Liana Ascalia, also known by her Sith name Darth Imperius, was a female Human Dark Lord of the Sith who, along with Caspian Zavarai, reigned as Empress of the Sith from 3628 BBY to 3622 BBY and then ruled as Supreme Leader of the Galactic Commonwealth.
Born on Kharzem, the financial capital of the Sith Empire, into a family of domestic slaves, Liana Ascalia demonstrated Force-sensitivity when she was a young child, fearing for her safety, her family suppressed this knowledge from their masters, keeping her powers secret. Though she managed to keep her powers hidden for her entire childhood, a few weeks after she turned 18, Liana exposed her Force powers by using them to save her mother from death. On penalty of death for her and her entire family, Liana was sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban.
Liana became a Sith acolyte vying to be the apprentice of Lord Zash, and received harsh and cruel treatment from Overseer Harkun. Despite seemingly insurmountable challenges, Liana proved her cunning again and again, and after completing her final task, Liana was officially recruited by Lord Zash as her apprentice. Liana helped her master dispose of Darth Skotia, allowing Zash to be elevated to the position of Darth. Embarking on a journey to several planets, Liana retrieved the artifacts needed for a special ritual that would purportedly increase her power. Afterwards Zash betrayed her apprentice intending to steal Liana's body, but despite Zash's abilities, she was defeated by her apprentice. Now a Lord of the Sith, Liana gained control of Zash's entire powerbase, including her two other apprentices Corrin and Kaal. After she became a Sith Lord, Liana met another young Sith, Caspian Zavarai, forming an aliance with him, and becoming lovers.
Liana's rapid and unconventional rise to power drew the attention of the influential Darth Thanaton, who decided that she was a nuisance that needed to be dealt with. Luring her into a trap, Thanaton was surprised when she instead survived and learned the ability of the Force walk. Thanaton used a special ritual on Liana, seemingly killing her, but she in fact survived because of the ghosts she had absorbed. Furious at Thanaton's attempt on her life, Liana set out on a journey for vengeance. After binding the ghost of several powerful Sith, Liana confronted her rival on Dromund Kaas, only to become a victim of the very ghosts she had bound.
Embarking on another quest, one of life and death, Liana traveled to Belsavis and Voss, where she successfully managed to stabilize her body, and regain full control of her own mind and the ghosts she had consumed. Gaining the allegiance of Moff Pyron and various other moffs by completing the Silencer project, Liana's powerbase became a worthy contender to Thanaton's, even though the latter was a Dark Council member. Thanaton challenged Liana to a Kaggath, with Corellia as the arena, Liana emerged victorious, defeating Thanaton in battle. Refusing to accept defeat, Thanaton fled to Korriban, where he attempted to convince the Dark Council to dispose of Liana. Surprised that such a young Sith could challenge a Dark Council member, the Dark Council demanded Thanaton defeat Liana himself. Liana defeated Thanaton, stunning the Dark Council, and proving herself the superior Sith and the winner of the Kaggath. Before Liana could land the finishing blow, Darth Mortis killed Thanaton himself, and offered Liana a seat on the Dark Council. Despite a few objections, Liana ascended to the Dark Council and assumed the title of Darth Imperius, becoming one of the 12 rulers of the Sith Empire.
Early life[]
Liana Ascalia was born in 3661 BBY on Kharzem to Sky and Lia Ascalia. Sky and Lia were domestic slaves owned by the household of the Sith Lord Darth Subjugar and his wife Lady Varina. Liana's parents were previously free citizens of the Empire, although they were enslaved by the Sith after Lia assaulted a Sith Lord. Liana's family had several tasks in Subjugar's household like cooking, cleaning and caring for Subjugar and Varina's children. Although their masters treated Lia and Sky harshly and rudely, they did allow them to reproduce and were significantly less hostile to Liana when she was a young child, sometimes even giving her gifts like candy or toys when they were feeling generous.
During her early childhood years, Liana had little responsibilities as she had no skills that either of her masters could utilize. Because of this she made friends with a fellow slave, Calpurnia, the daughter of another family of slaves enslaved by Subjugar who was the same age as Liana. Liana often played games with Calpurnia like tag or hide-and-seek when she had nothing else to do. By the age of six, Liana and Calpurnia greatly cared about each other and came to regard each other as sisters.
