Star Wars Fanon
Rebellion era

This is what we swore our oaths for, even if we weren't thinking about this specifically at the time. This is what Padmé would have wanted more than anything else-our own planet free.
Sabé Andierre

The Liberation of Naboo of 4 ABY was a set of two battles fought by the civilian population of Naboo against the forces of the Galactic Empire, the second once with the aid of Rebel Forces. The first ended in the freeing of part of Naboo, and the second ended with the permanent liberation of the entire planet.


Although Naboo had caused the Empire little trouble since the defeat of Queen Apailana in 18 BBY, the planet's local authorities had never quite accepted the dictatorial principles of the Emperor, and Queen Kylantha had done what she could to preserve Naboo's democratic structure. Aware of the dangers his own home planet posed, Palpatine had sent a garrison force to Naboo, under the pretense that it would be protecting the planet's precious plasma energy resources.

Quiet resistance had been brewing on the planet for many years, and in 4 ABY, in Theed it was under the leadership of Denis Harjoril and Pene Dulks, the latter whose wife was long wanted by the Empire. The Gungans, who had become marginalized during this period and had mostly returned to their swamplands, had also founded several resistance cells, which flourished under the blind eye turned by two different Bosses before Retin Tarpals came to power and turned a blinder eye still, covertly encouraging the Gungun resistance to become stronger.

The Battle[]

The Initial Uprising[]

Following the death of Palpatine, Tronil Excenil, the moff of the Chommell Sector, called for more troops to be sent to Naboo, as he already feared revolt. Due to the disarray the Empire had been thrown into, he initially could not get any, but hearing about the request itself spurred Tarpals into action. He traveled in person to Theed and alongside Theed resident Al-Gee Binks met secretly with Harjoril and Dulks in the formers home. Excenil, catching wind of the meeting, went to confront Harjoril and the Gunguns, but a palace servant came to the house ahead of him, and Harjoril called all members of the resistance in Theed to the house.

They mobbed Excenil and his stormtrooper guards, and drove him back to the palace, where he discovered Kylantha had locked the doors against him, leaving an apologetic message saying she feared for the safety of the palace's other inhabitants. Leaving a response accusing her of treason, Excenil ordered the entire garrison into action, but almost all the citizens of Theed rose up in response. Many of them had been quietly armed by weaponsmaker Hurio Carinda, and they wounded and killed many stormtroopers and weakened the garrison enough so when Boss Tarpals' father Roos Tarpals arrived with the Gungun army, they were able to rout the Imperial forces entirely. The population of Theed celebrated with the Gunguns, then the army began engaging and defeating Imperial forces elsewhere on the planet.

Imperial Response[]

Excenil escaped Naboo and soon made a rendevous with an Imperial fleet which had just lost its leadership due to internal strife. Taking command, he found them eager to go where he led them, and brought them back to Naboo. Theed and the surrounding area were retaken, the Gunguns were driven back to the swamp, and Harjoril was forced into hiding in Dulks' basement, as the latter had not been identified as a leader of the resistance. Kylantha, now having angered both sides, fled Theed, taking with her Binks and Druné Catalin, a particular companion of hers. Naming them both official ambassadors, she snuck them off the planet with orders to find the rebel forces and beg for help.

On arrival, Binks and the newly re-named Druné Votorina met first with Mon Mathma, Admiral Ackbar, and General Crix Madine. Madine, who was romantically involved with Carinda's daughter Yané, suggested they summon her and her fellow former handmaidens, and the two ambassadors presented their case to Commander Yané Carinda, General Sabé Andierre, Major Ellé Okrest, and fighter pilot Losté Dulks, as well as the late Eirtaé Lasara's widowed husband and son Kitpat Arthi and Morenjj Lasara and Okrest's wife Noirah Na. Andierre pleaded to be allowed to lead a force to Naboo, and Mothma and Ackbar gave their consent.

The Rebel Victory[]

Though Arthi was unable to join the forces, Andierre commanded the rest as part of a force that consisted of the command ship Mon Naboo, the frigate Kadorto commanded by Okrest, and a fighter squadron of two Y-Wings, flown by Losté Dulks and Morenjj Lasara, and three X-Wings. The arrival of fresh forces commanded by the former handmaidens of Padmé Amidala brought heart of the people of Naboo and they engaged the Imperial forces in battle almost everywhere on Naboo. Over half of them were killed, including Tronil Excenil, though in the ensuing battle Retin Tarpals also lost his life. Finally Kylantha came out of hiding and with Andierre cornered the surviving troop commanders on the plains just outside Theed. They surrendered, signed documents relinquishing command of Naboo, and were allowed to depart with all their surviving men.


Kylantha, acknowledging her time was up, offered the crown to Andierre. Though she initially balked, she was eventually persuaded to mind the thrown for the rest of the year until a new monarch could be elected. Harjoril won the election and assumed the throne as the beginning of 5 ABY as King Sharosa. Binks and Votorina stayed with the rebel forces and were among those that signed the Common Charter. Andierre retired from the rebel military, as did Losté Dulks, and Okrest and Na. Arthi also retired a year later.
