Star Wars Fanon

The Lightning Battalion was a private mercenary outfit that served the Galactic Empire from the time of Emperor Palpatine and into the time of the Imperial Remnant, but it also served the Galactic Republic before it ever since the Republic was first founed in 25,053 BBY.

Early History[]

The Lightning Battalion was actually formed in 39,099 BBY on the planet Coruscant by a combination of over 20 mercenary outfits. During this time, it helped the then-independent city-states of the planet in their fights with political rivals.

The coming of the Rakata until Founding of the Republic[]

When the Rakata invaded Coruscant and made it part of their Infinite Empire around 30,000 BBY, the leaders of the Lightning Battalion decided to serve the Rakata as a semi-official police force on Coruscant and as part of the Infinite Empire's interstellar army on other worlds.

When the Rakata in 25,200 BBY were decimated by a plague that that caused the collapse of their empire, the Lightning Battalion was instrumental in overthrowing the local Rakata rulers on Coruscant. The Lightning Battalion was also part of the coalition that immediately united the same planet under a single world government by 25,150 BBY.

By 25,100 BBY, the Lightning Battalion, along with the Jedi and governments on various Core Worlds, were spearheading a movement to unite the Core Worlds under a common interstellar regime. By 25,053 BBY, their efforts were successful.

Middle History (25,000 BBY to the Clone Wars)[]

The Lightning Battalion grew from about 500,000 humans and an equal number of robotic droids in 25,000 BBY to over 10 million by 4,000 BBY as they admitted non-human species and along with the Force users of the Jedi order served as the semi-official military of the Galactic Republic (not including planetary and sector forces) against enemies such as the Hutts, Sith, and Mandalorians.

Clone Wars[]

During the Clone Wars, the Lightning Battalion served alongside the Jedi and the Clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic against the Separatists.

Imperial Era[]

Since they had blue uniforms and armor and their traditional lightning bolt symbol as opposed to the Bendu symbol and conventional outfits of regular Imperial forces, the Lightning Battalion was used for military operations in cases where the Galactic Empre needed to be discreet.

In 2 BBY, Nim was a general in the Lightning Battalion murdered by Colonel Abdul Karda in a campaign against the primitive Iicari species on their homeworld, and Karda was executed by bounty hunter Boba Fett.