One day when she was six years old, Liana discovered she was Force-sensitive, as she noticed she could move small objects like toys with her mind if she concentrated. Liana told her parents about this, they were horrified to learn about this, as every Force-user in the Sith Empire had to be sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban to become a Sith, or die trying. Not wanting to lose their firstborn daughter, Lia and Sky told Liana very bluntly that she was to never use her powers ever again, as she would otherwise never see them again. Terrified at the idea of losing her parents, Liana agreed to never use her powers again. Nevertheless, a few days later when Liana was absolutely sure nobody else was in the residence, she showed Calpurnia that she could move objects with her mind, awing her. Although she was very careful not to demonstrate any telekinetic feats, Liana also discovered she had a natural tolent for telepathy, as she discovered she could read Calpurnia's mind or emotions. After practicing her abilities for many months, Liana discovered she could also manipulate Calpurnia's mind, although after doing so once Liana never did so again as she did not want to this to her friend.
When she reached the age of eight, Liana was entrusted by Subjugar and Varina with some small tasks like setting the table, which Liana did obediently. Sometimes when she was setting the table, Subjugar and Varina's daughter Talisa bullied or irritated Liana by calling her names, which Liana knew to ignore, as her parents had told her to defy a Sith was to welcome death. One day when she was setting the table, Talisa taunted Liana again by calling her a 'obedient little slave'. Although angry, Liana suppressed her anger, and instead forced herself into Talisa's mind. On Liana's suggestion, Talisa apologized to Liana, before suggesting to her parents that Liana could use some books to read so she could keep herself busy when she had nothing else to do. Varina agreed with her daughter's suggestion, and the following day she dispatched Sky to buy some books for Liana that could read in her spare time.
In 3651 BBY, Liana's brother Declan was born, to the family's joy and happiness. Liana was happy to have a new addition to her family, and demonstrated her love for her brother by caring for him when her parents were busy with their duties.
Powers and abilities[]
Liana Ascalia was remarkably strong in the Force, demonstrating Force-sensitivity from an early age. Although she was very strong in the Force, she was unable to match the strength of Caspian Zavarai or Jensen Hayledea with only her natural Force potential.
As a young child, Liana discovered she could move objects with her mind, although her parents were very alarmed by this and forced her to keep her powers secret, as she would otherwise be sent to the Sith Academy for training. As she constantly feared she would be separated from her parents, Liana never again displayed her Force-sensitivity and suppressed her powers. As such she remained untrained and was unable to develop other Force abilities than telekinesis and telepathy.
One ability Liana was able to develop because it could be done so in secret was telepathy, which she used to read the minds and emotions of her family, her fellow servants and her masters. As she grew older, Liana's telepathic abilities developed, and by the age of eight she could perform mind tricks on weak-minded beings. By the age of twelve, Liana had learned to influence the minds of stronger-minded beings, although she had to put great effort into it. As she continued to grow older, Liana's telepathic skills continued to grew stronger and by the age of 15, Liana could almost effortlessly read, influence or control the minds of beings, including those of her masters. By that age she could also extract information, erase memories or transfer false memories into the minds of beings.
When Liana's mistress threatened to have her mother executed, Liana confronted her and instinctively infiltrated her mind, psychically torturing her, causing her to feel intense pain, until she passed out. Unknowingly, Liana had in fact messed up her entire mind, causing her to become comatose.
After Liana began her training in the Sith Academy, Liana quickly developed new abilities, including Force lightning which would become a signature ability of her. In the Academy, Liana rapidly increased her telekinetic prowess and also discovered telekinesis could be used to choke beings. Other abilities she was taught included Force Speed, Force Destruction, Force crush, Force Jump and Force Wave.
Liana was extremely proficient in the rare ability of teleportation, which he taught herself as a child. If she knew of a location, she could teleport herself there if she concentrated and visualized the place. If she made physical contact with someone, she could also teleport a person with her. A similar ability she had mastered was the ability to create portals or wormholes, allowing people or objects to move instantly to a place of choice. She was capable of creating portals which could allow only people to move through, or extremely large ones which could allow a ship to pass through it.
![]() Supreme Leader of the Galactic Commonwealth (with Caspian Zavarai) | ||
3622 BBY - 3615 BBY |
Darth Sahira (disputed) | |
![]() Empress of the Sith Empire (with Caspian Zavarai) | ||
3636 BBY - 3628 BBY ← |
3628 BBY - 3622 BBY |
Title next claimed by Darth Nox and Darth Sahira → |
(with Caspian Zavarai and the Dark Council) | ||
3641 BBY - 3640 BBY ← |
3640 BBY - 3615 BBY |
Darth Nox Darth Sahira → |
3941 BBY - 3640 BBY ← |
3640 BBY - 3624 BBY |
Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Disputed | ||
3626 BBY - 3622 BBY ← |
8 Herculae 3622 BBY - 9 Herculae 3622 BBY |
3622 BBY (disputed) |