The Liberation of Quadia was a brief but violent engagement in 88 ABY, the first test of the Golden Empire's Armada against armed resistance.
Approximately five centuries before the Battle of Yavin, Quadia was captured by slavers. The native Qua were physically frail and unable to mount a serious resistance to the concerted efforts of their conquerors. However, their blood had rejuvenating properties; a pint of Qua blood had greater healing power than a pint of bacta. The Qua were rounded up and enslaved, with many imprisoned in "farms" where their blood was harvested daily, and others used as "breeders" of the best Qua stock.
Rin Sakaros, Queen of the Golden Empire, was the daughter of the Qua exile Ye`keb Millennium. Ye`keb had told her daughter about Quadia, as well as providing its rough location. After she founded the Golden Empire, Rin went in search of Quadia, using her strength in the Force to astrogate. After a brief stopover to recruit Abstalia, the Empire arrived at Quadia in the first days of 88 ABY.
A brief orbital survey of Quadia was all Rin required to confirm that conditions had not changed since her mother's departure from the world six centuries before. If anything, they had gotten worse, with expanded farms and Qua cities little more than detention camps.
Rin's retribution was swift and overwhelming. Though still in its nascent stages, her fleet was much larger and more heavily armed than anything the slavers could muster, and the few fighters and battleships in orbit were massacred within two hours. A quick orbital bombardment took out the shield generators on-world and crippled those ships which had remained grounded.
The Empire landed in force, deploying the entire Royal Army with its hundreds of thousands of Massassi warriors, as well as Rin, her brother Tariun, and her apprentice Keltrayu. Rin had issued blanket orders that her forces were to kill any living sentient who was not a Qua, and the Massassi took to their command with gusto. Any slavers who fought were slaughtered, and those captured were crucified or dismembered publically. Tariun and Keltrayu released many of the slaves and handed their guards over to the newly released, which brought about many other savage punishments.
The Qua had been reduced to a population bottleneck by the slavers, and were completely unable to defend themselves against outward aggression. Though Rin was incredibly young by their standards, they recognized her power and the advantage of having her as their patron, and Quadia joined the Golden Empire. The Empire contributed what it could to Quadia's rebuilding, leaving a few thousand Massassi behind to act as a rear guard and assist in construction.
As the Empire acquired more worlds, Rin funneled more resources into Quadia. The world continued to rebuild, and though it did not reach the level it had occupied before being enslaved, Qua society did recover to an extent.