This is a list of all missions and battles that occured during the Clone Wars.
- First Battle of Geonosis
- Battle of Kaer Orbital Platform
- Battle of Atraken
- Firefight on Bodgen's Moons
- Mission to Bakura
- First Battle of Tatooine
- Battle of Cartao
- Mission to Corellia
- Battle of Eredenn
- Mission to Forescan IV
- Mission to Shaymin
- Battle of Parein 11 4
- Skirmish at Dinlo
- Raid on the Core Ship
- Mission to Ord Cestus
- Sabotage of Olanet Droid Factory
- Battle of Skye
- Mission to Kamino
- Battle of Skor 11
- Battle of Alaris Prime
- Battle of Asteroid 426
- First Battle of Sarapin
- Second Battle of Sarapin
- Second Battle of Tatooine
- Battle of Aereen
- Battle of Krant
- First Battle of Rhen Var
- Battle of Raxus Prime
- Escape from Bespin
- Mission to Aargau
- Second Battle of Alaris Prime
- First Battle of Mirgoshir
- Battle of Bespin
- Second Battle of Rhen Var
- First Battle of Ossus
- Battle of Sivvi
- Battle of Dialga
- Battle of Thule
- Second Battle of Mirgoshir
- Mission to Palne
- Battle of Agamar
- Mission to The Wheel
- First Battle of Kamino
- Battle of Ohma-D'un
- Battle of Lianna
- Battle of Teyr
- Mission to Ruul
- Mission to Swangas
- Battle of Pegnalan IV
- Mission to Tarhassan
- Mission to Qiilura
- Battle of Qiilura
- Mission to Queyta
- Galactic City Spaceport Hostage Siege
- Battle of Cyphar
- Battle of Axion
- Battle of Dantooine
- First Battle of Muunilinst
- Mission to Aokigahari
- First Battle of Mon Calamari
- Battle of Ilum
- Battle of Hypori
- Battle of Brentaal IV
- Battle of Esseles
- Battle of Jabiim
- Mission to Hoia-Baciu
- Battle of Kabal
- Battle of Metalorn
- Battle of Aargonar
- Mission to Aluxz
- Mission to the Island of Spirits
- Mission to Aylasai
- Battle of Parcellus Minor
- Mission to Nivek
- Battle of Iktotch
- Battle of Terra Sool
- Mission to Rattatak
- Escape from Rattatak
- Assassination Attempts on Coruscant
- Battle of Varonat
- Rescue at Riflor
- Battle of Merson
- Battle of Thustra
- Duel on Yavin 4
- Battle of Nadiem
- Mission to Ruxol
- Mission to Priaine
- Mission to Omphalos
- Mission to Trenchant Space Station
- Mission to Ord Mantell
- Battle of Aridka
- Skirmished on Corellian Trade Route
- Mission to Nar Shaddaa
- Mission to Devaron
- Brawl at Lorshan Pass
- Battle of Lorshan Pass
- Battle of Haruun Kal
- Duel at Pelek Bow
- Battle of Pelek Bow
- Battle of Amaltanna
- Battle of Drongar
- Tibrin Revolution
- Duel on Korriban
- Battle of Null
- Battle of New Holstice
- Battle of Excarga
- Mission to Zhilea
- Mission to The Rig
- Battle of Zaadja
- Duel on Kiffu
- Battle of Antar 4
- Battle of Bassadro
- First Battle of Ando
- Battle of Ord Canfre
- Battle of Balamak
- Battle of Dagu
- Battle of Cerea
- Mission to Tatooine
- Coruscant Insurrection
- Corporation Battle of Brak
- Battle of Anoth
- Battle of Bakura
- Battle of Christophsis
- Mission to Jabba's Palace
- Mission to Teth
- Battle of Teth
- Rescue from Teth
- Raid of Ziro the Hutt's Coruscant Club
- Battle of Akoshissss
- Mission to Chaqui
- Mission to Metalorn
- Mission to Fest
- Battle of Ryloth
- Mission to Rugosa
- Battle of Phu
- Mission to Kynachi
- Mission to Barab 1
- Mission to Zigoola
- Battle of Menengai
- Mission to the Corellian-Perlemian Insurrection
- Mission to the Chaykin Cluster
- Battle of Korriban
- Battle of Lanos
- Mission to Bimini
- Mission to the Lost City
- Mission to Tibrin
- Mission to Confederate Space
- Battle of Abregado
- Battle of Ryndellia
- Battle of Kaliida Nebula
- Battle near the Kaliida Nebula
- Mission to Pastil
- Battle of Mimban
- Mission to Rishi Moon
- Second Battle of Kamino
- Mission to Manakotak
- Battle of Falleen
- Battle of Bothawui
- Mission to the Vulture's Claw
- Mission to Ruusan 2
- Mission to Rodia
- Rescue on the Tranquility
- Mission to Vassek
- Mission to Geonosis
- Skirmish on Vanqor
- Mission to Florrum
- Mission to Sylva
- Mission to Akriga
- Battle of Quell
- Battle of Maridun
- Skirmish on Orto Plutonia
