Star Wars Fanon
Chapter III

Solay, Dominus sector, Outer Rim

Eight months before the Battle of Yavin

Grand Moff Argon looked like he had just seen death himself. That may have been preferable compared to what he actually had heard. After a few seconds, he managed to regain his composure. No, he wasn't supposed to come yet! The plan is not ready!

"Sir? Lord Vader is waiting!"

Argon sighed. "Very well, put him on. I will see what I can do. In the meantime, inform our Rebel colleagues to not come here. The plan has failed."

As the officer ran off to carry out the former Grand Moff's command, an image of Darth Vader appeared on one of the larger screens of the control room.

"Grand Moff Argon," the Dark Lord said casually.

"Yes, my lord, I am glad you have arrived! A rogue assassin has infiltrated the palace, killed a squadron of stormtroopers and—"

"You insult my intelligence? I am not fooled, I know that you are a traitor. Honestly, I am not surprised. You never seemed like someone who would get far in the Empire."

"I am afraid I do not know—" the Grand Moff was cut off by the Sith Lord.

"Quiet, you fool, no reason to lie to me anymore. Won't help you now. I am arriving with my stormtrooper legion, you better tell your men to stand down. That way, I can promise you a quick execution," Vader said.

Argon's face showed a growing rage. "No! The Empire is too corrupt, killed and enslaved too many, the Rebellion—"

"—will be crushed," Vader finished quietly.

The Grand Moff cut the transmission. Forget about eliminating the Royal Guard! I need to get to the Rebellion! He turned to an officer.

"Get my personal shuttle ready for lift off. Now!" Argon yelled angrily.

"Sir? You wish to evacuate? Very well, but what about the rest of us?"

"What about you?"

The officer, looking disgusted, turned up and looked at the traitorous Grand Moff.

"I cannot believe I left the Empire for you—"

A blaster bolt broke their argument. Major Zelos came up from behind the officer with a blaster pistol in hand.

"So, I guess we are officially Rebels now?"

"Not yet, major, not yet. Let's get to the shuttle!"

A large explosion on one of the lower levels rocked the whole room.

"Agreed, let's!"

Selwyn did not think he would ever had to crawl through one of these service tunnels since he left Imperial Center. But what do you know? There he was, with his stormtrooper companion leading the way, trying to find an empty room to emerge. Suddenly, a large explosion rocked the whole building, shacking the corridor.

Mauryl stopped. "What the hell was that!?!"

"Who knows? Just keep going, I have a feeling that we will find out soon," the guardsman replied.

Finally, after several more minutes, they found a place to leave the service tunnel. A small storeroom, with no one in sight out in the corridor leading to the room. They opened the door further and emerged from the tunnel, looking around.

"Keep your rifle loaded. We may have more trouble. We need to get out of the palace, Lord Vader should arrive soon!"

"Yes, sir!" Mauryl exclaimed, taking his E-11 out of the holster.

They entered a dusty, unused corridor that led further out into the palace. As they walked through the hall, they could hear the sound of engines in the distance.

"We must be near the hangars," said the stormtrooper.

The Royal Guard merely nodded in response.

As they entered a larger hall, a group of four palace guards came running around the corner. Their leader was talking through a comm link as they rounded the corner.

"—level six-four-one, repeat—wait! Arrghh!"

Before the guards could react, Selwyn and Mauryl opened fire, releasing a volley of lasers. The blaster bolts hit their targets, dropping the two lead palace guards. The other two did not have time to draw their weapons before being shot, one in the chest and the second in the head. The duo continued down the corridor to the hangar.

Entering the vast docking bay, they looked around. A few mechanics, army troopers, and palace guards were running around on the upper catwalks, but it was mostly empty, and they did not seem to have time to pay attention to the Royal Guard and the stormtrooper.

However, something quickly caught their eye at the other side of the hangar.

Grand Moff Argon and Major Zelos entered the hangar bay and proceeded to the nearby shuttle. A small group of army troopers were guarding the shuttle, as crates were being loaded aboard it. One trooper noticed them approach and walked up to them.

"Sirs? What is going on—" he was cut off by Zelos' blaster, being shot in the chest.

The other troopers barely had time to look up as Zelos and Argon blasted them with a volley of lasers. The troopers fell quickly. One managed to pull out his rifle, but did not have time to fire before being dropped by Argon. The two proceeded to walk over to the shuttle, but then they heard approaching footsteps. Argon glanced to the side, into the hangar, and—

—saw the Royal Guard and the stormtrooper running towards them. Pulling out his blaster, he fired several shots toward them, but they were far off from their targets. Zelos noticed as well, and started firing from behind a crate. While he distracted them (as now they were returning fire), Argon snuck behind him into the shuttle. Running to the cockpit, he began to close the ramp, and turned on the engines, preparing to escape.

Zelos, who was fighting up until then, looked up and noticed the shuttle ramp closing as the engines turned on. His eyes showed fear.

"No, wait! What are you doing? Open the ramp!"

Argon ignored him and prepared to take off. As the shuttle began lifting off the ground, he saw a laser fired by the stormtrooper hit Zelos in the head, and his lifeless corpse falling to the ground. Well, he served is purpose.

The shuttle continued lifting off, and though the duo began firing at it, it was too late to stop him. Yes!

Selwyn stared at the shuttle is it lifted up and left the hangar bay, flying up into the clouds. He turned to the stormtrooper.

"We better go inform Lord Vader that a certain rogue Grand Moff is heading his way," said the Royal Guard.
