Levan Mar was a Krellian male, and one of the Attendants that served Snoke. Mar was the only member of his species to speak naturally, as most Krellians were born mute, and had to talk though vocabulators. Mars ability of speech gave him an advantage in serving the Supreme Leader. He also served as the keeper of the Journal of Shadelock.
Levan Mar was born on Krellios, and it soon became known that unlike the rest of his species, he could speak naturally, without a mechianl vocal synthiser like the rest of his mute kind. His ability of speech gained Mar instant fame and value, and by the time Levan came of age, he was tasked with conducting deals between Krellios and others worlds in the Unknown Regions and beyond. One world he made a deal with was Csilla, and Levan Mar then joined the Attendants, a cult of navigators who sought to make Krellios known for navigation and place I felt at the forefront of Galactic affairs.