- Battle of Orto Plutonia
- Blockade of Pantora
- Rescue from Separatist Command Ship
- Skirmish at Mos Eisley Cantina
- Raid of Nuvo Vindi's Laboratory
- Mission to Iego
- Mission to Bhurnk
- Mission Masada
- Mission to Doolin
- Battle of Juma 9
- Mission to Alzoc 3
- Skirmish on Ryloth
- Battle of Behpour
- Mission to Jerdev
- Attack on a Republic Cruiser
- Mission to Mandalore
- Bombing of the Memorial Shrine
- Mission to Concordia
- Skirmish on Concordia
- Battle on the Coronet
- Bombing of Kalevala
- Assassination Attempts on Satine Kryze
- Mission to Nerey
- Mission to Djinn
- Mission to Humberstone
- Mission to La Noria
- Sabotage of the Endurance
- Mission to Vanqor
- Second Mission to Florrum
- Mission to Kiryat Yam
- Battle of Kothlis
- Mission to Taloraan
- Battle of Ord Ibanna
- Mission to Scape Ore
- Misson to Aste
- Mission to Māori
- Alderaan Conference
- Assassination Attempt on Padme Amidala
- Senate Hostage Crisis
- Mission to Nal Hutta
- Skirmish on Teth
- Destruction of the Felucia Medical Station
- Mission to Felucia
- Skirmish on Felucia
- First Battle of Felucia
- Mission to the Jedi Temple
- First Battle of Devaron
- Battle on Cad Bane's Flagship
- Mission to Glee Anselm
- Mission to Rodia
- Mission to Naboo
- Mission to Black Stall Station
- Rescue of Kidnapped Younglings
- Attack on Ree Shaala's base
- Mission to Cato Neimoidia
- Battle of Dorin
- Second Battle of Geonosis
- Battle of Malastare
- Zillo Beast Incident
- Battle of Rial Kroon
- Blockade of Valahari
- Battle of Valahari
- Second Battle of Valahari
- Battle in Unknown System
- Duel on Valahari
- Battle of Hexus
- Battle of the Veil Nebula
- Discovery of Katrina the Great's Temple
- Skirmish aboard TB-73
- Battle of Arda
- First Battle of Saleucami
- Confederate-Republic Peace Initiative
- Bombing of the Coruscant Power Generators
- Battle of Raxus
- Funeral of Onoconda Farr
- Battle of Sullust
- Mission to Serenno
- Second Battle of Devaron
- Mission to Toydaria
- Skirmish on Toydaria
- Battle on Dooku's Flagship
- Battle of Rishi
- Mission to Mortis
- Battle of Euphoria
- Capture of Even Piell
- Mission to The Citadel
- Rescue from The Citadel
- Funeral of Even Piell
- Battle of Lola Sayu
- Second Battle of Felucia
- Skirmish on Wassakh
- Mission to Iceberg 3
- Battle of Mon Calamari
- Skirmish on Naboo
- Mission to Aleen
- Battle of Patitite Pattuna
- Rescue of Adi Gallia
- Battle of Umbara
- Mission to Peiim
- Mission to Nandi
- Battle of Kiros
- Mission to Zygerria
- Battle of Kadavo
- Skirmish on Carlac
- Battle of Dathomir
- Mission to Quartzite
- Skirmish on Quartzite
- Mission to Lotho Minor
- Massacre on Raydonia
- Skirmish on Raydonia
- Mission to Methlyn
- Duel at Onderia Spaceport
- Raid of Cybloc Transfer Station
- Skirmish on Florrum
- Mission to Angkor
- Mission to Haboro
- Mission to Mingwa
- Battle of Sarrish
- War for Parliament Independence
- Gathering at Outer Rim Spaceport
- Battle of the Colony
- Duel at the Colony
- Betrayal at the Colony
- Parliament Senate Bombing
- Raid of Republic Tatooine Outpost
- Mission to Palkia
- Funeral of Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Republic Prison Riot
- Escape from Nal Hutta
- Skirmish on Orondia
- Tournament on Serenno
- Festival of Light
- Crisis in Theed
- Mission to Chuuk
- Battle of Abraxas
- Discovery of the Lost Treasure
- Battle of Onderon
- Funeral of Steela Gerrera
- Funeral of Boba Raspspore
- The Gathering c. 20 BBY
- Raid of the Crucible
- Attack on Obi-Wan Kenobi's Fleet
- Rescue on Florrum
- Battle of Florrum
- Awakening of the Rhedosaurus
- Mission to Menengai
- Mission to Almas
- Mission to Kalan
- Mission to Aut-O's Flagship
- Escape from Abafar
- Republic Strategy Conference
- Carida Incident
- Battle of Veriss
- Mission to Khorm
- Skirmish at Parliament Science Facility
- Death Watch Mission to Mustafar
- Mission to Oba Diah
- Mission to Nal Hutta
- Attack on Jabba's Palace
- Takeover of Mandalore
