Star Wars Fanon

The Council seems not to care for knowledge anymore, only strength, influence... power. Were it not for Master Yoda or you, I would have left this Order long ago.
—Liko expressing his criticism of the Jedi Council to Jeden.

Master Liko Eil was a Zabrak Jedi Master and one of very few Jedi to not take any active role in the Clone Wars. A lover of planetary lore, Master Eil had entered more entries in to the Jedi archives than any other Jedi had in history, and he was viewed by many to be one of the most knowledgable Jedi in the Order, even more so than Master Yoda.

Eil was a pacifist through and through, and disliked action in every form. In order to avoid the War, he would often stay in the Jedi Temple to train Younglings in many ways, and became a close friend of Master Yoda because of this.


Early life[]

Born on Coruscant to a runaway Jedi Knight and a smuggler, Liko was found early on by Master Plo Koon and brought to the Jedi Temple, meaning he was in the Temple from a younger age than most.

As a child, Liko took an interest in the Jedi archives, and became known to Master Yoda as he spent more time there. Liking the idea of a Padawan who disliked violence and preferred Jedi lore, Yoda took Liko as a Padawan. When Liko ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight, Yoda tasked him with filling the archives for lore involving planets, and soon Liko was travelling from one planet to the next, gathering as much data as he could.

During his childhood, Liko was picked on by other Younglings due to the fact that he didn't like using his lightsaber, nor was he very strong or funny (two traits many children thought was necessary to be someone friend). However, Liko would later make a close friend when he was fifteen, that being another Padawan called Jeden Vesal. While Jeden was funny and was very good with a lightsaber, he also loved the Jedi's history, and the two bonded during their time as Padawans. Later, when Jeden used his fleet of Clone cruisers to deal with Jedi matters, Liko would often supply Jeden with data for his missions, and, in return, Jeden would send any data from his missions to Liko, something that Liko greatly appreciated.

Clone Wars[]

When the Clone Wars started, Liko was on Mygeeto, collecting more data for the planet. However, at the outbreak of war, Liko was captured by the Banking Clan and ransomed, telling the Republic to pull their fleet away from the sector or Liko would tortured and killed. After a lenghty council meeting that lasted six hours and included non-Council members, the Jedi decided to send Jeden and his Clone troopers, Nightingale Squad, to infiltrate Banking Clan territory and rescue Liko before he was killed. During the entire mission, Yoda went to his chambers and didn't leave for two days, not wanting to bare the thought of one of his favourite Padawans being killed... or worse.

Master Vesal and his squad got inside Banking Clan territory and found Liko, trapped in a ray shield. However, General Grevious, a droid/organic hybrid created by Count Dooku attacked the group. After a lengthy duel between Vesal and Grevious, Vesal managed to cut off two of Grevious' arms, forcing him to flee. The squad later escaped the prison complex and brought Eil back to Coruscant. After discovering that Eil had surrendered himself to divert the droids from a Clone battalion, he was made a Master by the Council for his self sacrifice and determination during his imprisonment.

Master Eil became a good friend of Master Vesal and Nightingale Squad after his rescue, and agreed to help them on missions which involved Jedi artifacts, though he avoided anything involving the war. On one such occasion, Vesal was tracking a Twilek thief who had stolen an ancient Sith crystal. Tracking her to Ord Mantell, it was Master Eil who gave Vesal information about the surrounding area, including an abandoned Old Republic base and an ancient volcano used as a stronghold by the Sith Empire.

Order 66[]

Liko was with fellow Jedi Master San-Ha-Vin (Jeden's former master) in the Jedi Archives the day Operation: Knightfall was about to begin. Vin, still recovering from his capture at the hand of Colonel Judra of the CIS during the Battle of Coruscant, was hoping to research the Colonel's history when Darth Vader and the now Imperial stormtroopers attacked the Temple.

As Vin held off the Clones by spreading them apart and picking them off one-by-one, Liko started transferring all of the archives data to the one Jedi he knew would survive the massacre: Jeden. After the data was transferred, Liko remembered that Vin's Youngling students were still in the Temple, and told the old Cerean to evacuate what students were left, volunteering to hold off the remaining forces and defend the Library. Vin wished him luck, before fleeing. Thanks to Liko's choice, Vin not only escaped Order 66 and died of old age instead of being killed by Vader, but the students also made it off world.

Distracting the Clones and leading them to a veranda on the outside of the Temple, Liko refused to attack, instead deflecting every shot: a true sign of his pacifism. Eventually, he was gunned down, and his body fell into the underworld of Coruscant. Anti-Imperial rebels would retrieve the body, before showing it to the rest of the Empire as propaganda against the Empire. Jeden, who had survived Order 66 and had seen Liko's body being used in such a way, later recorded on a holocron of the New Jedi Order: 'They used him as a martyr for violence. Knowing his pacifism, it was nothing short of brutal irony'.


Thanks to Liko's efforts during Operation: Knightfall, not only was a lot of the Jedi Order's knowledge kept safe by Jeden, but Vin was able to evacuate many of the Younglings off-world, saving their lives. Liko was remembered by the New Jedi Order as one of the greatest archivists the Jedi ever knew, and his pacifism, even in the face of death, was also remembered. Jeden, when he recorded his four famous holocrons on his deathbed, mentioned Liko and spoke about him in his 'Soldier' holocron, saying also that 'Not all men use a lightsaber for violence, only for self-defence. And not all men use knowledge for cunning, instead using it for learning. Liko taught me that'.

Personality and characteristics[]

Master Eil was a pacifist, and hated all ideas of fighting, war and conflict. Among the Jedi, he was well-liked for this attitude, as it meant he stuck close to the Jedi Code and had a peaceful, diplomatic attitude to situations. However, to the Republic military and the Senate, he was not as important. They argued that he wasted time travelling to distant planets instead of helping to fight the war, and stated that the archives were not as important as the Clone Wars.

Master Eil was a short Zabrak with broad shoulders and a bald head. He had over a dozen spikes on his head, along with dark skin and a pale tattoo running down the center of his face. He wielded a single green lightsaber which he only used for self defence, and he carried the other essentials of a Jedi Master, such as a holocom and water breathing gear.

Despite his devotion to the Jedi Order, Liko expressed dislike for many members of the Order, primarily the Jedi Council. He secretly thought that they were straying from the Jedi Way, becoming obsessed with being influential in the Republic. This dislike meant he denied all calls to join the Council, and he would have left the Order, had it not been for three main reasons: his love of training Younglings and teaching them lore, his close friendship to Master Yoda and Jeden and his self-appointed duty to the Jedi Archives.


You're a bit edgy for a librarian.
"I am not a librarian, I am an archivist, and if being focused on your work is 'edgy' to you, then I will guess that you are never 'edgy'.

—Jeden and Liko during their first meeting.
Republic officials argue that the Archives aren't as important as the war, and that I'm wasting my time. I wonder if they realize that centuries from now, no one will care about how many droids a Zabrak Jedi managed to tear apart with his lightsaber.
— Liko commenting on his unpopularity among the Senate.
You were loyal to the Republic, and to the Jedi! I will stand true to my loyalties, unlike you!
—Liko's last words, after Commander Fox offered to take him as a prisoner during Order 66.