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Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.
—Yoda, to Luke Skywalker on Dagobah
This is a partial list of Jedi who entered Anakin's Country from both the Old and New Jedi Orders, and very brief descriptions of who they were and what they did. They were given exalted positions as rulers of Anakin's Country for their selfless service to the old galaxy. Old Jedi Order Jedi lived and operated from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, while the New Jedi Order was headquartered at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4.
Old Jedi Order[]
- Xiaan Amersu-Twi'lek Jedi Padawan/Knight, considered Aayla Secura her personal hero
- Jon Antilles-nomad Jedi, brought many murderers to justice in the Outer Rim
- Dark Woman-mysterious Jedi Master who gave up her name to show humility before the Force
- Nico Diath-nomad Jedi, freed over a thousand slaves from the Hutts
- Fay-ancient, ageless nomad Jedi, wholly peaceful, never wielded or carried a lightsaber
- Kit Fisto-Nautolan Jedi Master, amphibious, could sense the emotions of others
- Adi Gallia-negotiator and advisor to the Supreme Chancellor
- Falon Grey-former Padawan of Rahm Kota
- Qui-Gon Jinn-highly compassionate Jedi who found the Chosen One on Tatooine and learned how to retain consciousness within corporeal space
- Jinx-Twi'lek Jedi youngling, captured by Trandoshans, rescued by Ahsoka Tano
- Kalifa-Jedi youngling, captured and killed by Trandoshans
- K'Kruhk-old Whiphid Jedi Master, survived many near-deaths
- Obi-Wan Kenobi-legendary Jedi Master, "the Negotiator", trainer of Anakin and Luke Skywalker
- Plo Koon-Kel Dor Jedi Master, exceptional pilot, found Ahsoka Tano
- Sha Koon-niece of Plo Koon who survived Order 66 and foresaw the balance of the Force
- Far'katar Fazio-oldest living Jedi at the time of his death, knew the Sith would always exist
- Rahm Kota-Jedi General, military genius, survivor of Order 66 and general of the Rebellion
- Galen Marek-redeemed secret apprentice of Darth Vader and founder of the Rebel Alliance
- Kento Marek-father of Galen Marek
- Ky Narec-Jedi Master of Asajj Ventress
- Barriss Offee-dedicated Padawan/Knight and Jedi Healer
- O-Mer-Cerean Jedi youngling, captured by Trandoshans, rescued by Ahsoka Tano
- Kazdan Paratus-half-mad survivor of Order 66
- Even Piell-Jedi warrior
- Qu Rahn-obscure Jedi Master
- T'ra Saa-ancient Jedi Healer
- Aayla Secura-acrobatic Jedi Knight
- Roan Shryne-survivor of Order 66 who foresaw Anakin Skywalker's redemption
- Anakin Skywalker-the Chosen One of Jedi lore, a legendary Jedi Knight and "the Hero With No Fear"
- Olee Starstone-Padawan survivor of Order 66
- Bultar Swan-martial artist Jedi
- Ahsoka Tano-feisty, unorthodox Padawan of Anakin Skywalker
- Tholme-Jedi Master of Quinlan Vos
- Shaak Ti-beautiful but deadly Jedi Consular and survivor of Order 66
- Starkiller (clone)-single-minded clone of Galen Marek
- Etain Tur-Mukan-weak Jedi Knight who loved and cared for the clone troopers
- Luminara Unduli-strict, old-school Jedi Master of Barriss Offee
- Knol Ven'nari-nomad Bothan Jedi, the "Fire Eater", protected Bothan space
- Vergere-Jedi-turned Sith-turned Jedi, introduced the Yuuzhan Vong to the galaxy
- Quinlan Vos-troubled Jedi Master of Aayla Secura
- Mace Windu-legendary Jedi Master
- Yaddle-soft-hearted Jedi Master
- Yoda-legendary Jedi Grand Master
New Jedi Order[]
- Cilghal-contemporary Jedi Healer
- Dorsk 81-81st clone of the Dorsk lineage
- Dorsk 82-82nd clone of the Dorsk lineage
- Kyp Durron-controversial but highly respected repentant Jedi
- Keyan Farlander-X-Wing pilot and hero, and Jedi General in the Yuuzhan Vong War
- Corran Horn-ace pilot and New Republic hero
- Kyle Katarn-former stormtrooper-turned Rebel-turned Jedi Battlemaster
- Lowbacca-Jedi Knight and nephew of Chewbacca
- Anakin Solo-grandson and namesake of Anakin Skywalker, sacrificed himself in the Yuuzhan Vong War
- Jacen Solo-grandson of Anakin Skywalker, turned to darkness and the Sith and became Darth Caedus
- Jaina Solo-granddaughter of Anakin Skywalker, Jacen's twin, the "Sword of the Jedi"
- Leia Organa Solo-leader of the Rebellion, daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Knight
- Ben Skywalker-Luke Skywalker's faithful son
- Cade Skywalker-descendant of Anakin Skywalker, renounced the Jedi for a time but ultimately returned and reclaimed his heritage
- Kol Skywalker-father of Cade Skywalker
- Luke Skywalker-son and redeemer of Anakin Skywalker, and first Grand Master of the New Jedi Order
- Mara Jade Skywalker-former Emperor's Hand and wife of Luke Skywalker
- Nat Skywalker-uncle of Cade Skywalker
- Kam Solusar-survivor of the Great Jedi Purge and husband of Tionne Solusar
- Tionne Solusar-scholar of Jedi history
- Kirana Ti-member of the Singing Mountain Clan of the rancor-riding witches of Dathomir
- Tahiri Veila-Jedi turned into an instrument of pain by Vergere, but eventually redeemed
- X2-former Republic clone trooper, Rebel, and Jedi Knight/Master
- Zekk-street-wise orphan Jedi and friend of Jaina Solo