- Battle of Sundari
- Duel at Sundari
- Sal'awa Incident
- Mission to Nan Madol
- Mission to Galo
- Mission to TaoTaoMo'n
- First Battle of Cato Neimoidia
- Bombing of the Jedi Temple Hangar
- Funeral of Jedi Temple Bombing Victims
- Escape from Republic Military Base
- Duel on Level 1313
- Capture of Ahsoka Tano
- Trials of Ahsoka Tano
- Ahsoka Tano Leaves the Jedi Order
- Mission to Ucumar
- Mission to Kolmanskop
- Mission to Endor
- Mission to Felucia
- Destruction of Pammant
- Battle of Belderone
- Battle of Verena
- Battle of Xylem
- Battle of Kooriavar
- Races on Coruscant, Naboo and Xylem
- Battle of Kuat
- Battle of Endor Moon
- Battle of Abafar
- Black Scorpion Incident
- Mission to Virmund
- Battle of Bal'demnic
- Third Battle of Felucia
- Battle of Orto
- Battle of Pohnpei
- Battle of Ywllandr
- Mission to Phanom Rung
- Mission to Naree Pon
- Mission to Ushuaia
- Battle of Tythe
- Magnetic Monster Incident
- Second Battle of Rhen Var
- Mission to Jave Moon
- Mission to the Negative Zone
- Rescue from the Negative Zone
- Siege of Saleucami
- Second Battle of Saleucami
- Funeral of Oppo Rancisis
- Battle of Kal-Tarra
- Battle of Virujansi
- Battle of Duro
- Parliament Neutrality Conference
- Parliament Council Elections
- Trials of Tal Novik
- Parliament Senate Office Elections
- Battle of Dreighton
- Battle of Togoria
- Battle of Foerost
- Mission to Battut
- Second Mission to Hoia Baciu
- Mission to Nabutautau
- Mission to Aeta
- Kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine
- Rescue of Chancellor Palpatine
- Battle of Ixtlar
- Battle of Alsakan
- Battle of Basilisk
- Battle of Anaxes
- Batle of Honoghr
- Mission to Vandos
- Battle of Dagobah
- First Battle of Alderaan
- Occupation of Aargau
- Duel on the Titavian IV
- Battle of Rendili
- Duel in the Coruscant Underlevels
- Battle of Ord Radama
- Second Battle of Ossus
- Second Battle of Ryloth
- Mission to Anzat
- Mission to Saleucami
- Third Battle of Saleucami
- Mission to Trigalis
- Mission to Maramere
- Battle of Boz Pity
- Duel on Tatooine
- Battle of Xagobah
- Third Battle of Kamino
- Mission to Razdolnoye
- Battle of Phindar Spaceport
- Mission to Kilat
- Mission to Blå Jungfrun
- Mission to Altai
- Mission to Echo Valley
- Battle of New Bornalex
- Mission to Vjun
- Battle of Omwat
- Battle of Bomis Koori IV
- Battle of Kilar
- Battle of Iceberg 3
- Mission to Norval 2
- Mission to Ruhe
- Battle of Alliga
- Battle of Dac
- Battle of Kooriva
- Battle of Castell
- Second Battle of Muunilinst
- Second Battle of Ando
- Battle of Skako
- Battle of Neimoidia
- Battle of Kalee
- Battle of Serenno
- Battle of Deko Neimoidia
- Battle of Koru Neimoidia
- Second Battle of Cato Neimoidia
- Battle of Angruya
- Battle of Monhudle
- Battle of New Bakstre
- Second Zillo Beast Incident
- Mission to Charros IV
- Mission to Escarte
- Darkrai Incident
- Mission to Naos 3
- Battle of Nelvaan
- Mission to Birix
- Battle of Manokotak
- Mission to San Hill's Flagship
- Capture of the Jedi Council
- Escape from Leomre
- Battle of Velox
- Attack on Republic Helicarrier
- Battle for the Omega Base
- Riot in Atlantis
- Mission to Atlantis
- Mission to Mandarin's Palace
- Battle of Mephisto's Realm
- Mission to Bifrost
- Battle of Asgard
- Battle of Niffleheim
- Mission to Shi'ar Warship
- Battle of Chrelythium
- Raid of Cloud City
- Battle of Latveria
- Destruction of the Demon's Castle
- Battle of Tellanroeg
- Battle of Mukhana
- Battle of Dellalt
- First Battle of Kashyyyk
- Battle of Polis Massa
- Mission to Veriss
- Second Battle of Veriss
- Battle of Coruscant
- Battle of Garqi
- Battle of Acherin
- Battle of Tar Morden
- Battle of Toola
- Battle of Kessel
- Battle of New Plympto
- Battle of Ragmar V
- Second Battle of Kashyyyk
- Battle of Utapau
- Battle of Mygeeto
- Fourth Battle of Felucia
- The Great Jedi Purge
- Order 66
- Mission to Mustafar
- Duel on Mustafar
- Duel in the Senate
Note: This list is not in chronological order.