The Leykiia language (lay-KEY-uh) was one spoken by both the Leykii and Reeethians. It was developed by the Reeethians, lost, and then recreated by the minds of the Leykii. It had a very ancient-sounding series of words and a strange way of writing. The most frequent mistake non-Leykii make was the error of mixing up Mern with Resh (M with R) in the written Leykiia.
Commonly Used Words[]
- Kau - Moon
- Bashar - Travel
- Leykor - Homeland
- Leykii - Creatures of the land
- Leykiia - Language of the land
- Radeesha - Goddess of oceans
- Nara - Place
- Boiiku - Waveworld
- Rakor - Darkness Reef
- Toko - Raft
- Rhior - High Tide
- Sheen - God of the Moons
- Fara'nu - Temple city
- Corell - Coral
- Sha'ji-nau - City of the Winds
- Kran - Coastal village
- Retrekki - Tribe-rule of the Leykii
- Warrfazi - Fisherman warf
- Fara'no'cara - Temple of Great Power
- Bashardras - Hyperspace
- Bashardraak - Hyperdrive
- Syyth - Sith
- Syyth'nara-no - Sith academy (literally place of Sith)
- Jeck-nai - Jedi
- Jeck-nai'fara - Jedi temple
- Rico'ji - Wind fish
- Yaquota - Seabeast
- Ahk-mach'yi - Land shark
- Eikota - Small beasts
- Dyyk'sera Bringer of Death
- Ahst nebuwa. - Good morning
- Ahst kaufaza. - Good night (literally Good moon-hours)
- Erukka do, no'bashii ralaur shin-zai'tu! - Prepare now, we inevitably enter this world's battle!
- Shoi'dar ami tiagern! = We are victorious!
- Ietsnoff. - No thanks.
- Tsc-ti'a! - Schutta!