  • Primum Decurion - The second in command officer of a mounted unit.
  • Princeps Magnus - An officer commanding all forces in a quarter of a planet's hemisphere.
  • Provinciarum Legatus - An officer commanding all forces in a province on a Morsian Protectorate Planet.
  • Scriba - A non-combatant, scriba was any administrative role not performed by an officer, most similar to a clerk.
  • Secundus Legatus - Literally meaning "secondary legate", they were the second in command of a legion during the late Morsian Kingdom and Royal Morsian Army.
  • Signifer - A soldier in charge of the legions standard.
  • Summum Tamen Coercitor - The officer in command of all the forces of the Publicae Auxiliam in a town.
  • Tamen Coercito - Often shorted to just "Coercito", they were an officer of the Publicae Auxiliam who commanded ten Auxilia Publicae.
  • Tribune - An officer role below the Legatus, Tribunes were created during the Rutilarian reforms of the early Morsian Military Dictatorship.

Sub-units of a Morsian legion[]

During most of its life, the Morsian army had sub-units which helped divide up tasks or make administrative duties for the legion easier. Below is all the sub-units that were found at one point or another within the Morsian army.

  • Circuitus - Translating to "Patrol", this was two Auxilia Publicae.
  • Cohort - A field unit of 100 soldiers plus their centurion.
  • Media Cohort - Literally meaning "Half Cohort", this was fifty soldiers of the Publicae Auxiliam, or five Sectionems.
  • Sectionem - Translating to "Section", this was a unit of ten Auxilia Publicae. The unit was also used in the legions when detaching ten soldiers to a specific duty, or when further splitting down a cohort of infantry.
  • Turmae - A full mounted unit, usually numbering seventy-two soldiers and mounts in size. This varied as the army was restructured and reformed, especially after it became mechanized. Under the Morsian Empire, a turmae was seventy-two tanks with their crews.
Morsian army command structure

The hierarchy structure of a legion during the time of the Morsian Empire
